God World In My Pocket


I’ve been terrifically busy lately, doing several things; the first is finishing work on the lower levels of the Ashram, and this is going well. Secondly, development of the use of the marketplace for Shamanic Skill Expansion, and Thirdly, my plan for world domination and control through the marketing of God World in my Pocket stuff.


I’ll explain how it works. Basically, you can stuff anything, however large and complex it might be, even a whole world, into one of my Magic Pouches, and it will not only stay there, it can be retrieved and if you’ve a place to rezz it, you can live in it, explore it, use it and so forth.


Each one of my God World in My Pocket items is a real place with its own time and lives. Remember in Hitch-Hiker’s Guide that mysterious satchel or bag that his aunt gave him that could hold absolutely anything, no matter how big??? Well, that’s what my Magic Pouch does! It can hold an entire universe, probably several billion of them, as a matter of fact, although the sorting and retrieval system would be nightmarishly slow at mere lightspeed.


My first experiment is with what you see in the screenshots — Norton Street West. It has everything and is lavish to the extreme, but it doesn’t matter, unless you try to manifest it in a sim, in which case, someone will complain. But in a Magic Pouch or Bag, it does no harm and has ZERO land impact!

In a sense, you are in the world, and yet you’re wearing it or carrying it, somewhat like the  “Galaxy” amuletic necklace on the cat in the first Men in Black film, right??? The contact you will receive from this effect is absolutely staggering, mind-blowing, and guaranteed to work, and work so good you’ll be astonished from toe to crown, or your Lindens back!!!

If that isn’t Magic with a Capital M, what is???


The screenshots of Norton Street West say it all. It’ll be up for sale in just a few days, on my “EJ Gold Guru” shop, called The God Particle in Second Life Marketplace.

I’ll soon have Cosmo Street and my Dad, Horace L. Gold’s, creation — The Old Curiowsity Shoppe (from our collaboration sci-fi stories in Retro SF and other novels) ready for sale, and many more treasures. Be sure to ask about the Magic Pouch at the ICW tomorrow!!!

See You At The Top!!!


FOR RENT — 56 Units Tibetan Retreat Chalets in Perrytown


Leslie Ann posing before the just-completed Tibetan Retreat Chalets at Perrytown.

There are a total of 56 Tibetan Retreat Chalets available. They are just outside Gorby’s Place. The homes are spacious and useful for meditation and other Ashram practices. Prices depend on location and furnishings. Unfurnished homes start at an extra $10 per month above the basic support. If you cannot afford this, a home will be furnished anyway. Closest to Gorby’s Place, fully furnished, we ask an additional $50 per month support to cover the prim count loss to the region.


Leslie Ann waving on Sunrise Street in the newly completed Perrytown.

These are first-come, first-served. You get a name post outside your door to identify your home. Doors are lockable, but it’s advised you keep a teleport to the inside of your home, just in case you lose the key or the door doesn’t work, which happens when you don’t click exactly right, or an internet packet-loss occurs.


Leslie Ann Showcasing an Unfurnished Tibetan Retreat Chalet, just completed.

Interiors are very spacious and generous. You can see out through the one-way windows, but they’re visually blocked when viewed from outside. The fireplace keeps the home very cozy in wintertime.


Look-Back is Here


After many dozens of hours on Avatar Physics and other Impossible Roads to Travel in Second Life, I came across a rather startling event. There was no one anywhere near me, in the depths of my workspace, yet I felt a presence, a definite presence. I was being Watched. We all know the feeling, and mostly it just isn’t so, but in this case, I knew it, without a doubt — yet there are no windows nearby, not that you could see through, anyhow. So…where was the Observer? It suddenly dawned upon me, and I chuckled with wry appreciation. My Avatar was winking at me, smiling, following my motion, and my hand was nowhere near the mouse or keyboard — what’s more, my computer is so 20th century that my screen isn’t even the touch n’ swipe kind. Yet it was undeniable. There she was, staring into my space, up close for the first time. Sure, from a distance, there had been some sightings, but this was really in yer face. I wondered if my Avatar could hear me, but was unable to determine yes or no. My guess is that we’d have to develop some sort of voice interface, not sure how that could be done or if it’d even have a chance of working. I went right to work to try to determine the exact “factors” that had opened the door to Look-Back, and was soon rewarded with very specific (and very spooky) results. It turns out that there are very specific things you can do to open that door for your Avatar to look directly through the screen into your world. I’ll introduce more about this at the upcoming In-Ashram Halloween Workshop!! Reserve your spot now!

