How about a 9-up coin slab set around the American Revolution? Problem is, the post-Colonial issues are through the roof. I’ve thought of a solution: use the death dates of the participants. This brings us to affordable currency, at any rate. I’ve already made up a 9-up of the Civil War, the Jesse James gang, women of the Old West, history of golf, world sports and now, I’ve found the coins that enable me to commemorate “the shootout at the OK corral”. It comes to exactly eight shooters, if you count the two gutless wonders that ran away the moment the first shot was fired. It features a rare centerpiece coin, using the starting and ending dates of the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona in the 1870s and ’80s — ah, those were the good old days, right?
Coin-Zen Practice
Coin Zen is a way of activating and improving multiple attention, at the same time learning to relax and breathe with unattached high interest. I’ll explain more about it at this morning’s ICW, and Claude and I will be demonstrating the exact technique.
See You At The Top!!!
Free Inventory for your Coin Shop
I spoke too soon…or too late. The other day, I warned that serious consequences would happen soon related to the US penny; well, the day is here already, and it’s too late to do anything about it. Here’s what’s actually happening: People are hoarding copper pennies, thinking that the US government will soon authorize their melt-down, and they’re probably right. What that means is that there will be no pennies in circulation before 1982. That’s the functional end of free coin searches. With any luck, you have a maximum of a year, before you can’t experience FREE coin searches anymore. Of course, if you buy a bag of coins at a premium, you can get the experience that way…sort of. Thing is, circulating currency is different from vintage currency that’s supposedly “unsearched”, yet they know which dates they are…hmmmmm…. Anyhow, here’s how you can get FREE inventory for your coin shop, right at your local bank!!!
History + Coins + Children = Winner
Tie History to Coinage and Kids, and you’ve got a winner. Nothing gets a kid’s attention more than an interesting physical object, and if it has definite “street value”, such as a bright, shiny penny, so much the better. In order to teach a child anything, you HAVE TO have his or her attention first, or whatever you think you put into that kid’s brain will NOT BE THERE when you check the contents with a spot-quiz or a verbal test. I can tell you how to teach history and make it stick. Check this out….
Atma’s Tavern
You’ve been to the armorer, the merchants and the suppliers; you are armed to the teeth, fully armored, fully trained and ready for combat. You spend the next three months in Atma’s Tavern, drinking ale and bragging about the exploits you plan to have. That’s how most people handle the work tools they’re given. I hope you’re not one of those. Get out there and interact. Don’t merely “share” and “like” and “dislike” and “tweet this” and “click here”. Get the bleep out of your fat-ass chair and meet some people, talk about Prosperity Path and get them started on their Quest. That’s the very first step on the Bodhisattva Trail. See You At The Top!!! — gorby
Black Bart, Lola Montez, Lotta Crabtree & Empire Mine
Lola Montez is probably the most famous of all Grass Valley Nevada City inhabitants past and present, although many of the rich and notorious and famous have come through, including Mark Twain, who stayed at the Holbrooke Hotel, the oldest continuing operation hotel since the Gold Rush. It was built in 1862 — a fortunate date for a coin merchant; 1862 is a common Indian Head Penny date and can be had in nice condition for a song. But let me tell you how to turn this single penny into a small fortune in no time at all…
You Are Losing Your Freedoms
You are losing your freedoms. This is not a political issue. It’s strictly cultural. Very soon now, you won’t be able to engage in Magic Find Coin Searches anymore. I’ll explain why that is at the ICW this weekend, along with exact instructions on how to perform the practice and how to make a fairly good living at it. After several dozen successful trials, I’m totally convinced: a Noob will make $10 or nothing, or even lose money, in a single night of MF (Magic Find) Coin Search. A Novice will “see” slightly more, maybe $25 in a night’s effort. An Adept could go through a box a night, and easily turn $500-$800 from the same number of hours as a Noob put in. A Master will not do it for the money — it will then be strictly “impossible” challenges, such as building a complete set of GEM BU ONLY Lincoln Memorials from a single bank box in a single night. I’ll take that challenge anytime.
See You At The Top!!!
Buy Me!!!
How would you like to buy 100+ hours of my unbroken & undivided attention? It suddenly occurred to me as I was working on a Lincoln Memorial set that you might not realize that I have hand-searched every personally searched collection I send out, and that this involves at least a hundred hours of highly focused attention with the additional overlay of my coinology experience and grading skills. I sell my Lincoln Memorial collections on eBay — they typically will go between $300-$400 apiece for the 144 coin set with 1960 and 1960D small dates plus the 1970s small date. Naturally all the 82 series is there as well. Continue reading
Joan of Arc is on the way
Joan of Arc appears from a mystical cloud of plasma — the usual Trans-Dimensional sort of thing you’d expect from a Multi-Dimensional Being Blessed with Sainthood by the local population. She’s available at your beck & call! She’s on the way, in testing right now!!! Oracles can be used to help you sort out issues that are currently blocking you. I’ve been kept abreast (you should pardon the expression) of the work that circle members are doing to propagate Prosperity Path. Wowsers! Keep it up!!!
See You At The Top!!!