The Atlantean Crystal Triad is one powerful way to block incoming Trumpism.
You need an actual way to BLOCK the what-we-used-to-call “Mothers” in Washington and elsewhere who are trying their level best to destroy what’s left of our Democracy and at the same time put all the non-whites and non-Christians into a stockyard where they can be put to work rebuilding the roads on which American tanks can tread.
Same plan that Hitler cooked up, and it only works for the life of the dictator, then everything rolls back to where it was before or slightly worse, but not for the upper classes.
Speaking of Upper Classes, let’s talk about Beta Blockers. What IS a Beta Blocker? Continue reading →
Neg2Pos EMOCON emotional controller uses special crystals & spirals.
Ever wonder how an actor creates the emotional state of the character onstage or onscreen? Watch Gene Wilder going slowly crazy nuts and you’ll be amazed. Observe the easy emotional facility of a Jonathan Winters or Robin Williams. It’s not easy to learn, and it takes years and years of intense practice to MASTER, starting with SOME ACTUAL INNATE TALENT, add into the mix a great acting teacher and tons of luck & opportunity.
But what about the non-actor? Is it possible to learn how to create a specific emotional state in yourself, such as “Joy” or “Happiness”??? If so, is it illegal, immoral or fattening? Continue reading →
Photomontage of Dale’s First Fashion Photo Shoot on Wednesday — Photos by LeslieAnn
“He’ll Change”, women say about their boyfriend or husband, they all tell me that he promised to change, and even enrolled in a therapy group, but they don’t change — they never do. They never have to find continual accommodation to the spoken and unspoken demands of their “life partner”, although relationships these days seldom run into anywhere like “life”.
Women change readily and rapidly, from lover to lover, adjusting to every whim and mood of a new boyfriend, and they have no problem doing so, but they can’t easily end a relationship.
A woman can learn to serve just about any man, and most women are more than willing to be a Man Pleaser, but as pleasing as you might be, the guy eventually tires of you, generally during the first minute of contact. Man-Pleasing is an easy way to earn a living, and if you can keep it up (joke intended) you can maintain The Nest at least until the kids leave home.
Woman all know that after that first smashing boiling ripping roiling minute of “First Contact”, things roll downhill, entropy sets in, and the relationship goes numb. You have to constantly remind the man that he’s in a relationship, and it’s a constant battle between you and the hundreds of younger women he encounters every day.
If you want to maintain Peace In The Household, you’re going to teach yourself to overlook certain things, like the smell of perfume on his shorts, or the stubborn stain on the fly of his pants.
The only thing keeping most relationships going is the cost of lawyers and the threat of joint custody. Continue reading →
Tried many times to find True Happiness, True Love and/or Perfected Liberation, and failed miserably every time, right? So what makes me think you can find True Happiness now all of a sudden? I don’t only think it, I KNOW it, and I can — and will — prove it to you. But first I want you to consider — if you could have ANYTHING YOU WANTED, what precisely would it be? I have a method that helps you decide on a goal, any goal, and helps you achieve it within minutes of setting the goal.