Waking State Tattoo Triggers & How They Work

Amy and LeslieAnn displaying Waking State Trigger Tattoos at Amy's Place
Amy and LeslieAnn displaying Waking State Trigger Tattoos at Amy’s Place

The Human Biological Machine is mostly water. Actually, salts, fats and other solids in solution, combined with a tendency toward negentropy that results in organs, rivers of blood and pools of electrical energy — in short, a semi-successful solidization of energy, calling itself “human being”.

Because it uses tools, makes its own home, handles fire fairly well, is able to hold down a job by flattering the boss, and it can seduce someone or something into sex, it considers itself very, very smart, very smart indeed.

Actually, all that stuff comes under the heading of “MOVEACT CODE”, because it’s all built into the machine; it all happens automatically, in predictable patterns of helpless and unknowingly produced “knee-jerk reactions” to chains of otherwise unconnected life-events, producing what can only be termed “life-drama”.

Life-Drama tends to disrupt consciousness.

If you’re looking to awaken IN THE MACHINE in order to accomplish your higher work, you’ll want lots of WAKING STATE TRIGGERS, such as my Temporary Tattoos, Decals and other incredible wondrous goodies. Waking States disrupt Life-Dramas, which tend to disrupt conciousness, like I said.

I made my tattoos the way I make my books, videos, jewelry & fashions — with magic. They are designed to trigger the Waking State, period. That’s their whole function, but in this case, form need not follow function, meaning that I am free to make the designs look like tattoos or not, depending on the need for calligraphic detail, sigils, etc.


Just a Wee More About NPD…

Fritz Perls at Cowichan -- photo by ej gold
Fritz Perls at Cowichan — still from a circa 1971 8mm silent film by ej gold

I had no idea what a log-jam had been built up on the issue of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and as a matter of fact, thought we were done with the subject, but I’m now deluged with emails and messages asking for help in digging out of a relationship with an NPD, and I’ll try to give you a boildown on what I know about the illness. Keep in mind that it has only been identified and studied fairly recently, and not everything is known about it by any means, and that it is currently believed incurable. Continue reading

BIG DOWNLOAD WARNING — My Whole Body Large Tattoos Blogalog


I haven’t really had a chance to put a catalog together — it’s only been a week since I created these designs for the Celtic Fair and our 2015 spring fashion line for tattoo-fashions.com. It will definitely be Girl’s Day at the fair for us this year, and we’ll be doing all sorts of Mehndi Henna Full-Body and Face Tattooing next Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the fairgrounds. It should be really, really fun and very, very magical.

You can order my Magical Temporary Tattoos and become a living signed work of art by a listed American artist, just by scrolling down on this page, noting the name of the tattoo — the name is underneath the tattoo — and calling us or emailing us; I can’t ship until after the Celtic Fair, anyway, so you might prefer to wait; we’ll have them up on the website pretty soon, so you can order there if you like. Quantity orders will be discounted as low as I can go without losing money for the community. If you can’t wait, order now and I’ll fulfill as fast as I possibly can. Continue reading

Seduction City

Here’s a candid snapshot I took of my friend Goldie, thinking about stuff, circa 1972-ish.

Most women tell me that they were seduced by poetry or work ideas, spoken words. Poetry can be used for seduction or as a transportative device into the higher dimensions. It all depends on what you really want from it. In most cases, the seducer was someone they wouldn’t ordinarily even want to meet in a crowded elevator. There are millions of casual sexual predators out there, and flirtation is not yet outlawed, though it soon will be. Continue reading

Oh, I Can’t Get You Out of my Mind…

diana doors
My friends Diana Dors and Dickie Dawson Announcing Engagement, photo credit: jeff gold publicity, circa 1965.

My longtime friends Diana Dors and Richard Dawson got married. It was the ideal marriage — two show biz success stories. Di was another Marilyn Monroe, and Dickie was the next exciting young male lead actor.

It looked from outside like the Perfect Couple in the Perfect Marriage.

I saw it from the inside, as a friend and frequent house visitor, as well as working with Dickie Dawson at KHJ-TV on his Tempo Show. I have a few photos of us doing the morning show, but we also did a radio show there and another one at KWIZ in Santa Ana for a few months.


I watched their Perfect Wedding, was a witness to the aftermath of their Perfect Honeymoon, and witnessed the not-very-slow disintegration of their love affair just about the time the wedding ceremony and reception were over. Continue reading

Amy & LeslieAnn GIRLS ONLY Tats


Tattoo-Fashions lead designers LeslieAnn on left, Amy on right, inspecting full-color temp tats on a printed sale sheet.

My BBBBFF Amy and I stood around in 94 degree heat yesterday like a couple of teenage girls, chatting and giggling and carrying on to the point of attracting some attention from casual bystanders, but did we care??? Continue reading

An Arm & A Leg???


Ooooh, (feminine squeaks & squeals) we had a great five minute photo session in town with Amy, showing my newest latest arm AND LEG designs for shamanic healers, but we only took snappers of the arms.

I’ll be doing lots of photos of my temp tats and body art as we go through the next season. Amy is a tattoo designer of note, and I hope to be able to work with her on my shamanic transfer tats, something I’ve been working on for the past seven years, but now, it’s the right time.


See, on the other side of the Shift, you didn’t see tattoos on virtually everyone you saw on the street, right? And now you do. Another sign of the Shift, but we tend to discredit our memories as soon as we pass, whether it’s a Shift or Death & Transfiguration. Continue reading

Ready for Prim-Time


I spent a good portion of the night creating these jumpsuit fashions just for you. Each outfit takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 1/2 hour to complete. Eight outfits=4 hours of intense graphics work. The animal prints might suggest dressing as your totem. I’ll be creating Totem Fashions for you in the next few days. The silks are just a hint of things to come. Join me at Higher Fashions, right here in the Dark Mall. Here are the coordinates:


Did I mention Moonlight Madness Bargain Prices??? Well, get ’em while they’re cheap!

See You At The Top!!!
