Donner Collection Notecards & Postcards

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It suddenly occurred to me the other day that trading cards are a very limited market…but the same images that produced those little trading cards could be used to produce larger items, such as greeting cards, notecards and postcards, all featuring real antique photos.

My notecard and postcard series are printed in full color, even though many of the photos are black & white, because the effect is that of seeing the original. Black-ink printing simply does not carry off this effect. In addition, most of the so-called “black & white” photographs are actually brown, sepiatone and some hand-colored with oil paints or watercolor tinting.

The notecards and postcards relate specifically to the Donner Party, Donner family, Nevada County residents, a few notorious Old West characters, and some very rare photos of world-famous Old West Lawmen.

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Appraisal Time Means More Than Just the House


Just a catchup on what I’ve been up to the past several days, besides creating a line of historical and vintage postcards and trading cards. I’ve been wading through 39 years of accumulated household stuff, first organizing the “stuff” into piles of similar things, then sorting them into piles of “dump”, “sell” or “hold”, kinda like stocks in an estate portfolio. An “estate” does NOT mean “dead person’s leavings”, although it CAN mean that also. It merely indicates a condition of personal belongings, including any liens or encumbrances that may lie upon it. In short, it’s everything you own or derive any personal benefit from, see?

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Halfway Down the Mountain

cat's cradle
Prosperity Path Soul Group playing Cat’s Cradle and other 19th century games, June 25, 1871.

In exactly six months, we’ll be saying “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Chanukah”, “Dig Infinity”, or the various equivalents so popular among humans of Planet Earth (it’s actually a moon, but who’s counting). We’re already halfway through the year, but it feels like only a few weeks since last Christmas, right?? Like I warned ya at the beginning of 2014, I’ve clipped some of the superfluous days out of the year, so it’d go faster. You’ve undoubtedly noticed a few discrepancies in mysteriously missing “days” of the week, and noted perhaps that I’ve lengthened the hours while shortening the number of days in the month. It’s not just to get Space Buddhaa back here faster, honest, although that’s part of the plan; I only clipped the days that would have sucked had they happened, anyway. I hope you appreciate the shortened year, and we’ll have a regular one next year, I promise. My whole purpose in re-writing the .ini file (I never mess with the .exe) to shorten the year was to demonstrate exactly how uniquely subjective time really is, and that videogame technology works quite well in an ordered universe like this one. Say, by the time we’re at the New Year, you should have a good grasp on Thursdays!

See You At The Top!!!


Total Recall Training — the KEY to past life footprinting!


Two professional Grass Valley gold miners panning in the South Yuba River, June of 1851, during the Great California Gold Rush. Is one of them you?

What is TRT?

TRT is Total Recall Training, and if you’ve ever wanted to get in contact with your past lifetimes,  it’s important to you, and you should act right now, while the intro course is still FREE. I’ll be glad to explain exactly why you should be so excited that you sign up for the FREE ONLINE BEGINNER’S COURSE right now:

Have you ever wondered why you have no tangible evidence that your work is going well, or any indication that it has gone awry or gotten tangled in the vines or is sinking in the muck of biological life?

Well, wonder no more…read on!!! Continue reading

Help Needed, and Fast!!!


How would you like to not have to hear me asking you for your help in paying off the land mortgage of $300,000 ever again???

Let me explain the situation: we do not presently own the land, and haven’t been able to own our own land for decades for a dumb and totally unjust rule. Banks don’t lend to nonprofits, period, and that’s across the board everywhere countrywide and maybe even worldwide, because banks don’t want the Scrooge Complex to be laid upon them; they simply don’t want to have to EVER foreclose on a church or synagogue, and that’s the whole reason, nothing to do with law or business practices, just public relations.

Because we have a very good relationship with our bank, and we’ve practiced exceptionally good management over the past 43 years, never ever missing a mortgage payment, we’re being offered a chance to actually own our own property, and without a qualified co-signer (someone earning over $200,000 a year would barely qualify). We are being considered for a loan, but we must bring some money to the table, actually $15,000 in cash, straight up.

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Just a Wee Bit about


Tiffany models Customized Peter Grimm Cowboy Hat artisaned by ej gold — $125.

Tiffany came over the other day to model hats — I wasn’t there for most of the photo shoot, but I was there for the end of it, and I do have all the shots taken in that short impromptu session, and this is one nice one that shows off the hat. This wrapped-fibre tailed & blazened custom cowboy hat from a Listed American Artist retails for a mere $125, and I make ’em myself, all by hand except for the genuine tagged Peter Grimm hat itself, which can be shaped, formed and customized in many different ways. Thanks to all those who did the modeling session. Wholesale on the hats is $65 — you only need to order 2 to get the wholesale price, so you’re actually getting one hat free!!!

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Prosperity Path Gold Claim — Good Spots to Prospect


There are some nice air-breaks and drops in the upper part of this photo, just below the ripples. You’d look for bedrock, of course, but first, you’ll want to find the exact water-break where the floodwater allows the gold to drop straight down through an air pocket. Gold wants to fall first, and will be ahead of all the other heavy minerals, slightly upstream from the sand, where the gravel falls and the heavier metals will be found.

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Prosperity Gold Claim Campground Photo Tour


Here’s Uncle Claude’s photo of Bill Albin walking the route toward the camping area; you can pitch a tent here if you don’t mind sharing your space with the bears — they’re friendly and most anxious to meet anyone with anything resembling food. There are campgrounds aplenty all around, and lots of rentals. Living right there on the claim is not recommended, and it’s less than three minutes from the established and sleeping areas.

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