Repent! The End is Near!!!


Perhaps you’ve noticed that the banks are more and more reluctant to sell you a bank box of pennies??? They may have told you that you have to order them — that’s to keep track of who is getting them, of course. Other banks may tell you that there’s a $5 or $10 fee for a box of pennies, and of course another fee to take them back in. Still other banks are reported to have said that they just don’t have boxes, period. The reason for all this is first and foremost the copper hoarders. They’re waiting to get rich at everyone else’s expense and know of no way to improve that karmic condition. The second reason is that banks are incredibly greedy, and every extra penny means something to them, which is why they keep your money as many extra days as they can. If you’re having trouble getting bank boxes of U.S. pennies, let me know the circumstances — we’ll try to help from here, and we’ll spread the word and see what can be done, if anything. Don’t forget that hoarders are removing pennies from circulation at the rate of millions per day. We’ll discuss this  coin-getting problem at this morning’s ICW — I have some surprising solutions!

See You At The Top!!!


Coin Hunt — Thrill of the Chase


Quantum Entanglement Workshop & Clinic, December 2012, Learning to Sort.

Coin Safari is here. You can download it now on Lemme clue ya: Coin Hunting is a legitimate thrill chase. It meets or beats your expectations for chills and thrills, because there’s a possible “win” at every turn of the coin. I mean this for both the Orb and also your daily practice, Zen Coin Sort and Zen Coin Search. Let’s take a good look at both subjects — for, indeed, they are two separate subjects, “sort” and “search”!!!

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How Challenge Coins Work

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I have in hand a number of “Challenge Coins” which I’ve been calling “Mystery Coins”, by which I mean coins which I’ve flipped, meaning spent more money on than the penny originally called for. But why did I flip that particular coin? It’s a Mystery. YOU have to guess/decide/see what it was about this coin that prompted me to spend good hard cash on it over and above its 1 cent face value. Why plunk down more money on a worthless coin??? Obviously, because to me, it’s worth more than a penny. But why? And how much more?

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Learning to See the Coin


This 2011 double die is available both as a reference coin and as a search roll.

Ultimately, any Coinology Academy training has at its root the goal of learning to see the coin. The fact is well made by coin search experts everywhere that you can have the world’s most fabulous and elusive double right there between thumb and forefinger and never know it. From what I know, you could have an electron microscope at your disposal and still miss some of the Big Ones. It’s a matter of knowing where to look, what to look for, and how to see it. Part of the trick of seeing the coin is manipulating the loupe. I’ll demo this today at our ICW, and you’ll have an opportunity to ask coin-searching questions. One of the points about the 2001 “Wider” AM is that, although it is not a new variety, it definitely requires that you’re able to see the coin before you can spot the “Wider AM” hub or die polish error coin. Seeing is Seeing is Seeing is Seeing is Seeing, to quote my elderly great-aunt Gertie.

See You At The Top!!!


This Coin Sells For $1,000 or More!!!


Here’s another interesting search for you — the 1995 D DDO, a rare bird indeed — much rarer and more costly than its Philadelphia Cousin — but, as you see here, findable with some diligence, luck and a good deal of luck — did I mention the luck part? You’ll note that I don’t offer a reference coin in this case — it would be out of all of our leagues, I’m afraid, at around $1,000 for a semi-decent example. But I can offer photographic Bloodhound Samples and unsearched 50-Source rolls to test your skills: here are a few more parts of this elusive error coin. The 1995-D Kit is only $35, and provides 50 chances to be right! NO guarantees, just an amazing amount of fun! Wait til you see how long it takes to accumulate 50 totally differently sourced examples of this coin!!! You’ll want to order more!

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Fred’s Farm Rules the Roost


As I’m painting the flips this morning, I came to realize that this seemingly simple act actually transforms the fate of both the penny and the flip in which it’s contained. The ordinary kismet of the flip would be to be discarded at the next trade. As a WOA — Work of Art — it is almost guaranteed to be treated quite differently, although works of art have been known to end up in the Sally Ann Thrift Stores now and then. You’ll find some of my coin flip art on eBay these days.

Dragon Yer Ass

Well, I finally took a little time to finish this 2011 offering which up ’til now has been available only as a beta download. It’s nothing special, except for speed-decisions, directional timing, instant navigation and evaluation of threat, clearing obstruction to forward motion, and other equally vital issues in the Between-Lives State. Dragon hunting? Think of it as a training regimen, not a way of life. Just ease up the tension in the sphincter just a little, and enjoy this medieval romp through a fantasy land that really exists Out There…Somewhere — perhaps in your near future??? (In a thick, Eastern European sort of “Cloris Leachman Voice of Doom” tone) Over ze rainbow, per-haps? The Dragon 3D game is not a prosperity path orb. It is six hard-ass levels of the fastest kick-butt Dragon Slaying you’ll ever get hold of, and it will be available on in about a week, if all goes well.

My Bogus Coin Adventure

I want to share this with all my students — posting it just before class: Just about a week ago, I stumbled onto a 2000 Wide AM Lincoln Memorial Cent, and correspondingly sent it off to be inspected by John Wexler, who is the Sherlock Holmes of Mystery Coins. In a minute, you’ll understand why I tell everyone I know who’s involved with coin search to visit and study his site! Here’s the letter I sent, attached to the sample:

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Disaster Strikes!!!

Spooky Experience #14: You’ve gone through half a bank box of pennies with your Instant-Read “Gorby’s Magic Find Baskets”. Suddenly you realize that the entire top row, from 1959 through 1981, is empty, blank, zero, zilch. What’s happening? You’re just the latest victim of the Melt Frenzy. Imagine an entire bank box devoid of copper coins. That’s what I got last night, and that’s what you’ll get, too, now or in the near future, and at one point, there won’t be any more Lincoln Memorials in circulation. In my estimation, you have about a year to experience in-circulation FREE penny search before you can’t, anymore, ever again. Opportunity knocks. Answer the friggin door, willya?

See You At The Top!!!
