Sunday, November 1st, 2020 — a day that will live in infamy, if history is anything to go by. There’s tons of information about what’s going to happen next, but you haven’t read it, have you?
SlimeWars sat around for 21 years waiting for publication and then, finally, it was published — but that’s been years more.
As you’re reading SlimeWars, keep in mind that it was written over half a century ago, and it reads like the headlines today, doesn’t it?
That’s because I don’t guess at a future — I remember it. Continue reading →
I’m sorry … you mentioned someone or something called a “trump”, and I don’t recall ever hearing the word, although there is, back in the 37th century, a mysterious latex hand-colored Halloween mask from the 21st century, and on the base of the neck it’s stamped, “TRUMP”, but until now, I had no idea it was an actual person.
Well, not an ACTUAL person, but he does sort of look somewhat life-like on TV, although I’m told he gives away his robot nature by the way he doesn’t look straight at you.
Kinda like the classic case of the average purse-snatcher, although I understand his snatching is aimed slightly lower down.
It may very well be that Trump achieves his kingship, but we will have the last laugh. There are forces in the world over which nobody — no one living, at least — has any control.
I’m reposting this four-year old blog from May of 2014, because Trumpism has made it necessary to get all important art and history items out of the area and into safe zones, away from the anti-history and anti-intellectualism of Trump World.
My entire plan is to find a good home for the Donner collection, which now includes a first edition of the book, which was in its time a best-seller.
The two most vital and memorable incidents in early California history are the Donner Party and the ’49er Gold Rush. I don’t even have to tell you what those are about. If you’re like most Americans, especially Californians, you’ll know.
I happen to be a member of the family known in California as “The Donner Party” and I have a number of Donner Party memorabilia that could well be instrumental in discovering what actually happened at Donner Pass. Was there cannibalism? Maybe these documents will tell the story; they’re waiting for historians to get hold of them, and maybe YOU could be the one to make that happen! Continue reading →
The Acadia Lighthouse serves as a Guiding Light, a Beacon. It sells as a pocket charm in an archival acrylic dollar-sized capsule for $10 retail, and as a locket for a necklace chain (chain not included) at $35.The Acadia Lighthouse also comes as a pair of earrings in sterling bezels with surgical steel French style ear wires, at only $69.99 a pair. Continue reading →
It’s summer workshop time again, and the Labor Day Convention is up ahead!
Forget what’s happening or not happening in Washington. It will all settle out in a horrible way, you can rest assured, as long as the primitives are beating their chests and brandishing their spears at each other.
You will soon see the end of the totally demoralized and splintered Democratic Party in favor of “no party at all”, and soon after that, the Two-Party System will be a thing of the past, along with more than one candidate for “President for Life”, which marks the beginning of the Trump Dynasty in the Age of Trump.
Like I said so many times before –forget about it, the most they can do is kill you. Continue reading →
On a lunch break at More Science High. Party On, Dudes!!! Rufus Lives!!!
As you probably already know from the CNN, FOX & CNBC news media, I’m a visitor on “Guest” status with the U.S. Government, from the 37th century.
Oh, not your 37th century. You live in a SIM — a World-Simulation — and SIMS don’t have time, not in the sense you’re thinking of it.
Here in the 37th century, I’m enrolled as a sophomore in high school — More Science High — and I have a small grade problem. I’m presently carrying a D-Minus, slightly lower than a plain D Minus.
My classroom participation rated me an A+ and I have my hand in the air all the time at a pop quiz, don’t you?
I get A and A+ test scores all the time, but that’s dragged down slightly by an “F” in homework — I’ve yet to crack a textbook or do a homework assignment, because when I get home, I have a responsibility to my online clan to defend the base until dinner time.
Did I mention that Donald Trump is not only crazy, he’s also stupid?
I grossly underestimated the level of bone that sits inside his otherwise quite empty skull. He fired the head of the FBI, right in the middle of a counterespionage investigation that included Trump and his staffers and aides, then he said it was because Comey had been “mean to Hillary”, although Trump royally abused the quote from Comey to get himself elected.
How stupid is that???
When you take away the voice of the people, they take to the streets.
In his “You’re Fired!” letter — acutely reminiscent of his television reality series in which he fired employees whenever the fit came over him — which was never delivered directly to Comey, Trump “casually mentions” that although he was exonerated three times when he met with the director on three separate occasions with FBI Director Comey, NO SUCH MEETINGS TOOK PLACE, and Comey would have been in direct violation of the law had he said such a thing to Trump at that time.
BACKSTORY FOR “EXECUTIVE ORDER #1”, a comedic satire film parody.
By now our femme superhero Waxonn Waxoff realizes that Trumplestilskin the Conqueror cannot be stopped, that his policies will surely lead not only to war with other nations, but to war within the boundaries of her native land, Annunakkia, and it’s not just a single war, with a single purpose and two adversaries face-to-face, but a multiplicity of wars all going on at the same time, like World War I and the Russian Revolution and The Jewish Problem.
Waxoff finds herself in the midst of a race war, a religious war, a war of territory, a war of attrition and a war of total revenge, when the population finally catches up with the surviving leaders, and then, to top it all off, the Ancient Alien Invaders destroy what’s left of human cities and centers of commerce and industry.
In short, they lay waste to the land, but after the Evil Avatar Trumplestilskin gets through with it, there’s little left to crush into rubble.
Trumplestilskin himself is never personally at risk. His minions take care of everything. They defend him and destroy his enemies, for which they are well-paid.
His only concerns are a fear of the dark, a fear of being alone, and a deep, insatiable craving for attention by any means necessary. Continue reading →
Wynton Marsalis and Jazz at Lincoln Center onstage with E.J. Gold JazzArt, 2016.
The list is long, but I’ll give you a brief history of my art exhibits over the years. I’ve left out hundreds of shows with the same galleries to avoid a boring list. I seem to have anywhere from five to fifteen shows a year every year, with the exception of my “vacation times”, short intervals between painting and sculpting and music and theater and dance and ceramic arts, paper arts, you know — exploration and application. I know you’ll want this for your eBay and other art listings, so here’s the SHORT list — the whole list can be found in the Linda Corriveau photobiography, “More Color, Less Soul”.Continue reading →
Original Signed Picasso Copperplate Engraving of Ballet Dancers, 1945.
I have several museum-grade collections just sitting in three bank vaults — important art historical art and literature collections that would be highly appreciated by any public institution that received them. They are of the highest caliber and significance. You might want to purchase one or more of them and donate them to your favorite museum, university or library or build a space to house one or more of these collections. All the collections are legal to own, and have been on public display in the United States for more than half a century.
Typically, museums don’t buy things — they expect them to be donated, and many people enjoy tax benefits from buying collections and then donating them to a museum, library or university, as well as other venues such as jazz schools, jazz clubs, jazz and art academies and even malls and shops, medical waiting rooms and hospital hallways, where the weight limitations are very important and easily met by our display team technologies, and several folks have donated their collections to local Elks clubs and other public benefit organizations.
There are many other benefits that might accrue for you or someone you know, resulting from the donation of an important art or history collection, not the least of which is the sheer pleasure you get from sharing with thousands of people the beauty that you have discovered in your life, possibly bringing love, joy and beauty to theirs as well.
In addition, if your gift is important enough, you might have a Hall or a Wing named after yourself, or a loved one in memoriam, or you might elect to donate anonymously or posthumously or both. I’d discuss Living Trusts and other instruments with my accountant and attorney before making any decisions, though — you never really know what your options are until you check with the professionals for professional advice that they can guarantee and for which they take responsibility. Continue reading →