Ignoring the Elephant

These days you have to totally wipe out everything that’s going on in Washington and on state governmental levels, and in the realm of international intrigue, in order to concentrate on your daily bread-winning work.

In short, you have to “make the world go away”. This is a lot harder than it sounds like it might be, and by golly, with things in this kind of uproar, you have to get really smart about it. Continue reading

Hithegit Thetheguh Bothogottle!

That’s right, the title of this little dissertation is “Hit The Bottle!” spoken in “Ithegah”, a secret form of gibberish code that actually is a crypto language spoken by many sorority sisters.

The method is simple — insert “ithegah” like corned beef between two slices of rye, which would be: “lithehike cithigorned bethegheef” etc., more or less.

It takes a few tries to get it, not like Pig Latin, which anybody can speak the first time they try — that’s “Ig-Pay Atin-Lay” in the vernacular. Continue reading

How to sell Virtual Sculpture

Edition of 10 Signed Numbered ORB contained on USB Wallet Cards

Want to create and sell your virtual sculptures? The problem has always been safeguarding the software, but what if that wasn’t what was valuable? What if the USB flash drive itself was valuable ONLY because it had been SIGNED and NUMBERED by the artist?

I make my virtual sculptures in editions of 10, at least that’s the current plan.

You pay $35,000.00, you get ten signed and numbered USB Flash Drive Wallet Cards with screenshot of your sculpture and the godd orb containing your sculpture gets tucked away inside for easy access and gameplay if desired. Continue reading

Got a Minute?

that’s right, only $20 a pair – handmade, signed & dated.

One minute — that’s all it will take to explain my latest side-hustle, “The Brass Spiral”, a set of earrings created out of an embossed sheet-brass free-form, anywhere from 2 1/2″ to 3 1/2″ in length, absurdly long for the average earring-wearer.

These take confidence to wear — however, the price is unbelievably right! I’m charging only $20 a pair for these things. Continue reading

I’m on a ROLL!!!

Hey, I finally, after 22 years of experience as a Power-Seller and Platinum Seller on eBay, figured out how to construct an online auction, and I’ll be only too happy to share with you the results of my more than two decades of dedicated online labor.

“What works on youtube works on eBay” — meaning, the same rules of marketing — those of attraction, retention, and persuasion, absolutely apply, especially in the use of power words and phrases, tags and other hypermessaging devices you might choose to use. Continue reading

My Collections are Your Warehouse

architectural wall tapestry enhances any entryway or gallery space.

Beads. Ancient Beads. Rare, very rare, hard as Hell to find. I have them. Lots of them, so it’s not just about tapestries, which run only a couple hundred bucks, by the way.

I have more than a half million ancient beads stored away in bank boxes, ready for YOU to use in beautiful, artistic jewelry pieces that YOU make and sell, and there’s no reason you couldn’t start today. Continue reading

Hey, lookit — my paom stuff is here

This Kimono goes for around $160. You can see their label.

check this out — I made HUNDREDS of wild fashions in linen and silk and other fine fabrics, and uploaded textures for hours upon hours, long hours into this project, all because it provides the average person without a buck to spare the opportunity to become a fashion designer, without having to put a single dollar out of pocket! Continue reading

For Sale, Not Particularly Cheap

IMPORTED 1972, Rare GENUINE frankincense, myrrh, storax — $2,500.00 for all.

Someone just asked me if we have any collections for sale, and I answered “Are you kidding? All we have is collections!” so I thought I’d categorize them in more or less reasonable divisions of interest. Continue reading

RARE New York School WPA Artists

I have a very large — some would say “extensive” — collection of New York School art, mostly because I was a member of that august group of collectively arty maniacs, and I say that not only because of the massive psychotherapeutic bills they ran up, but because they were mostly free of the slavish temperament of the average New Yorker.

You’ll find a whole lot more art and artists in New York City than you’ll find in the whole rest of the country, with the possible exception of Chicago, San Francisco and of course, Las Vegas. Continue reading