We all know that hashtags work to bring your content under the eyes of those who wonder. Okay, so how can you use the #HashTag to bring traffic to your page? The answer is to have a great button, one that tickles the imagination and draws one in. Continue reading
Quick Take a Peek!
I’ve been making these square colorful and provocative “buttons” or “click bait” all night long, and now I’ve run out of time to do a serious blog, so I’ll post as many of this night’s work as I can in the few minutes to spare before breakfast and the ICW — sounds like a 70s tv show, doesn’t it?
Okay, so the idea is to make the button attractive “eye candy” and to draw the victim — I mean “client” — in even further, by the arguably brilliant move of adding compelling and provocative text, making it inevitable that the client will press the “follow” button on your IG account sometime soon.
Gosh, if they even get so far as to glance at your button, you’re ahead of most in the game. You want to set up a question or an inquiry that leads the client at least two clicks further, getting them to your homepage or target page.
Whew. So here are a few examples. Please do not use them — I plan to. My object is to show you a few ideas, and then you can run on your own. Note that, at the moment, I’m not using anything except the screenshot capability of my browser in Second Life and, yes you have permissions to use those snappers — they thrive on you sharing them! Continue reading
Trending Now
Want to Take a Selfie in Atlantis?
You can do it right now, if you’re a member of our Prosperity Path Ashram, but there’s no hotlink to it from here — you’ll have to actually ASK someone, interact socially, in order to find out more about it, or you can try to do some research online in the blogs and things.
You’d do better to just ask, and that’s entirely my point. Social media allows you to ask me ANYTHING, and you’ll probably get an answer.
More than that, following me on IG puts you in my radar for Blessings and Protection, and in this day of ICE Raids and Children Locked Up in Cages and Crooked Politicians, and Lying Attorneys General, and Race Riots and Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy and Criminal Injustices and Border Crises, and all those other Trump-Engendered threats, you’re going to need Protection and lots of it.
I have several protection “Trump Neutralizer” pendants available now, but the very best protection from Trump and Trumpies and the Trump Gestapo ICE Squads is the Godd™ Particle Pendant and the Bardo Band Slapband wrist bracelet with the Four Lines in gold on the band, and a powerful flash drive containing the 49 Days Orb, the LRS Orb, the Clear Light Orb and the entire American Book of the Dead, with all graphics and prayers, and a few extra bonuses as well.
Those two things are the best protection you can get on Planet Earth.
In this Age of Trump, you need all the help, and magic and protection you can get. Follow me on IG for an additional Blessings boost! Continue reading
Tap Here For Instant Blessings
Compelling Copy.
I’m going to reveal some more secrets of marketing, as told to me by my Marketing Angel, Zadkiel.
I know these work, because I had experience with Vance Johnson Ad Agency in L.A. back in 1964-65 when I was also in art school.
In order for the gimmick to work in this case, I need a Genuine Spiritual Celebrity who is willing to take the flak that comes with any public exposure, and in this particular case, on behalf of IDHHB, I guess I’m it.
I’m not the kind of celebrity that people chase after for autographs, but I am well known and recognized in the world of New Thought and New Age Physics.
So if you tap on my photo and go to my IG page and tap on “follow”, you’ll receive Blessings in the form of a news feed, every day from then on, until you “unfollow”, in which case, be prepared for disaster — just kidding.
My Blessings improve upon but don’t take the place of natural karma. Continue reading
Bring Me More Followers!!!

The Zen Box is Here!!!
This is the most exciting gift idea that ever happened anywhere — there is nothing like in in the world! Nobody has these! Go to Hammacher-Schlemmer and sell them on this! It is a total exclusive, and mind-blowing!
You can put this flash drive into your USB port and FROM THE DRIVE ITSELF you can do a walkthrough or an exercise in cyberspace, and LEAVE YOUR AVATAR THERE to continue doing it while you go to work, drive or do whatever you need to do to keep yourself going.
It is absolutely the most incredible meditation tool ever invented.
Look at this incredible deal — it’s an incredibly fast custom flash drive containing incredible new software that makes this the most fabulous and powerful shamanic tool ever introduced.
It may well be the Best Invention Since the Wheel.
Frankly, I don’t care if you order one or not. I plan to order as many of these as I can afford. Continue reading
How to Become an Influencer

What is an “Influencer” and why does it matter to me?
If you’ve ever tried to reach an audience online, you know already that you can’t. You don’t have the audience to catch enough interested people to statistically or practically make a difference in your monthly income.
In short, advertising sucks.
You get about 5 people to reluctantly take a peek at your postings now and again, but nobody really notices you standing there tap-dancing your heart out, hoping for the Big Break.
Big Breaks don’t happen for folks like us — you have to make your own Big Break, and here’s how to do it: Continue reading
Where’s the Party???
Your Instagram Storefront
Nobody shops on eBay anymore. Ask anyone under 30, and they’ll tell you that IG — Instagram — is the only way to shop, but if you’re new to the game, you won’t know how to do even the simplest of things, take the easiest and most direct actions. You just won’t.
There’s no way to learn this stuff except the hard way.
Instagram is your only way out of the hole these days. There is no other way out at the moment, although new tunnels are developing, most of which lie well outside the scope of social media marketing.
Holy Smoke, Look at This!!!
You want a business from which you can sell great food products all over the internet and sell to locals as well? Complete bakery, great licensed commercial kitchen!!! It’s also a perfect location to set up a Farmer’s Market. The traffic here is as good as anywhere in town, and it’s set up as full-access, lots of parking, great neighbors, it’s a combination residence and business all in one package. A Tuff Shed out back would make it easy to live and work here, and a Tiny House out back would make it pure Heaven on Earth. Continue reading
I Am A Post Office, It’s Your Call!!!
The other day, Claude mentioned that probably the best chance we have of high-level marketing and merchandising success in this marketplace would be my leggings, and I’m working tonight to get something together for a sales crew.
I’ve also gotten a large number of U.S. Postage Stamps up, but we can expect about a week’s delay in getting them approved by the Post Office — they review every stamp that comes through, and may or may not approve mine, based on I’m not sure what standards, except for the obvious. Continue reading