A Classic and Spectacular Cloak that will get attention wherever you go!
I like a Cloak that can accomplish all the magical operations you might want to engender, but it should also be striking enough, sufficiently eye-catching, to allow you to walk into the average museum’s gift shop and have the buyer ask, “Where did you get that dress?”
You can sell them wholesale, so that moment would be a good opportunity to speak right on up, with a phrase something like: “As it happens, I sell these, along with many other wearable art fashions and accessories, plus household objects of daily use — may I show you some samples?” at which point, you whip out your catalog, hitherto unobtrusively tucked under an armpit — but enough about me, let’s talk about you:
How does a Cloak work? I’ll try to explain, and I’ll keep it very simple. I make clothing, fashions of a different kind — they have “Attributes” and “Blessings” built into them, which gives the Level 1 Cloak a +3 To All Levels, which means it raises your Character’s Level from Level 1 up to Level 4, enabling you to act as if you actually were a Level 4. Continue reading →
You can Remote Operate your body in another dimension without harm or fear, thanks to GODD®.
Here are the specific TAGS for the various and sundry life-goals that must be accomplished in each and every gaming level:
AMMY [5]– First and foremost your most important spirit work tool.
SUPERBEACON [114] — Marks your location in the universe.
MATRIX [557] — Controls the SuperBeacon through Briggs Field distortions.
INFINITE MEMORY [53] — Expanded spiritual footprint over many lifetimes.
PORTAL [51/52] — In order to use a Portal, you need to be NEAR a Portal.
LEVEL [31-37] — Achievements add up to build the level of your character.
MOJO BAG [1012] — Absolutely necessary to traverse dangerous spaces.
KWAN-YIN CHARM [2] — Not required but very helpful in certain areas.
TREASURES [1002] — Various spiritual gifts drop abundantly or rarely.
SECRETS [1001] — Secrets can be discovered and mastered.
MAGIC FIND [303] — Percentage of probability that you will find magic items.
CHARM FIND [308] — Percentage of probability that you will find charms.
AMMY FIND [309] — Percentage of probability determines ammy drops.
BOOK FIND [310] — Percentage of probability determines which book drops.
POWDERS [311] — Percentage of probability determines which powders drop.
INCENSE FIND [392] — Percentage of probability determines which incense.
OUT OF BODY [1004] — This key unlocks the Soul for Out of Body Travel.
ABD [555] — Arms the Voyager with ABD data as needed for the situation.
PORTAL AMMY [556] — Opens the Way to the target destination.
TAROT READING [304] — An essential to the beginning of any Voyage.
BLESSINGS [200] — Protects the Voyager during the journey.
LOOTBOXES [554] — Various treasures and life potions will drop from these.
WHAT HAPPENED? [1010] — Several variations on this question will trigger.
WHAT DID YOU NOTICE THIS TIME? [1110] — Several variations will occur.
HOW DOES IT SEEM TO YOU NOW? [1210] — Several variations will occur.
OKAY [1020] — Several variations will be offered automatically.
PLEASE ANSWER ME [1030] — If no answer is typed, this prompt occurs.
PROCEED TO NEXT CHECKPOINT [1220] — When answer is given, go ahead.
DISPERSING TRIAD [221] — Disperses and radiates.
BOOMERANG TRIAD [1280] — Brings things back to the player.
BLASTING TRIAD [241] — Acts like a bomb or grenade, with parabolic physics.
IRON BOLT TRIAD [1100] — Straight & true, like a crossbow bolt.
PYRO TRIAD [237] — Clears an area quickly for fast, fast, fast relief.
GRAPPLE TRIAD [1222] — Grapples onto any wall and draws the player to it.
AIR MISSILE TRIAD [1223] — Acts like a rocket launcher or BFG.
HEALING TRIAD [1225] — Healing actions can be taken on team mates.
RAPID FIRE TRIAD [12120] — Acts very much like an UZI SMG.
These TAGS can be attached to any Wall, Object or Region. A box that is tagged will operate on the top surface typically unless other indicators are used, such as naming the box and using F6 to edit the appearance.
The problem for the Voyager is that is is often hard to see these milestones without the help of the gaming engine, so familiarity is the remedy, making sure that the Voyager takes for granted the various things that will occur in the Between-Lives State and other dimensional voyages that one might find oneself on with or without previous warning.
In short, anything can happen, and the Compleat Voyager will surely cover all the bases without shorting anything or skimping and saving time, energy, money or dedication. This means you.
Okay, so how do we achieve results? We build the level as close to the real thing as we are able, then set the various goal points in place along the gaming route, determined largely by the locks and keys that allow or don’t permit passage.
Remember that TAGGING and TRIGGER TARGETS are all about the NUMBERS and LETTERS, just like the Cabalistic Notations you learned in grade school, unless you attended public school — possibly even PS 61 in New York City — in which case, you never heard about this and aren’t sure you’re hearing it even now.
Screenshot of Gorebagg achieving level 99 Measured against all competing Assassins in West Ladder. You will note that all other Assassins are at level 98 at this time. Gorebagg was the very first competitor at level 99, three seasons running!!! How you can tell that Gorebagg was the very first player at the 99 level is that there are no other assassins at level 99 at this time — the closest Assassin competitor is at level 98 — a close second, by the way.
