Earn REAL Money in the Virtual World

It’s easy to make real money in the virtual world — lots of people have been doing it for years. Don’t ask where you’ve been all this time. There’s a lot to do every day, who can keep up with everything?

You can do a regular business and conduct your marketing and sales online and ship what you sell.

In Gorby’s Scientific Business Plan you need no inventory whatever, at least not the ordinary kind that you have to store in a costly storage unit for years on end, kinda like a timeshare but with just yourself holding the bag.

So never mind conducting your online business as a side-hustle. Let’s talk serious money, enough to pay the bills every month. Continue reading

Was That The Lone Ranger???

This is an actual wearable real-world product. I have several up on Zazzle, but it takes a week to get approval for these. Maximum profit allowed on the item is 5% — I’d just as soon they be free, but they’re not.

When I get approval for these, which may be never or it may be fine, I’ll post the links to them.

In the meantime, I’m also designing Designer Face Masks for Second Life — they’re called “Designer Gas Masks” because the basic design is the Mark 1A Army Gas Mask, like the ones I used back in the day when we ran through gas attacks in basic training.

I didn’t take basic. They made me a corporal and then a sergeant and gave me a platoon to train, and put me in Trainfire Cadre.

Wouldn’t ever have happened had they known I was already destined for the Army Security Agency.

It was tempting to stay at Fort Ord and spend the rest of the war in total safety, but I didn’t do that — I did the right thing, and reported for duty at Fort Devens, Mass. for ASA training, about which I can tell you nothing.

I also can’t tell you what we did during the war. They’re still doing it. Continue reading

What to DO Today!

It ain’t the virus, it’s the ennui.


Believe it, the anxiety, the worry, the fear, the superstitions and the boredom are the real danger here, although we can’t minimize the threat posed by the coronavirus.

Anxiety is the unseen enemy here — we don’t know we’re under attack and most of us don’t recognize the symptoms of anxiety, nor do we much care — but we should.

The deep-scar effects of anxiety are profound — ask any mental health professional. Most people suffer some sort of depression or anxiety, but don’t recognize the symptoms and are unaware that they need treatment, and fast.

The biggest, longest-lasting damage to People of Corona will be the isolation, the trapped feeling of being in lockdown, a sort of voluntary solitary confinement, even if it’s with your entire family.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If everyone is staying home except one member of the household, it’s the same as everyone going out in public — you don’t know what they’re bringing home or delivering to others. You hope they’re careful, but you don’t really know.

A simple brush of the jacket against an infected sinktop is all it takes.

If, by the way, you’re allowing packages or mail or anything to come DIRECTLY into your home without a scrub, you’re doomed.

Let me know how you make out, if they let you near a phone again. Continue reading

Horses That are Just Out of the Gate!

These Covid 19 Parody songs are all new to youtube, all of them posted in the past few days, and all with very low numbers, all less than 50 views as I post this blog — I’m predicting that several of these will be winners with hits of 1/2 million or more within a month, and some will hit the rockets within a day or two — it is as I have forseen. Continue reading

What to do in HELL

So here’s something else you could do with others together SAFELY as a group — why not have a dance in our VIRTUAL ASHRAM dance club?

If you’re an able DJ, why not throw a party in our many nightclub and dance palace settings?

There isn’t a dance you can name that can’t be done in Second Life, and you don’t have to know how to dance — your Avatar does, when you load up with the dance software, press the button and let ‘er go.

You can see many examples of virtual dancing — I’ve posted dozens — and it’s very challenging to get fancy, but easy to just dance.

This includes all sorts of ritual dancing, obviously, plus the Movements.

You’ll find a wide variety of backgrounds for your dances, and great places in the ashram to stage a fun party with up to 100 Avatars!


Continue reading

Another Day Shot to Hell


This is an experimental film I made with a short talk at the front of a covidkiller demo — the whole thing behind this experiment is that I can be ALONE and record a talk.

By the way, the backdrop is one of my favorite New York Loft shots — it’s not easy to get the background to read and to also leave some room for the subject in the middle of the shot.

You’ll notice that I’m trying to get a little distance between myself and the camera, which is hard with the physical green-screen hanging just behind me.

I desperately need another computer — this one is some ten years old, and was converted over to windows 10, made necessary by my computer equipment budget, which is ruled by my social security checks — and once I have that, I’ll be able to do the backdrops without having a physical green-screen behind me.

Problem is, it’s already a small space, and I need to get back from the camera at least three feet to get the effect I want.

The distance formula I use for the head-and-shoulders angle determines how I take the image in for the backdrop — the angle needs to be the same as the front subject, see? Continue reading

Welcome to my Virtual Gallery!

This is my new ALL VIRTUAL gallery. I offer thousands of original works of art, all in my well-established and very dry and cool on-site storage buildings, made by Tuff Shed. They are tight and stay nice and are easily temperature and humidity controlled.

I have been playing around with some ideas how we artists might still be able to earn some sort of livelihood — keeps us off the breadline for the while, if we’re lucky. Continue reading

Higher Dimensions — A Quick Cure For Quarantine Boredom!

If ever there was a higher-dimensional cure for Quantum Boredom, “Witch Hunt” is certainly it, with its remedies of Endless Tedium and Mindless Meltdowns. There’s really nothing to do except blast through this advanced 3D game layout until the end, or you can go through it again and again, kind of like taking rebirth, eh? It’s only $6.95 in “No Contact” download format. Contained in a stylish brushed metal gold-colored Fancy Engraved Official IDHHB Flash Drive Pendant, it’s only $89.95, but wait! If you purchase four or more pendants, you get the wholesale price of only $45 each, and we pay postage!

This game travels with you anywhere, and you can put other games on it as well, so you can download nine games and only buy one pendant to get all ten games — but what are you getting for your hard-earned money?

First of all, you’re getting about three years of my work just on these games, and another 25 years in development of the Godd™ Gaming Engine & Editor, created by Dick, and the bank of models and sounds that are the creation of Uncle Claude, and the proofing and editing and particle beam technology of Barbara –a grand total of 100 years of video gaming experience, and that’s just in one lifetime! Continue reading

Powerful New “Dream Lucid” Tools

When I was able to stop laughing, I grabbed this video to top my blog — it was posted on the 28th of last month — this is the 8th of April, and it already has 7 million views, and when you see and hear it, you’ll know why.

If you analyze it, you’ll note that it could not have been produced by one person — there are many voices, different enough that I believe this to be the work of a vocal group.

Then there are the lyrics, and the addition of the lyrics onto the video, not to mention what it took to WRITE a song that more or less matched the video footage, and then, the lead singer SOUNDS exactly like Julie Andrews, and the footage is pricelessly outdated.

There’s a lot of production here, and a ton of social media marketing behind it — check out the number of subscribers on that channel — I don’t even have half that many. Continue reading