Who Else???

Sure, I know it’s properly “Whom Else?”, just as it’s more correctly said, “It isn’t Who You Know, it’s Whom.” Someone who’s here for a Prosperity Path Retreat happened to mention at breakfast that the Prosperity Path Orbs are a thinly veiled method of getting the flow of the Guru’s Grace. What a profound insight that was, because  regardless of how it looks, that’s what it is. The whole thing works by Karma Reduction, which I originally called “Reductionism” as an art-form, but it’s much more than that — it’s a whole new spiritual technology. Not actually new, but new for this planet and time-frame.

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Getting Your Cut

When you dedicate all your work-time to Prosperity Path — and there’s no reason you shouldn’t or couldn’t do just that — you have to earn a living. That doesn’t go without saying, because most folks don’t have any idea where anything comes from, including dinner and the rent. I can tell you now that if you spend all your waking hours coaching Prosperity Path Runners, you’ll have to find a way to take care of your daily living necessities, and I have a workable plan.

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What To Do While You’re Waiting To Die

Clearly, this Rolex Oyster does little good the day after you die. If you’re living on the clock, a Rolex is important, but imagine a whole life that wasn’t on the clock!!! Okay, so you’ve figured out that you only have a few years of productive life left, and you’re wondering how to best spend your few precious remaining years. That’s like a gambler counting the change after losing a million bucks at the craps table, but okay, here goes:

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Gorby’s Quick-Fix

You can use any of the Remedy Orbs as Karma Feedback Readouts, but…there’s a catch. It takes a while. and you can use any of the Remedy Orbs, but you mightn’t have the time to do so. For both of these problems, no worries! For there is now…

(SOUND: trumpets blasting)


What is it? It’s just what it sounds like, a Quick-Fix. Basically, it’s sort of a Remedy Orb cut down to the max, reduced right down to the nitty-gritty, in a “Let’s get right down to work” mode. Professional runners will like them. How does it work?

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Angelic Intervention

One of the major points overlooked by human “modern medicine” (a term no off-worlder can hear without cracking up into peals of helpless laughter) is, as mentioned previously, the effect of Past Lives on the present lifetime. Also unconsidered are the many disembodied spirits that may intentionally or unintentionally cause harm or mischief. Yet another, as mentioned before,  is the totality of effect of the buildup of Karma, which must be reduced every day in order to live an effective work life, but the most unconsidered cause of relief of human ailments of all kinds is Angelic Help. Yes, angels are real. And under the right conditions, they can and will respond with powerful intervention.

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The Wheel — Grind Yourself Away on this one!!!

Yessireebob, I think this is a goodie and a half. You get a very streamlined all-business level to run. Let’s see how you handle it! I’ve put a few fun twists into The Wheel, expecting it’ll not be the choice of the average run-of-the-mill person who happens to run a mill. This is very different from all the other Remedies, so be aware of that when downloading it. Do not recommend this to a noob! Look to download this sometime in the next few days. Keep an eye on urthgame.com every day for new items, levels, downloads, weearables, keepsakes, home enhancements, and of course, the latest news!

See You At The Top!


Prosperity Path — True Love Forever Blessing

An Active Blessing is a Prayer or Invocation that is specifically acted out in the Quantum Dimension of Cyberspace. I like to call this action my Prosperity Path Active Blessing.

It’s done by downloading and running one of my Prosperity Path Remedies for personal, business, friends and family goals and purposes, or my Prosperity Path Class Levels for higher goals and purposes.

In my Prosperity Path Levels, you can easily find and run any goal or purpose whether personal and private or universally shared cosmic inspiration, love and harmony. Running the Level increases the percentage of probability that your goal or purpose will succeed.

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