Here’s Gorebagg, momentarily at the World Champion #1 Position. Note that almost all the nearby competitors are Paladins. Just try the same thing with an Assassin and see what brutal really can look like! Without the Pallys, there’d be no 99s on there at all, and LOH Obama really helped a lot toward the end, as did so many of my D2 buds.
But what is it really like to be a Level 99? The answer in a nutshell is: “I go where I am needed and I do what must be done.” When a Level 1 can do the job with bull-headed wrestling and weight-pushing, why not use a Level 1, and that’s my favorite player position, but we can’t always get what we want…oooh, that gives me an idea for a song.
Been really busy lately. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It took a day and a half. Actually, I’m nowhere near finished with it. I have four more major palatial buildings to put in, then all the detail work; the streets of Ancient Rome were packed with every hustle imaginable. There were no police, no justice system, nothing like that at all. Every citizen was responsible for the safety of his home, and houses had no windows, for protection against intrusion — the only light and air came from the atrium. I’ve taken a break from Roman towers and fortifications at 3200 metres, in order to do a little work on the Grand Tour…
Associated Press: Super-Cruise Ship U.S.S. Titan arrived in Prosperity Port today and, according to Captain Geoffrey P. Spaulding, she is here as the first Port of Call on her 2013 Cruise Around the Universe. You’re invited onboard to look around, and if you get tired of walking the decks, there are tons and tons of overstuffed deck chairs for relaxation.
I have in my sweaty little digits a rather aged piece of parchment; a yellowed typewriter sheet with very dated typing, done by an IBM Selectric with a sans-serif type-ball, sometime in 1975, and lost for all the intervening years until this very morning as is, when my hand landed on it, stuffed in amongst a pile of long-forgotten papers…. The paper has just dates and a few words of notation on the side. I’ll elaborate that with commentary. I have photos of all these events, and they’re free to see on ihddb.com…
JUN 1964 — BACK FROM THE WAR — There never was ASA in Vietnam. I was a PFC Clerk-Typist Trainee 006, stationed permanently at Fort Devens, Mass. Ignore the sripes I wore at Fort Ord where I was a weapons instructor.
You’ll note my MOS designation: “006”. That’s only one number away from the infamous James Bond, “007”!!!
Double O Six meant “Licensed To Seriously Annoy”. I returned to a civilian job as a Remote Reader, which I quickly abandoned in favor of author — I landed a job as a writer at a fabulous .25 a word!
“The King” at the Psychedelic Area of the Ashram. Behind him is the Sculpture Garden, Grampa Henry’s Diner — the home of Prosperity Path Poets — Hot Air Balloon Ride and the ever-popular Upper Crust Yacht Club, a jazz and blues venue.
Had a visit the other day from a longtime friend, who brought a friend with him to meet me. I was asked a commonly-asked question — what is it exactly that we do do???
Elvis was at Club Oz last night; he sang several songs from the Angel Songbook, with which he is now very familiar. You can get his autograph most any night at Club Oz, but it’s not just Elvis — there are so many famous people here. You know, on This Side of the Veil, we get our pick of FDPs — Formerly Dead Performers. They appear here most every night, and respond well to audience requests, and at Gorby’s Place, you can hear Yma Sumac and Dave van Ronk on today’s performing schedule. You can find out more about the performances at the Ashram by living here. Meditation Pagodas are available with a $30 per month support pledge, but not many are left, the space is limited — we can only accommodate 100 avatars in each of the sims — we have two full sims atm — and work-space, healing space, meditation space, darshan space and population space are going fast. Be sure to ask about our upcoming “Come As You Were” Reincarnation Party. If you’ve never been reincarnated, you’re the only one so far. All the rest of us Bohdisattvas are on the Recycle Cycle, where all the Work is!!!
Gorby’s Place — Live Music All Day Long — In the Ashram Tower — The address is: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Prosperity%20Ashram/127/173/178
There will be a lot of new folks visiting the Ashram today, so I thought a short tour of some of the high points might be in order… Click the thingy to read more about it…
Little Jenny from BardoTown visits Prosperity Ashram, May 21, 2013, photo by EJ Gold.
Today, I’m going to break my rule — no nudity on my blog — to bring you an amazing video of a ritual dance, performed to a fascinating violin interpretation of deFalla’s Ritual Dance of Fire. Well, she’s not actually nude…with more careful observation, I note a wispy, almost ethereal, thong and pasties. Okay, that’s beach-wear these days, so I’ll ignore the butt-cheeks and the full-frontal pulchritude. Here it is, then — after which I’ll show you a few incredible things that some very imaginative folks have done within the context of the sim worlds, notably Second Life. If you know your exotic dancing, you’ll note that there are very few repeats in her dance, with very few notable exceptions. Vanessa Mae was the artist for the soundtrack; the video was created and performed by Slappy Doobie. It was performed live at Ellie’s Burlesque Club in-world. Look for Virtual Burlesque for more.
And now, let’s look at some perhaps even more amazing performers on Second Life! Keep in mind that you’re not expected to watch the entire video — just enough to get the idea.