I’ve set up the PTP classes pretty much along very simple lines. Practical Work on Self Training Program is what PTP stands for. It’s a series of personal experiments which are called PTP Projects. If you’re interested and have a lot of spare energy and attention, you’ll receive as your first Mission Pack a group of ten (10) assorted handmade greeting cards that I put together for you to get rid of.
That’s right, I didn’t say “sell”, and the reason for that is because the exercise does NOT specify selling as an action you need to take, although unless you’re independently wealthy, the economics of the situation will eventually create an overburden of financial crush that can only be relieved by selling something.
As you are undoubtedly aware, people don’t tend to do anything they don’t absolutely have to do in order to survive at the most basic level.
Well, that’s true, but people will take action if they believe they can personally and instantly benefit immediately and greatly as a result of that action, even if the probability against is very, very high, such as a lottery ticked or a horse race, and naturally, the greater the odds against, the greater the reward if your horse should happen to beat the odds, which is called a “long shot”.
Frankly, I know what will inevitably happen to your project, unless you do something to overcome your inertness (not “intertia”, the correct word is “inertness”, the quality of standing still, being “not-in-motion” with no hope of energizing oneself into action).
Getting a bit too technical? Okay, I’ll cut right to chase:
I send you 10 handmade “Vintage Postcard Notecards” — made by cementing down a genuine vintage postcard onto a brand-new stationary card with a matching envelope. It’s then wrapped in a protective sleeve, ready for market. You can add your own price tag or use mine.
There’s your necessity in a nutshell — you’re stuck with those 10 greeting cards unless you can figure out a way to get rid of them, and that DOES answer the exercise, because your only instruction is:
“You have 10 greeting cards in your possession. Get rid of them any way you can.”
That’s the whole of it, no gimmicks, no extras, nothing deep to understand. Get rid of them any (legal and ethical) way you can. I thought I’d mention those two items, ethical and legal, because they might not be “understoods” — I’m taking nothing for granted here.
Obviously if you don’t generate some cash from the sale of these horrid “in-your-face” greeting cards, you’ll soon be up to your eyeballs in greeting cards. They’ll be tumbling out of every closet and cupboard door if you’re not attentive and ready to take action to get them out of your house as if they were tribbles, and they are.
Tribbles are from a Star Trek episode, “Trouble With Tribbles”, writtten by one of my Galaxy Magazine authors, David Gerrold. You can easily find the very amusing episode on youtube, I’m sure. You won’t check it out unless I put the link in right here for you? Has it come to that, already? (SOUND: Deep Sigh, MUSIC up & out)
One of the other things I’m not taking for granted is your ability to create greeting cards of your own, on your own. I’ll be giving you the basics all along on the course, so you’ll be ready for each stage of increasing difficulty as it comes.
Don’t be in too much of a hurry for the Cockatrice, Basilisk, Familiar and the Big Four Elementals. You’ll meet them plenty fast enough — the learning curve is very easy in the PTP Course, and you can complete it in just a few months if you push yourself a bit.
I’ll be posting some blogs about the Basilisk and his friends, so stay tuned and tell a friend to tune in, too. I assure you that it will be of interest to anyone engaged in XD communication and travel — it’s like having a comparative travel agency help you with your voyaging bookings.
Lesson 1 of the PTP Course is just $35 away from happening! Send for it today! Supplies of vintage cards are not inexhaustible — get yours now! 10 handmade greeting cards for $35, which includes the course material. The video will help you get started right away, and in spite of the fact that it’s “just a school exercise”, it can actually help you to finance your workshops and retreats with enough extra cash to provide you with the ever-popular “wherewithal” to do the things you want to do.
Hopefully, one of those things you want to do is to learn how to be smart, courageous and kind. The PTP Course will not only take you there, it’ll take you back again, so you can turn around and help others up the ladder of consciousness.
“Bodhisattva” is not just a cute New Age buzz-word for a terrific new yuppy-seducing self-help weekend workshop. Bodhisattva is a Way of Life.
Sacrifice of Comfort is the game at hand. Wanna Play???
See You At The Top!!!