Heap of Talking Money says “Greatest baseball champ? Mickey Mantle!”
Money talks, this we know to be true. We can see it in our daily lives every single day, and that goes double for when you have to go food shopping at your local feed store or supermarket or giant package store.
Talking Money also makes the world go ’round. Again, something we can experientially verify through our senses and, well, our experience.
Money is a powerful driver, and it’s totally on automatic. Even if you are utterly bored with money and you are completely uninterested in money, you have to pay the bills, and you can’t ignore your needs and your family’s needs.
I’m watchin’ over yer shoulder, boy, you’re about to get a time-out!
Let the dancing asshole do his little Victory Dance. We all have to play our own little private parts, and his is no exception.
Don’t fret about it. He’s an idiot. He knows nothing, can’t remember what happened a second ago, and is totally unaware of anything beyond how much television time he gets per day.
He reacts, period.
The Senators are equally stupid, unaware that they have triggered a FULL-SCALE DEPRESSION — they have thoroughly and irreversibly tipped the balance of the ECONOMY to the degree that, even if the ShutDown were ended today, it’s too late to save the people — too many foreclosures, too many debts, too many broken promises.
It’s beyond repair and the slippery slope slide is starting today, right now, today — as in today.
You’ll see the economy literally crumbling before your eyes, and nobody can stop it. There’s a world-wide crash coming right now, this very year, and you’ll be lucky to live through it.
I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.
You’ll need to hit the streets, looking for the rainbow, but it can be accomplished, it can be achieved.
You CAN survive those heartless bastards in Washington, but remember that they are miserable, greedy, mean and entirely without soul, although they go to church every Sunday and pray to their weird racist god, “Mister Jesus” — he’s the guy to which they aspire, with their “What Would Jesus Do?”.
Well, first of all, he’d raise the dead, cast out lepers, heal the sick and feed the poor, but not they way they tell it today.
The fact is that if the modern Christians are like Christ, he was a miserable, greedy, stingy, vindictive, salacious and pernicious creature, much like Donald John Trump used to be before he got religion.
You’ll enjoy the scene as the Western World crumbles into dust. The only pleasure the Senators get — this much is clear — is to observe without sympathy, the torment and misery, and to delight in the screams of pain and suffering from The People.
Don’t get mad. Get even! You CAN get even — it’s legal, moral and ethical — and here’s how you can do it right now, today! Continue reading →
Can you pick me out in photo? Craft Session at Camp Woodland, August 25, 1955. You can order the book “Downtown Community School” from Gateways Books & Tapes.
Kids had such a transformative experience working with adults in the Craft Classes at Camp Woodland and Downtown Community School under the direction of Norman Studer during the 1950s, and when families worked together on simple craft projects and craft shows, it was like a bunch of gluons had suddenly bonded the family members into a blended and harmonious unity, and that’s exactly what’s needed in this world of pain.
I’m designing an entire LINE of metal-embossing kits, and I’ll tell you why — the new EK cutter is a piece of crap, although it does admittedly do the job, but it does it with four massive crimps in the sides, which eventually will roll out with pressure and persistence, but the additional effort makes the thing too time-expensive for the marketplace.
So I decided to set up a craft supply “factory” where I either make or encourage and teach others to make little circular foil bits for sale to embossers everywhere.
We’re making embossings that can actually be used in jewelry mountings, because our sizes correspond to the mountings without modification. We’re among the very few who make embossings on round foil disks. Continue reading →
Lana (right photo) & Movements Group One, Cosmo Street 1969.
Do you have the power to make good things happen? Many folks have asked how they can do their Bodhisattva work when they have little money and even less time. I have an answer that will actually help you to increase your income by doing your Bodhisattva work, and I’ll be happy to explain in detail:
You need some SIMPLE ACTION that doesn’t take up too much of your time, doesn’t require a lot of effort, and that will somehow raise your necessity far above your own miserable needs.
You need to find some way to carry out your Bodhisattva work — some action, some activity that will get you into DIRECT CONTACT with those who desperately seek this work and need a trail of bread crumbs laid down for them, which is where YOU come in, O Bornless One.
It’s obvious that you can’t spend the time or energy walking around town trying to talk to every possible candidate for the Work who happens to cross your path. You need some way to get out there without your body, and that’s where this Special Essence Exercise comes in.
The whole idea is to be able to help BigTime without having to lay out a lot of money, and in fact, the action I have in mind can be done with NO money, no investment of anything other than time and energy, of which you have more than you think, and I’m going to try to prove that to you with the Essence Exercise described below: Continue reading →
As you probably already know, I collect and create Lincoln Cent Complete Sets with All Keys, but what do I do with the coins that don’t fit the category of “coin of worth”??? You probably also already know that it’s illegal to alter or mutilate U.S. currency to improve its value. However, if something dreadful happened to the coin on the way to you from the mint, it’s all right to market the coin if you don’t additionally alter it — you wouldn’t want to, anyway, too cost-ineffecient. The real secret to making money from money is to ignore the fact that it’s either money or has perceived value.