Find out how to sell stuff online, without actually owning things. How? You have but to inquire of me in one of our morning meetings how YOU can help the community by offering things for sale without having to buy them or store them or ship them. You can sell, we drop-ship deliver for you. But what about digital downloads?
Here’s what I thought would be a good pitch for a digital download, but I strongly suggest against eBay as a venue — they are NOT friendly to game developers, and every single download costs YOU $9.95 in advance whether the item sells or not, and it’s only one at a time, no multiple listings. Forget it, there are plenty of other venues for selling videogames, and eBay generally is a big stone wall against which your voice trembles and collapses into a ball of dust.
Oh, it’s not that they’re not friendly — they are, in a cold-blooded corporate sort of fashion, quite friendly, and they’ll read you the rules and regulations over and over again, but they can’t offer advice or explain what the hell it all means. It’s not their fault; it’s just that their rules and regulations were made to keep the little guy down, and fill the pockets of the greedy bastards who control and run eBay, that’s all.
We ARE the little guy, and they never let us forget it.
So I’ll show you the wording I came up with for a classified digital download listing on eBay, even though I clicked off and will have nothing to do with it, and I’ll tell you why. The fact is, when you pay ten bucks for the ad, that’s the same as the cost of a flash drive, and it’s ME that has to pay the extra ten bucks to list it.
I clearly can’t list a thing for $20.00 bucks when I can offer the same digital download on Payloads for much less, and I don’t have to pay in advance, like I do with eBay, and I don’t pay for what I don’t sell, which is also different from the eBay deal.
So here’s the wording for a digital download: