Karma Burn is Here

I’ve been working on Karma Burn rather intensely and relentlessly for the past few nights. What’s a few more hours to get it working exactly the way I want it to? I’d be loath to release it before I was satisfied that everything worked. Not just most things. Everything. It does. But there are questions, one of which is “Why when I pick up some things, I get nothing?” You haven’t been paying attention to life very much, have you?

Karma Burn doesn’t merely imitate life, it is life. What’s going on in that screen is real to the folks your computer screen is showing you. That screenshot conveys the action that’s happening right now, this very second, to you, in another dimension. How you’re able to see this is called “Spooky Action At A Distance”, the phrase invented by legendary physicist Albert Einstein. It simply means that something can affect something else at great distances without any obvious connection. The coupling factor may remain unknown forever, but an engineer with the corrected formulas can still make it work.

How does Karma Burn work?

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Pig Power

Well, maybe Teddy Bears are more your style, or perhaps you could be interested in wheeling a Turtle around the Labyrinth, or maybe a dragon? Most folks love all the character classes in the Prosperity levels, but everyone without question wants to drive the flying pig, pictured above. It’s quite an experience. Download Love, Prosperity and Karma Burn and experience the pure unfettered exhilarated joy of Pig Power!!! See You At The Top!!! — gorby

Double the Magic, Double the Fun


Everything you pick up or touch talks to you. Well, almost everything. You’re kept informed about your actions and progress throughout the run. What I’m demonstrating in this video is how to move. If you want to get Max Magic Find out of those Tomes, you’ll have to grab and dodge backward fast, or risk getting a lower percentage of MF. It’s sort of a dance to make it work. You’ll note that some books give you stuff and some don’t; this depends entirely on your level at the time of opening the Tome.

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Dance & Movement — The Unlocking Postures

Here’s a sample of the upcoming Dance & Movement Workshop, which will also combine fountain-making, Feng-Shui Zen Gardening, classes in Hollywood Fast-Draw and of course there will be lots of unusual dessert offerings from the Sacred Kitchen!!!

With luck, you can find out more about the Dance & Movement Workshop by contacting someone here. I don’t do windows.