Gosh, here we are already! I hope you’re geared up for a trip through the Light Fantastic, because we’re going head-first into comedy for our first dip into the parasphere universe — here goes!
Some of those Steven Wright gags might not have popped up in your reality before. Now here’s a fascinating explanation of how YOU can travel faster than light! Continue reading →
I’ll bet you know at least three people who have confessed to you that they think they may have lived in ancient Egypt.
Apart from the thousands or millions who are convinced they lived as Cleopatra, who lived a terrible and tragic life that nobody would deliberately walk into unless they were devoted to power and luxury, most of the returnees you’ll be likely to meet today will be online, including you.
That’s a tremendous advantage. In the very recent past, if you said you had lived before this life, you could be put away in Mother Johnson’s Home for the Criminally Bewildered.
Today, nobody thinks you’re crazy except the occasional Republican and, because they’re unbelievers in the Trump Virus, they’ll stick with the cluster of human beings they’re standing around with on the beach, waiting for the return of spring break.
Ah, humans of Planet Earth — you know I love ’em. They’re supposed to learn to cooperate and get along with each other, that’s the whole plan, and maybe the Trump Virus will do the trick, get them organized and tolerant of one another. Continue reading →
Godd Particle classes are being held every day online and in local centers.
The Godd™ Particle can be carried, held or worn in a totally passive manner. Just put it on and wear it and forget about it until you take it off when you get home.
If you want more out of it, you have to do something to make it happen.
Go ahead and insert the Godd™ Particle flash drive into the USB port of your laptop or Pc and invoke the “Bardotown” starter Orb. Continue reading →
Here’s the machine we got for the shop! It’s a Carnival King 8 oz. popcorn popper, which is plenty enough production for the crowd we get, even in a street fair, which is rare enough that we can rent if we need something bigger and faster, which we presently don’t.
The idea is not so much “to sell popcorn” — although that might be a very good business thriving business in itself, just plain old popcorn, but we have an angle that makes our popcorn very different from all other popcorns.
It’s the spice.
Anyone who knows anything about Arrakis knows that spice is always at the bottom of any deal.
Popcorn is exempt from some local and regional and all federal food-handler licensing. Ben Franklin’s arts & crafts store has a big commercial popcorn machine in the front of the shop — they give away bags of popcorn to incoming customers, being careful to avoid serving them to those inevitable folks who show up every day for a bag of popcorn and quickly run out the door when they’ve got it.
You can’t afford to give away stuff forever, and at some point, you’ll learn to charge for it so you can keep doing your public service, thus fulfilling your Bodhisattva Vow, the one you took in a previous lifetime.
It’s time to settle that debt. Popcorn is a good beginning, spicy popcorn doubly so.
We sell our Zombie Family Red Hot Popcorn Spice in a special spice bottle, and we offer the spice in sample form, by sprinkling a generous amount of our incredibly hot “salsa caliente” on the hot salted or unsalted popcorn as it’s bagged up, and offer a fair special to take home, two bottles for only $25, which is a LOT of popcorn spice that could outlast the planet.
I can show you how to create a “Coin Cash Cow” from pocket change, and I can do it in just 5 minutes a day in the privacy of your own home.
Coinology Searches are fun and productive and can yield a LOT of money while you’re doing good spiritual work at the same time. Let me tell you how to make TONS of money from coin searches: Continue reading →
Gallery Space has a wide variety of high-end items on sale in support of the gallery.
Before you start in on my coins, my grading and my retail prices, lemme just say this — nobody in my shop pays retail.
Fact is, I don’t really want to sell the coins that I’ve jammed just about everywhere in the shop, at least everywhere that I can reasonably hope to have some viewers and some degree of safety against boosting.
Those coins demonstrate something very, very clearly:
If you know your grading, you can make a fortune in coins.
That’s a fact, incontrovertible and demonstrable. You simply buy coins at a flat rate price, then find the goodies therein.
Of course, you’ll need a trustworthy and reliable source for your coins, and most of the suppliers are cheaters or worse — it’s literally a jungle out there.
The high-grade coins have been thoroughly searched for everything — that’s where the money is.
The medium-grade coins just don’t sell, period.
The low-grade coins are plentiful in certain dates, but other dates and mint-marks are very elusive all the way to downright unavailable, like the newly-discovered element “Unobtainium” that nobody can seem to get hold of — I only have the one sample, and that ate a hole through my desk yesterday afternoon, on its way to the center of the Earth.
I’m afraid to go anywhere near the hole. I’ve covered it up with a tiger trap, so the next person who steps on it will have quite an experience, I’d imagine.
Back at Cosmo Street, when St. Mike uttered those now-infamous words, “Why are you here?”, newcomers would brighten up, and old-timers would groan, “Not again.”, and that’s where they were wrong.
Of course, again.
Repetition is the key to the mysteries. Only when the initial novelty has worn off can one actually penetrate into any order of knowledge.
In short, you gotta do it a million times just to get the rhythm.
Why you are here is not a casual question, nor is it all-inclusive. In that particular case, it meant, “Why are you on Earth in a human incarnation?”
You should have some idea of what you’re trying to do with your lifetime, other than just spend it on vacation, on a continual quest for absence of pain and persistence of pleasure.
Basically, that’s what a paramecium does all day long. Continue reading →
Isn’t that truly amazing? I’ll be making more things along this line, just now discovered the clipboard among other stuff I wouldn’t ordinarily even think about putting up, but gosh, there are so many wonderful products and some of them are just positively work-oriented and naturals for the total feng-shui of your planetary existence. Continue reading →
Sugar Ray Leonard was a family friend — he signed this to me when I ran “Jeff Gold Publicity” in Hollywood, and it’s up for sale, to benefit the building project.
Don’t forget that YOU DON’T NEED TO ACTUALLY WAREHOUSE ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS –we drop ship to your customer! No need to put a single penny out of pocket!!! You advertise the item, the customer buys it, you tell us you received the money and we ship the item, then you send us our share and keep your share or give it away, spend it, whatever — it’s YOURS!!!
You can earn big cash, but that’s not important — what IS important is GETTING THE WORD OUT THERE, and this is the program that’s going to do it. How do I know? Because it’s doing it now, and there are lots of folks benefiting from this important WORK ACTION that you could take. Continue reading →
JOAN MIRO — Original Mourlot Hand-Pulled Stone Lithograph printed on wove paper, it is the back cover of ” XXe Siecle #4″, published in 1954; edition size about 5,000, probably a few hundred circulating around nowadays, or far less, as a result of many of them falling into a permanent collection of a library, university or museum. A very rare original print with lots of early primitivism and strong paint strokes. The double “X” signifies the “twentieth century” aspect of the famous high-grade French art “magazine” of the Golden Age of Art. Condition is Extra-Fine.
Bidding Range: $950 – $1500
SIDE-NOTES: This is hard to find, and expensive to buy, with no hope of “fast turnover”. It may take years to sell a print in a gallery. There are some XXe Siecle originals on eBay, and a lot of things that people THINK are XXe Siecle that are also there. Some prints are as low as $30 bucks or so, when the seller is unaware of the value of the print, and when the artist is not as well-collected, highly valued or among the “Big Name Artists” like Rembrandt, Renoir, Chagall, Miro, Picasso, and Matisse. It’s not a good idea to seek out bargains in the art market. You pay for what you get, and you get what you pay for.Continue reading →