Prediction for Today

I have a prediction for today, Wednesday the 13th of October, 2021. I predict that there will be a major revelation, a veritably “breaking news” newscast, sometime in today’s news cycle.

Trump doesn’t have to be President for this to happen anymore. Actually, there are some tiny granular news items that will soon be of major impact, but not for us.

You should take note of the situation in retail stores, where the stores are forced to close due to nonstop open theft. This open vandalism and looting will continue as long as the country slides down into lawlessness, which it already has to some degree, but it’s not as bad as it’s going to yet — I’ve seen all this before and I know how it comes out, and you’re not going to like it. Continue reading

Don’t Just Be a God, Act Like One!

It’s not enough to just sit on a hard silt ground inside some lonesome deserted cave high up in the Himalaya Mountains and self-realize the hell out of yourself and finally come to terms with the fact that if there’s only One Being in the universe, you are clearly it.

This game of “tag” is not enough. Continue reading

There is No Cure For Stupid

Fort Ord, California, 1962, Trainfire Weapons Instructor.

Ignorance is something that you can counter-attack with information, but what if someone is totally resistant to information, and can’t discern fact from fiction even when it’s happening before their very eyes?

There is no Cure for Stupid.

Resistance to learning is just one symptom of Stupid. Immovable, like the Rock of Gibraltar, just sitting there, period, like your average Senator or House member.

You think Minchin and Sinema are assholes? Just watch the circus and see a jungle spectacle that happens in my horror-filled zombie levels and killing fields. Continue reading

Gorby’s Blueline Secrets is on etsy today!

This book sells in printed form for $89.95. This is a download, software only, no physical book, and the price has been radically lowered in the digital download version here on etsy, in order to allow more of my Blueline Academy students to get this vital book. I’ve put a link in at the end of this blog so you can avail yourself of it. I worked hard for three years to bring that book to you so you could understand the Bluelining as a powerful and enlightening Spiritual Practice using the everyday average computer. Continue reading

A NEW Path!

this is the first downloadable game on etsy. It costs less than a dollar.

I’ve been busy, building an entirely new Godd™ Gaming System, one that can be uploaded onto etsy and instantly downloaded by you, and I’ve got it and, although it’s in an evolutionary upward cycle, I’m releasing today’s version of the Godd™ Engine on etsy, in the form of a maze builder.

There’s a beginning maze, and I’ve built a few suggested ways to go. In addition to that, there’s a virtual manual for Blue-Liners which will be available for download momentarily, and if that weren’t enough, we’ll be doing this for a while in our workshops. Continue reading

Money Talks

Heap of Talking Money says “Greatest baseball champ? Mickey Mantle!”

Money talks, this we know to be true. We can see it in our daily lives every single day, and that goes double for when you have to go food shopping at your local feed store or supermarket or giant package store.

Talking Money also makes the world go ’round. Again, something we can experientially verify through our senses and, well, our experience.

Money is a powerful driver, and it’s totally on automatic. Even if you are utterly bored with money and you are completely uninterested in money, you have to pay the bills, and you can’t ignore your needs and your family’s needs.

Every day, it’s the same routine. Continue reading

Yet Another Talk???

I’m painting again, now that there’s a market.

You don’t want to end up with a couple dozen storage units full of unsold art, so I taper off my production when sales are down. These days, I can’t work fast enough to satisfy the marketplace, which is maybe a good thing.

But, yeah, this is going to be yet another talk about eBay and that sort of thing — you know, marketing, entrepreneurship and general media mayhem, and we have to do it soon, before the Second American Civil War breaks out. Even before we start back on subject, I want to mention that THIS is the time to acquire Pre-War coins, and I have plenty for sale.

That having been said, let’s get on with the thing.

First of all, I want to make sure you have an eBay account. I’m not discounting other selling sites, but I’m restricting my selling characteristics to the eBay mode for the moment. We will discuss other means of presenting merchandise to the public.

Forgive me, I meant, of course, “merch”, not “merchandise”. The reason for the shortened word is always the same — spelling is a major obstacle to most people, even college graduates. Continue reading

Psst … Can We Talk Again???

This listing got 389 views in only a few days, and that’s normal for me on eBay.

C’mere, lemme show ya how the uni-verse works. First of all, I gotta tell ya about the Karma burn Orb. It’s the best Orb I ever made, and it alone is worth the effort to come here to make it and put it out into the general consciousness.

I want you to do this simple short daily practice: once a day, run the Karma Burn Orb — it only takes 2 minutes of your time, out of a possible 24 hours. Continue reading

Can We Talk???

I’ve been waiting for you all this time…where have you been???

If I could grab you by the lapel and show you what I discovered, I would, so consider it done, take it as written that you have been thus accosted, and smile. You’re in luck.

What I found out is that I can tweak the eBay sales system to make it serve the Boddhisattva Vow and at the same time make you a good living, or at least a side-hustle income, like what I bring in.

The thing is, there IS a secret, and nobody knows it — yet. Soon enough, it’ll be all over the place, because nothing succeeds like success. Continue reading

CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Rome 3 Extreme” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00

Find out how to sell stuff online, without actually owning things. How? You have but to inquire of me in one of our morning meetings how YOU can help the community by offering things for sale without having to buy them or store them or ship them. You can sell, we drop-ship deliver for you. But what about digital downloads?

Here’s what I thought would be a good pitch for a digital download, but I strongly suggest against eBay as a venue — they are NOT friendly to game developers, and every single download costs YOU $9.95 in advance whether the item sells or not, and it’s only one at a time, no multiple listings. Forget it, there are plenty of other venues for selling videogames, and eBay generally is a big stone wall against which your voice trembles and collapses into a ball of dust.

Oh, it’s not that they’re not friendly — they are, in a cold-blooded corporate sort of fashion, quite friendly, and they’ll read you the rules and regulations over and over again, but they can’t offer advice or explain what the hell it all means. It’s not their fault; it’s just that their rules and regulations were made to keep the little guy down, and fill the pockets of the greedy bastards who control and run eBay, that’s all.

We ARE the little guy, and they never let us forget it.

So I’ll show you the wording I came up with for a classified digital download listing on eBay, even though I clicked off and will have nothing to do with it, and I’ll tell you why. The fact is, when you pay ten bucks for the ad, that’s the same as the cost of a flash drive, and it’s ME that has to pay the extra ten bucks to list it.

I clearly can’t list a thing for $20.00 bucks when I can offer the same digital download on Payloads for much less, and I don’t have to pay in advance, like I do with eBay, and I don’t pay for what I don’t sell, which is also different from the eBay deal.

So here’s the wording for a digital download:


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