What Does it Mean, “Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being”, and why such a long name?


Good question. Please note that the phrase doesn’t read “Institute for the Harmonization and Development of Disagreeable Assholes” or any variant thereof. The name of the Institute should be taken very literally.

Development of the BEING requires that the Human Part and the Being Part be already entirely and spontaneously-extemporaneously harmonious when the candidate shows up at the Gate.

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PLC — Past Life Connectors — How To Use Them


I’ve been employing PLCs for some time now in our training program, but if you haven’t yet completed your SuperBeacon Strapper Induction Course, you have no idea what it is to which I am referring, so I’ll explain:

Past Life Connectors are simple devices to hook you up with your past lives. Nothing could be simpler — these are high-density psychometric objects that existed in past civilizations, such as coins, scarabs, pendants, terra-cotta fragments and more, all very inexpensive items, as compared to complete sculptures, etc.

I find the hottest psychometrics at the lowest market price. The very cheapest are those that I found with my Kovak Metal Detector, but the number of self-found items is very low compared to the number of folks who want to obtain them, so I have raided my collection of bought items (mostly from 1972-1981) to get more of them out the door and into your hands for your Past Life Connections.

I’ll be showing some of the easier items to work with on live camera, this coming weekend. Watch for my eBay listings on insaneinvestor!

See You At The Top!!!


Snap-On Tools for 3D SmartGames

We’ve thoroughly player-tested our TouchGodd® games on browsers. Not only do they work, they’re very popular, but because they can’t really be played on a smart phone, they haven’t received recognition or massive downloads as yet.

One point of some paramount importance: I’ve included a video here on how some people are solving the massive-multiplayer issues of a browser-based videogame, but the real issue here is a combination of ignorance and arrogance.

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Why Meteorites???

This is a piece of The Moon. You can own it. You can touch it. You can relate to it. You can travel very, very far with it. It was knocked off the Moon by some sort of stony impact on the ancient surface of the Moon,  and found its way toward the sun. It exploded in the high atmosphere of the Earth, then fell in a thousand fragments, each one burning in the oxygen-rich air, forming a fusion crust around each individual stone. They start out large, but by the time they’ve hit the ground, they’re very small, average size about a quarter-inch to an inch wide. It is a very good way to touch the Moon. Magically speaking, it IS the Moon, the Gateway to the Goddess. This stuff sells at about $1000 a gram if you can find the Real Thing. On eBay, you can get something that looks very similar for a lot less, but be prepared for a shock when you bring it in for appraisal. It’s worthless unless it’s the Real Thing, and the Real Thing is NOT plentiful, nor is it traded casually online.

This is Allende. It contains particles of an exploded star. The star exploded many millions of years ago. The solar system has bits of it everywhere. Some of it traveled from the asteroid belt to the Earth and landed in the Northwest African desert. Some of it landed in Allende, Mexico. You can touch stuff from an exploded star that existed long before our solar system was formed from its ashes. I have some of these. They are for sale at a very modest $30 per gram. They are large masses used for XDR (Extra-Dimensional Radio).

This is a lump that was knocked off of Mars. There is no doubt about it, it’s Mars Rock. There are ways of determining that, but it requires lab testing to make sure it’s the Real Thing. Meteorites that form in space, in very low, nearly zero gravity, cannot be faked, but lab results can be. You want to see the slice, and you’d better know what you’re looking for. Just like a rare coin or stamp or antiquity, if you don’t know how to test it, you’re vulnerable to fraud. Be CAREFUL when buying rare things. KNOW as much as you can!!! Find out about it. Do an in-depth search on the subject. At the very least, work with an expert you know you can trust, and believe me, a certificate or degree is NO guarantee of expertness, nor is reputation. You can touch a real Mars Rock for as little as $450, but it’s gonna be a really, really tiny little crumb. I have larger pieces, but they run into the $3,500 and up range. Fusion crusted examples are hard to find, and large pieces are almost impossible. For XD purposes, a small piece, about 1.0 gram, will do. That’s the $450 price-tag I was talking about.

Touch Mars. Touch the Moon. Touch a Sun. Wake Up.

See You At The Top!!!


New Music on the Way…


Using Didgeridoos, Hapi drums, Native American Spirit Flutes, Djembe and Ibo along with Prepared Violin, Keyboards and Electric Bass, the Geezer Band delights young & old — the middle-aged remain uncommitted. You will be seeing lots more music coming your way. With jazz trax from Jimmi Accardi & Bob Bachtold, I’ve been recording a sax album with Oz, and we’ll be adding some more tracks tomorrow.