See You At The Top!!!


Something New in Town


Leslie Ann presents the new Isiris Mausoleum installation at Old Town, 3200 metres — following is a transcript of the builder’s description of the Mausoleum:


Isiris Mausoleum is more than a simple crypt, indeed it is a palace dedicated to the great beyond. It is designed to be an experiential journey through the afterlife based on ancient, medieval and even more contemporary myths. As you enter it you are greeted by traditional omens and symbols of passing to the other side. As you explore you will find traps, ghosts, and clues about your journey.


In the lowest level of Isiris Mausoleum you will encounter the Underworld where Charon will carry you on his boat along the River Styx to continue your journey to the higher levels.

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What is Level 99???


Screenshot of Gorebagg achieving level 99 Measured against all competing Assassins in West Ladder. You will note that all other Assassins are at level 98 at this time. Gorebagg was the very first competitor at level 99, three seasons running!!! How you can tell that Gorebagg was the very first player at the 99 level is that there are no other assassins at level 99 at this time — the closest Assassin competitor is at level 98 — a close second, by the way.


Here’s Gorebagg, momentarily at the World Champion #1 Position. Note that almost all the nearby competitors are Paladins. Just try the same thing with an Assassin and see what brutal really can look like! Without the Pallys, there’d be no 99s on there at all, and LOH Obama really helped a lot toward the end, as did so many of my D2 buds.

But what is it really like to be a Level 99? The answer in a nutshell is: “I go where I am needed and I do what must be done.” When a Level 1 can do the job with bull-headed wrestling and weight-pushing, why not use a Level 1, and that’s my favorite player position, but we can’t always get what we want…oooh, that gives me an idea for a song.

See You At The Top!!!


What is Ashram Work?


Leslie-Ann conducts a London Bus Tour of the Higher Dimensions, Oct. 21, 2013.

If you’re really heavily into The Seduction Path, you won’t have much time for Ashram Work, if you get there at all. The Seduction Path is a very busy path, with all sorts of day-calendar and night-calendar appointments — they’re called “Assignations” in movies about the French courtiers and their carryings-on.

Relationship maintenance takes a lot of effort and energy, but if you manage to remain in a stable relationship, you’ll be able to take a few minutes for your Ashram Work. Remember that you can do this work in your bathrobe, slippers and shower-cap on your laptop in the middle of a lockdown, quarantine or stay-at-home sheltering order from the governor.

You’ll be able to enter the Ashram — soon you will be able to go online through your eyeglasses or wristwatch, and not long after that, you’ll be able to browse the internet with that fantastic new Galaxian Internet Implant Device that enables your brain to assemble full-blown tactile hallucinatory shopping malls and never-ending reverberating mental infomercials, with no external gear necessary — it’s all in the head.

If you’ve got a few minutes on your hands, and you’re near a laptop or a desktop computer or an iPad or iPhone, and you happen to have already downloaded and installed the second-life engine, you might consider working on your Personal Evolutionary Potential right now, this very second as is.

Here’s how you can do that very thing right this second:

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Tell a Story, Sing a Song

If there are any Official Secrets to Music, these are they:

1.   Tell a Story — this simply means any story about the simple nursery song that you’ve selected for this exercise (such as “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, or “Jack & Jill” or “Sing a Song of Sixpence” — any story will do, including that there isn’t one, ie; a rambling exploration of random notes and measures. Usually it means a story, pure & simple, describing the song’s major points, such as the fact that the farmer lived in a dell, had a wife, many chicks, ducks, geese, horses, cattle, swine, and a couple of wild and crazy dogs with a penchant for handouts. A story like that generally begins with a beginning, goes on a while in the middle, and stops at the end. The MIDDLE part is generally about the obstruction, the pain, the misery or the angst of it all. A typical song story is “my baby done left me”, whether you hear it in blues, folk, pop, ballad, country-western, jazz or classical, it’s always about relationships of one kind or another. That’d be human/human (read as: “human over human”) and bottle/human and a whole chain of seductions that read more or less the same. The story is told verbally before the instrument is sounded. The STORY should NOT take more than 1 minute to tell, especially the “Boy Meets Girl, Girl Gets Drownded, Boy Gets Hanged sort of murder-ballad you’ll find commonly in folk music.

