Mantra Technicals

Order your MINI Amulet Gifts today to get them for the holidays!

Here are the exact color-frequencies you’ll need in order to fully utilize the Mantra technology:

Bardo Color-Coding Hex Numbers:

  • VIOLET — 7C1375
  • BLUE — 0000EC
  • GREEN — 00C900
  • ORANGE — FFC751
  • BROWN — B27800
  • RED — FF0000

Where “0” is always zero, not the letter “o”.

These hex numbers will work with all forms of Mantra technology. Not much in the way of the amount of information here, but useful in the extreme.

The colors in the godd engine are going to be slightly different, due to variations in screen, drivers, and designers.

My specifications and Orb construction rules allow me to release absolutely any kind of video game or experience, and have the Bardo Triggers well in place.

Those Bardo Triggers will not affect anyone who is not sensitive to the subject, so they can be freely applied in a variety of Orbs, which I have already done.

Any of my Orbs that are actually used and traversed will trigger Bardo Memories and Effects, and generally cause one to follow The Teaching and The Path.

It’s automatic, and it’s no big deal — it’s what I do.

See You At The Top!!!


Daily Mantra Color Coding

We’re making Ashram Recipe Videos available, so you can “be here” with us.

Here’s a color guide to the ten groups of ten Mantras I posted yesterday:


Those are the color BACKGROUNDS for each grouping, noting that there are a total of 100 Mantras as given in yesterday’s blog.

Okay, but how to use this? Continue reading

Mantras as Resonant Thought-Forms

Incenses are made for every purpose. If you don’t see what you want, just ask.

A Mantra is a powerful sound that is tuned specifically to a narrow range on the EMS or
“Electro-Magnetic Spectrum” which contains things like radio waves, photon chains and sound both within and outside the human range of hearing.

In short, everything you can possibly ever experience is some sort of something in vibration.

The only real question is, “How fast?”. Continue reading

Tesla Wars Is Here? Are Here? Here Now?

Tesla Wars is here. Or is it Tesla Wars ARE here??? Well, here they are, anyway. The Tesla Overworld is designed after the great Egyptian temples of the Middle Kingdom. I hope you like it.

There are seven levels of dungeons to get through before you arrive at the destination, where the entire radio rig is assembled. You can listen to the broadcast, if you like, once the radio is fully assembled.

I also worked tonight to test and put the final touches on Sexx Wars, Maya Wars and Kid’s Coin Safari, all of which are now working to my satisfaction, which leaves me off to do some test runs in DRAGON WARS, which is a Medieval world in which dragon vs. dragons fight for domination of their world. Continue reading

What To Do When You Come Back

We’re working on the Godd™ Particle — it’s almost done!

You’ve been out in the wilderness or delving into some deep dwelling dismal dungeon, and you go back to town to refresh, before tackling the next big threat.

Not a really big, big threat, not like McCarthy or Cruz or Greene, just a virtual threat of momentary personal extinction, that’s all, and that can be corrected with a simple resurrection of self plus your merc.

Of course the merc dies when you do. That’s a given. The whole idea there is to keep the merc alive, and LET THE MERC DO THE WORK. Continue reading

Gratitude Workshop Ahead

How to get the face, hand and food plates into the same shot…?

Say the word “gratitude” and you get a non-committal grunt and a blank look from just about anyone, but did you know that GRATITUDE is a powerful spiritual tool?

Yep, it is, and I’m just the bird to show you how to make it fly. Come to the Gratitude Workshop on this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, and we’ll explore the ways in which gratitude can work for you, and help others around you and connected with you, as well. Continue reading

Great New GODD™ Titles!

I’m preparing for your entertainment, amusement and edification a bunch of AD 2022 video game (VG) releases —  some 30-odd new games — along with which I’ll revive and restore a resurrected group of “goddgame” classics, updated with the latest game technology and fun resources.

I thought they would go well on, and that’s where you should be able, very soon now, to find them for download, at a lousy $3.99 per game, which is the low end of indie game pricing, except for the cookie-cutter games, which are merely mods of existing games. Continue reading

New Worlds For You!!!

So what have I been doing, since I finished my work on my virtually luscious and colorful “The Time Machine That Really Works” Orb?

Well, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that I’ve been dreadfully busy on my Blue Line Work apart from putting finishing touches on the Godd™ Particle. Continue reading