One kind of person you definitely do NOT want to marry is someone, male or female, with NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
What does an NPD look like, exactly?
An NPD is easy to spot. I’ll give you the basic clues in a simple rundown:
1 A very exaggerated sense of one’s talents, skills and importance in the world at large.
2. An obvious and obsessive need for attention, lots of it, and admiration, if available.
3. Fantasies of Great Romance. I don’t have to spell this one out for you.
4. Fantasies of Great Insight, Great Ideas, Personal Greatness in general.
5. Views people as objects or “dolls”, as in “my dolls came to help me give a party!”, or “hey, bitch, how about a blowjob?”.
6. Easily offended, and when offended, crushed beyond hope, until he or she gets his or her way with you. For the NPD, everything, even the most harmless and exalted thing, is a weapon to be used to keep you under control.
7. Self-criticism and NPD do not mix well. NPDs who are confronted with any issues problems will go immediately into a tailspin of rage and/or paranoiac accusations in every direction.
8. Totally Unbelievably Powerful Sense of Righteousness. Even the most evil of acts can be easily rationalized by the NPD, because lying comes easier than telling the simple truth.
9. An NPDs feelings are easily hurt. This is the first and sometimes last line of defense for the NPD who hasn’t yet crushed you down all the way to the ground.
10. Seems very sympathetic and empathetic, but has a heart of stone, no feelings for other whatever, totally sociopathic in every respect, and a potential candidate for doing harm to others without a single drop of remorse.
11. Has no respect for others, yet demands respect from others, and has a temper tantrum when that doesn’t happen to his or her expectations.
12. Is able to easily rationalize and justify the most barbaric and animalistic acts, thinks of them as completely ordinary and in every respect totally normal. Doesn’t everyone do what I do??? Of course they do.
13. Bad things tend to happen around an NPD. They get hurt easily and others get hurt just by being near them, either physically or emotionally or both.
14. Sense of Personal Entitlement. The world owes them a living, and they tend to let their totally disrupted partner carry the weight of earning the living for both of them.
SO WHAT’S THE ANSWER? Continue reading