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GoreBagg Says: There Is No Cure For Stupid


Just a comment on the Shutdown Showdown from Lord Vish… uh, I mean “Ol’ GoreBagg”:

It’s not just the Republicans — everyone is standing their ground, in essence, playing “Chicken” — where you run two jalopy type hot-rod cars at each other, until one turns aside — with our money, our work-lives and our homes and families. The game of “Chicken” always ends badly. Remember Sal Mineo and Steve McQueen in Rebel Without a Cause? The cars always go over the cliff, and at some point somewhere along the line, somebody doesn’t make it out the door in time, and this time it’s America that failed to jump and is going to go over the cliff. It’s already too late to avoid extreme calamity to the lower and middle classes — of course leaving the rich  Senators unscathed and actually financially a bit ahead, because they are in a position to dominate and profit from market downturns, besides outright selling “short”. It’s far too late to bring back national prosperity and pride, but there should be just enough time to bring the bastards responsible for the destruction of the United States to a fair trial by 10 or more of their peers, with a few million alternate jurors standing in the wings. The thing is, Senators can’t be prosecuted for Congressional Malpractice, and that’s what should happen but of course, won’t. The very, very rich always get away with it, didn’t you know? The reason I posted this the night before the deadline is that even with a settlement, the damage is done.

Point of interest; a classic historical factoid from the past — President Truman met with a half dozen nuclear scientists, trying to decide whether to set off, ie; “test”, a nuclear weapon back in 1945, at Alamagordo, New Mexico, before dropping two more on Nagasaki and Hiroshima… President Truman asked if it were true that there was a possibility that the explosion could set off a chain reaction, incinerating the entire planet. Nobody knew what a bomb like that could actually do. The six scientists responded as one with the now-classic answer: “Mr. President, we’re willing to take that chance!”

Personally, it’s no skin off my blue back, I’m immortal and I’m merely a casual visitor, checking in to see if everything’s running right, and by golly, it is! From where I live, it’s all terribly amusing. I hope you’re enjoying this section of history as much as I do. It’s my hobby.

See You At The Top!!!


Decrypting the Cross-Harp Harmonica Code

did you read this blog?

I know what you’re wondering … what has overstuffed boobs to do with cross-harp harmonica? Beats me, but it does get the hits. Cross-Harp is easy to understand, if you know what happens when you blow or draw on a harmonica. Drawing produces opportunities for note-bending and other expressive and dynamic tricks that just won’t happen or won’t happen as well on the outbreath. Yes, we’re talking inbreath and outbreath here, and it’s all very esoteric, but that’s not enough to get us over the Sinister Barrier of incompetence…make that “rank incompetence”. Okay, so what IS cross-harping, anyway? Simply put, it’s playing the opposite side of the main guys. For instance, if the song is in the Key of A, let’s say, a 12-bar blues in A, then the harp player would want to play in D, to take the most advantage of the outbreath. Of course, one could hold onto an A and a D, one over the other, and take both sides, the straight key, and the cross-key; this can be very effective, but tends to create havoc in the new player. Look for my Cross-Harp Breakdown for more exact info on what harp to play across what, but here’s the gist of it:

G/C, A/D, Bb/Eb, B/E, C/F, D/G, Eb/Ab, E/A, F/Bb, F#/B, Db or C#/F#  — and don’t hoc me in chaynekh that I included the F# — it’s a guitarist favorite, and you will eventually have to deal with it. I have a whole package in process for very, very advanced blues harp practice at home with my special “Lookin’ Good” Backing Tracks so stay tuned for most recent announcements…it’s happening hourly! I invented the backing track concept, and it makes you sound 1000 times better than you actually are!!! You will not believe how good you will sound on blues harp, the very first minute you play it, against my special backing tracks. Lookin’ Good ain’t the half of it. Pwn the Holidays with Gorby’s Lookin’ Good Backing Tracks for flute, harmonica, guitar, zen flute, recorder, horns and more!!!

See You At The Top!!!