See You At The Top!!!


iS aNyBOdy oUt tHeRe???


        Photo sent to me by Pete a number of years back in time…I think in the 60s.

My latest book, Downtown Community School, Camp Woodland & Woodstock has arrived at last. The proof edition was gray and lumpy, dim and dismal. After a year of intense work by Barbara (In-World Avatar is Grishy Resident) and Pete Seeger (he very kindly did the corrections and didn’t want to be paid for it, as was his wont) the book is now Ready For Prime Time, and is for sale, along with Pete’s corrections of my dismally uninformed recollections. His corrections, note to me, drawing and signature were added to indicate where I’d gone factually wrong. Our last communication was, as usual, about music, unions and intellectual freedoms.

I was just a kid at the time pictured in the book, and wasn’t aware of the actual events, especially related to Woody Guthrie. We visited him in the hospital and I saw him in a wheelchair, but he was unable to speak or relate to anyone at that moment…  I’ll happily inscribe & sign the book if you ask, and I’ll do more than one for you. I want this book OUT THERE — it’s an important bit of historical knowledge on how to set up a real Place of Learning, thanks to Pete Seeger, Norman Studer, Grant Edwards, Grant Rogers, Bob & Louise deCormier, Ronnie Gilbert, and many more education pioneers and other unsung heroes of True Education, not the pap and workplace entrainment they’re passing off as education these days. Pete had a chance to see the finished book before he passed. I am so appreciative of the co-publisher who made this financially impractical and almost unsellable book possible in spite of the dismal money prospects for its publication and distribution…although, who knows??? Could catch on with a new public, I suppose. READ IT, don’t just thumb through the pictures.

See You At The Top!!!


Fresh Fish Sold Here Today!!!


In-between bouts of GODD® level programming, I’ve been creating a rather large & complex line of trading cards. Complex, because they range from fine art to sci-fi and there’s even some girlie shots in there somewhere — I decided to share some of my vintage pinups from 1790-1910, most of which are albumen prints, magic lantern glass slides, daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes and more. I also plan to put together a collection of sci-fi, fantasy & horror folks with souvenir relics included in the extra-thick collector cards. Something I’m developing tonight for presentation tomorrow morning at the ICW is a line of non-triplex trading cards. They’ll be a LOT cheaper to produce, wholesale and retail out at very low customer cost, anywhere from $2.95 to $9.95 depending on scarcity, demand and marketing strategies.

What this means to you is that they are just a few pennies more than a color business card, so PROMOTIONAL, RETAIL MERCHANTS, ART DEALERS and WEDDING PLANNERS alert!!! Front side is typically in color, backside typically is black & white although for a bit of extra cost, it could be two-sided color. The new card is THINNER than the swatch and relic cards, much thinner, so it can be mounted in the standard top-loader, of which I currently have 2,000 on hand.

Trading cards such as these can be used for simple branding, marketing expansion, giveaways, tuck-ins (you put one in every order you ship out) and more. One great use for these is to familiarize yourself to your neighborhood.

Another great use for the less expensive non-enclosure cards is as gifts for weddings, birthday parties, souvenirs of various family events, giveaway promotionals for parking lot or signing parties. They can be used as a sales incentive, placed at register, even handed out at special events, talks, lectures, etc.

They can be loaded with almost any type of image; the catch is, you have to own the publishing rights to anything you put out there. I own the images I’m using, so no royalties or ownership issues are going to pop up.

About the title of this article — the story is short & simple: back in 1964, as an art student, I got a few commissions for signs and such, around Hollywood. One such commission was for a fish store on Melrose Boulevard around LaBrea, as I recall. The guy wanted to know how much I’d charge for a sign that read “Fresh Fish Sold Here Today!!!”

I told him I charged by the word.

“Hey, wait a minute,” he exclaimed. “I don’t really need the word ‘fresh’ in the sign, because what else could it be? And I don’t need the word ‘sold’, because obviously I’m not in business to go broke giving things away. The word ‘here’ is also redundant. Where else would it be? And ‘today’ doesn’t need to be in there either. When else? That leaves the word ‘fish’, and that’s obvious from a block away.”

See You At The Top!!!
