Pre-Columbian Tarot Deck Coming Soon

Pre-Columbian Tarot Deck Coming Soon at a Theater Near You!!!


Just taking a break from building a major breakthrough “movie” set in the GODD gaming environment. I found that we had something on the order of 125+ models and several hundred more textures that would work well in a Meso-American tarot deck, so I launched off into a world-building session and came up with a doozy. Everyone is demanding that I stop everything else and work on this photo set, perhaps even with a running orb later on. I expect the deck to serve as the basis for storytelling and prognostication. This sample photo is what I’ll be showing —  hopefully by next Saturday’s ICW. If you still don’t know how to log into the ICW so you can ask questions and participate LIVE, you’re invited! Email me to find out how.

See You At The Top!!!


“Hanged Man” Means What?


This is my model, Falconetta, posing for the “Hanged Man” card in the Bagel Tarot. As you can see, it’s a Medieval Fantasy of Deli Humor mixed with sexy models and stunning 15th century fashions! The fellow hanging upside down in the background is William, Duke of Corinth, but Corinth has already fallen to the heathen, so he needed a job, and this is it. To meet them and get their autographs, you have to get there between Midnight –when the Tarot Factory opens, and 6 AM, which is quitting time, and my models punch out on the time clock slightly early so they can make their bus and subway connections. So what is the “Hanged Man” in the Tarot, and what on Earth does it mean?

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Get the Bagel Deck Today!!!

bagels06six of bagels from gorby’s “fast foods tarot” — order now, delivery in 2 weeks!

Here’s a list of the GODD Level Tarot Decks I have completed in photography to date…the adjustments for printing and installation of images within the tarot deck layout are in progress as we speak…

Medieval Deck — Dragon Deck — Subway — Egyptian Deck — Space Buddha — and I just added one I’d forgotten was ready now — Norton Street — all of which can be ordered right now, today, for 2 week delivery.

I’m currently working on Falconetta and my very funny “Bagel Deck” featuring such lower arcana items as the 6 of Bagels. I’ll be presenting these decks at the ICW this morning at the usual time, 6:30 AM PST. Was just reminded that I’m also working on the Witches’ Moon Tarot and the Martian Tarot Deck which is set in Mars City, the new capital of Mars since the fall of Barsoom in A.D. 2012.

See You At The Top!!!  — gorby

Level of Detail


Meet Falconetta; she’s the heroine of my latest tarot deck, The Enchanted Huntress, due for production sometime very soon. The “movie” set around her is a combined effort of the rendering provided by VAL, the models, provided by XxaxX, and the set design, direction and photography, provided by me. The rest of the work is with Marvette and Samantha, and the deck gets from that point to you. The whole deal takes about two weeks to negotiate all the turns, including three different points of proofreading and editing. If I were to render these images in the traditional way, at this Level of Detail it would take about three years to complete, and it would all have to be by the same hand to make it work. Set design of the shooting orb takes about 100-300 hours of steady work. Placement and camera work, about an hour for each setup, plus the actual shots. Costume, character, prop and set changes take an average of an hour apiece.  Each model takes many hours to make. There’s a lot of time and effort in these things!!!

See You At The Top!!!


Custom Tarot Deck Just For Your Website or Business!


Started work this morning on Space Buddhaa Tarot Deck which I estimate at about one to two weeks until delivery. It will be a space opera based storyline, with characters out of Tesla III and other spectacular Orbs which are yet to come, to be featured as a specialty “website-name” tarot deck, on — and you can order a specialty tarot deck for your website or business, too!!! I do all the production work and roughly 50-100 hours of eyeball-zapping intricate detail slave-labor free. You pay only for the decks you actually order. Minimum order is 50 decks for a custom designed deck — you are the only vendor of that deck!!! Ask about wholesale prices.

See You At The Top!!!


Yes, Indeedy, I’m Happy With This One…



Here it is at last. I took this screenshot on the set of the Medieval and Dragon Tarot Decks. This image is much smaller than the full-size screensaver that you can download from my site. This is the “Dragon Coven” scenario, and it’s the one we’re using this month to tie in all the Urthgame folks. See You At The Top!!! — gorby

Science Fiction Filk Songs Make Hit Show!

Yep — I’m of course using “yep” in the Russian sense, to mean “sex”. It’s true; science fiction “filk” songs have finally hit the big time on tv when these guys did this sendup of sci-fi — syfy — si-fi — whatever. Live Long & Prosper! I know, I posted this comedy team only a few days ago, but it suddenly occurred to me that you might not have had the luck/skill/jenesequoi to find this particular link, so I’m posting it now for your pleasure. I think you’ll find it cheerful and amusing on a Music Monday — I’ll be on gorebagg tv at 4 pm pacific time today for more jazz, blues, folk, rock & more.

See You At The Top!!!


Your Egyptian Tarot Deck is Ready…


Well, here it is at last! The image-making process of my Gods of Egypt Tarot Deck has been completed. The production of the level in which it was made took place over a number of years — the textures and technical skills are cumulative. The entire development of this technique, which is unique to 3D image creation at this time, took a total of 32 years, starting with tabletop and primitive computer systems and platforms,  with the result that today’s engine has thousands of particle and physics effects as well as rendering methods that make the latest video games seem crude by comparison. The GODD 3D Engine was not made for Flattie toys. It’s designed for Real World Voyaging. My Gods of Egypt Tarot Deck will definitely trigger some travel in even a hardened astral-plane-resistant Collapsed Being. I’ll be talking more about states of Being in relation to the organic body/mind/emotions and what it means to piggy-back a flattie, at the next ICW.

See You At The Top!!!



Hot Lips Ready for Action

Workbench with tarot card original paintings sometime around midnight:IMG_0733

I’ll soon be posting the decks that are currently available — they now number 16 artwork decks and 2 absolutely stunning high-detail intricate and beautiful 3-D full color decks — the medieval and the dragon decks, actually, both of which are total knockouts. You’ve never seen a deck with this level of detail before, not ever. The Norton Street deck is currently a work in progress, and should be completed within a week or two. The decks pictured above are from my “Mango Girl” series, intended as guides for my commercial, advertising, layout, animation and fashion designers and comic and book illustrators. If you’re interested in becoming a commercial artist, you might inquire about my current art courses. Ah, I mentioned “Hot Lips” at the start of this posting…it’s one of the Mango Girl series, in this case, 80 fully tarted-up hotties on their way to a Hugh Hefner party.

See You At The Top!!!


Tonight’s Lab-Work


It’s been about five hours. I’ve completed the “Fashionistas” Tarot Deck — fashionista is someone who is heavily involved in fashion in some way, either as a designer, model, red-carpet celebrity or a fashion blogger. I’m all of those and more, these days. I’ve created a small army of tarot decks related to fashion design and fashion drawing, both of which I’ve taught to professional commercial and animation artists. The technique I use, called “Mango”, is somewhat related to the 1940s-1960s TV animation techniques. This easy to master style of drawing can be used to produce storyboards, comic books, illustrations, packaging and promotion and much, much more. I’ll be teaching it at this year’s Festival of Ishtar — IshtarCon II — on Easter weekend. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend LIVE online. You can order this deck today, right now, if you like. It’s $49.95 and of course it’s in full color on coated heavy card stock. Well, enough of a drawing-break, back to the tarot-mill. I’m starting work on “Hot Lips”, which is 80 fully tarted-up “hottie” cougars on the prowl, comprising a loaded deck if ever there was one. It’s intended to serve as a model for my art classes, of course, but does double duty as a fully functioning tarot deck!

See You At The Top!!!
