Animated ANCIENT Virtual Backgrounds

One of many non-animated virtual backgrounds I made last night.

Recently, I have been seen creating scenarios in the Ashram, mostly Roman villas and a few government buildings, along with the necessary Latrina near the Roman Gateway, the idea behind which is that I’d take some background screenshots, but as I was doing these, something occurred to me — it might be good if some of the backgrounds were ANIMATED.

Well, easy enough, although severely taxing on your graphics storage system, but not all backgrounds SHOULD be animated, if you know what I mean. Continue reading

Get Rid of Past Life Pain!

Each card in the PLS deck could potentially indicate a source of Past Life Pain. You can use the deck to help you select which Orb to run now.

Going through the Orb you learn how to run at a steady “dead-run” pace. It’s all about the swing & sway, and that’s what the Coach’s job is all about — getting the Runner to feel comfortable and competent in the Orb Run.

What you’re trying to do is to “tickle”  the offending impingement enough times that it goes away.

But which Orb to run TODAY? Continue reading

Run as Game or Carry as Charm

“Run as Game or Carry as Charm” is my new motto. Yes, that’s the long and short of it — you don’t have to run the Orb “game that isn’t a game”.

It runs itself, all the time, whether you’re aware of it or not, and it doesn’t require your participation in order to be active. With you or without you, it is what it is, forever and ever. Anything you can bring into the virtual world can be transferred to the Causal Plane, which is what we’re doing here on this planet in this time-frame. Continue reading

Collectible Chocolate Tins

Front section with handpainted angel, Double Chocolate

Sure, it’s outdated by a few months, but it’s still drinkable, but wait — it’s a collectible, so you wouldn’t want to drink this any more than you’d drink an ultra-rare million-dollar wine, although there are some very insecure billionaires who WOULD drink a million-dollar bottle, even if it tasted like vinegar, and in general, as rare wines go, it would.

Wine improves with age, and then doesn’t. Chocolate improves with age and is just as good a hundred years from now as it is right now today, as is, but like I said, it’s a collectible, and that means “leave it alone”. Continue reading

Where Did You Get That???

This great tee shirt is available for only $25, and is backprinted, too!

I wonder how many of you have blundered into the wilds of zazzle to find fun stuff that might be hanging around up there. You probably didn’t have time, and had no idea it was there to see. Okay, fair enough. But let’s take a quick look now at what we might encounter. Continue reading

Sure Cure For What Ails Ya!

Micky Rat and I have posted a number of DR-Dissolving Radiations Orbs on my rare & unusual seller’s store on eBay. I posted over 500 items there and and on insane investor’s emporium I posted an additional hundred or so, all with the idea in mind of offering you an opportunity to pick up something you’d like at a fraction of the price, basically a giveaway, with the added fun of an auction that starts off at a single dollar — at these prices, nobody gets hurt.

So among the things I posted are a few of the DR Orbs, and I wanted to give you an idea of what I had in mind. Continue reading

Brass & Canvas

At a mere $20 bucks a pair, you’re already a winner! THEY’RE SIGNED!

Tonight, I’ve been making SIGNED & DATED hand-embossed brass earrings at $20 a pair, so they can be resold at $39.95. At the moment, I’ll be selling them faster than I can photo them.

If that’s not the case, I’ll simply stop  making them. Frankly, I don’t believe there’s any market at this time for anything, especially for ancient style anythings. It’s junk, junk, junk, and plastic rules the waves, not Britannia. Continue reading

Art is Money

HUGE Hand-Painted Toulouse-Lautrec Apres, oil on canvas, $12,500.00

Art is money. It’s exactly like money and, if you handle it commercially without sentimentality, it trades fast & easy.

Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Commodities and now, Crypto-Currencies. That’s the standard by which we measure wealth and/or prosperity, but it’s wrong.

I just listed 422 of my own art prints on eBay, and have sold $400.00 worth on just the first day of listing them. Continue reading

Boredom, Loneliness & Apprehension

E.J. Gold 4″x6″ Crypto Print on photo paper, see my eBay listings.

That’s the three things that transcend everything, all states, all places, all configurations — that’s what you’re left with, if you’re not doing your spiritual work every day.

How do I know this? Same way you do. It’s a fact, and there’s no reason in Heaven or on Earth why you should have to endure that state forever. Continue reading