New Blockchain Info!

This NFT will be available as a Unique Original NFT on opensea.

Ethereum states that it has set the goal of 99% reduction of environmental impact with its revolutionary fragmentation “shard” system, so I’m now looking at preparing a few NFTs of the ordinary kind — I was wrong, and I take it back. They’re making a powerful effort over the next two years to reduce the impact of NFTs, although bitcoins will still be using the older technology.

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My Crypto USB NFT GorbyToken Gallery #22

“Clear Light Blessing”

CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken – “Clear Light Blessing” – Edition of 1,000.

If you were to ask me which ONE of my NFT cards is sure to succeed, it’s the Clear Light Blessing, where I’m delivering an actual Blessing at the Clear Light Temple in Crestline, CA. back in 1975.

Your “USB NFT GorbyToken” comes stuffed with a HUGE printable .jpg file which is so large that I had to reduce it in order to fit it onto this blog page.

You also get the Blessing Orb with my personal soundbytes loaded onto the flash drive, so that you can run the Orb and experience it directly from the USB flash drive which you then carry with you throughout the day.

You also get a personal Blessing, performed as I sign and number your card. Continue reading

My CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken Gallery #21

CRYPTO USB NFT GorbyToken “One Bardo Buck” – Price on Request.

Here at last, are the BARDO BUCKS I promised you for the BardoMania Game, which can be played tabletop, multiplayer online and of course personal, meaning Real World Role Playing Game, or RWRPG. Claude designed them, and they are intentionally bare and simple, easy to read and easy on the eye.

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My USB NFT GorbyToken Gallery #19

CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Dragon Killer Videogame” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00

And then there’s the idea of signed & numbered limited editions of my videogames, for sale on eBay as collectible games, ‘way more collector-friendly than shrink-wrapped boxes.

I think this idea has a lot of reach to it, and I’ll be working on a few games we can market in this way — there won’t be many of them, because you have to deliver the game, and it better be playable and fun!

The backs of these GAMING CARDS will have different information than the art and helper cards. The USB flash drive will contain the game Orb and the relevant “cover” .jpg.

I can think of all sorts of games that could fit in nicely in the collectible retro-style game bin, and you can bet I’m going to dig up those old orbs and dust them off and issue them as signed and numbered RARE collectibles.

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My CRYPTO USB NFT Gallery #18

These DR — Dissolving Radiations — Wallet Cards contain the image on a printable .jpg, plus the Orb and the QMV video, so it’s powerful and it’s a bargain! Carry one or more for your daily upgrade, plus they all carry my Blessings to All Beings Everywhere as I sign the cards.

These wallet cards can be carried in a wallet or purse or placed by a bedside or on a shelf or table, or mounted in a frame and put on a wall.

They are powerful  and potent prayers. Use them well and in good health, to help yourself and to help others.

CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Resist Addiction” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00

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My CRYPTO USB NFT Gallery #17

These Spiritual Help Wallet-Cards are to carry in your pocket, purse or wallet, or to place by the bedside or at entry and exit points or anywhere you feel you need the extra help. They contain the appropriate Orb and other software.

You are buying a signed and numbered flash drive with things in it.

CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Resist Negativity” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00

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My CRYPTO USB NFT Gallery #14

CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Between Heaven & Hell” – edition of 1000 – Lot of 10, $390.00

Before we can create a listing for one of these USB NFT GorbyTokens, we need to resolve the following issues:

  1. What the eff is an NFT?
  2. What the eff does “non-fungible” mean, anyway?
  3. What the eff is a “Token”?

Until we come to a complete understanding of these three items, we’ll get nowhere. Continue reading