Why I Re-Created Gorebagg in Diablo 2 Today


Kurt Russell signed this photo, one of several dozen cast-signed shots from the production, including original script.
Kurt Russell signed this photo, one of several dozen cast-signed shots from the production, including a signed original script. I’m trying to get Kurt or James Hong to sign one for Amy — it’s her favorite film!

Teena, if you read this, please ask Jim to sign & send photo, thx.

Yep, I did it; I went into ALL my Diablo II accounts and refreshed them, upgraded characters, settled the contents of backpacks and stashboxes, and in some cases took the character up a level or three, to make sure I wasn’t booted out for switching games too fast, although that did happen a few times in spite of my care.

In all, I’ve rescued about a hundred D2 characters, representing some $2,000 in value of what they carry, and another several thousand hours of gameplay over the past decade or more to bring them to that level.

So, they’re all fine, all doing well, none of them lost, none at all, including my level 77 HARDCORE chars in the EUROPEAN server and another 50 HardCore chars on the EASTERN server and still more, about fifty, in the WEST server, so I’m ready when you are to do Bardo Safaris in D2, and to hand out tons of great drops to those who join safaris. Continue reading

Information, Information, Information…

Tiffany in Red Hearts handpainted dress, & Gorby in LeslieAnn Cowboy Hat, during photoshoot for tattoo-fashions.com
Tiffany in Red Hearts handpainted dress, & Gorby in LeslieAnn Cowboy Hat, during photoshoot for tattoo-fashions.com

“Information, information, information…without good information, Gabriel, how can I possibly make good decisions???” — Lord God, Creation Story Verbatim

Anytime you add or subtract information from the surface of a Primitive Object, which is what most things are, no matter what they look like, including me and you and Tiffany here, it changes the object, “Heisenbergs” it, in a way… I’ll explain:

Take an object, any object, and describe it as a simple undifferentiated cube with no distinguishing characteristics at the moment.

Okay, now stuff the cube full of something — anything. It goes into the “contents”, which is to say, it is added to, and distributed by negentropy into small groupings or “bundles” and embedded into the surface — not the skin — of the cube. Some part of these “instructions” or “information” says that the cube now looks like a sphere.

All Particles (Cubes) act as Black Holes in respect to incoming information by accumulating the information and distributing it unevenly within its surface.

We can add yet more or entirely different information and make the cube look like Tiffany, or Gorby or both, but that’s another story involving quantum mechanics like the kind of calculations and theory that you would be forced to confront in a final exam. Information can be “stacked” or layered.

Information embedded in the surface of the particle isn’t necessarily flattened, but it can be, in the interest of Conservation of Information, a standard that Stephen hasn’t yet broken, and he won’t ever. The Conservation of Information is not destroyed by a Black Hole, the observational evidence isn’t yet in to support my position, but it’s on the way shortly. Continue reading

How to Become a Tattoo-Fashions Representative


I’ll bet you’re wondering how to get started on the Tattoo-Fashions road to success, happiness and a non-ink future for your kids & grandkids. It’s totally easy.

STEP ONE — Contact Yanesh or use the contact page on this website for information about how you can participate in the Space-Bender Project.

STEP TWO — Refer to Step One.

What is Tattoo-Fashions?

Amy's Upper Back Tattoo was hand-drawn by her.
Amy’s Upper Back Tattoo was hand-drawn by her — note the intricacy and detail achieved in this blue ink skin tattoo.

First of all, I DON’T create my designs in Photoshop. I hand-draw and hand-paint them, and so does Amy. I’m so amazed at her hand-drawn upper back design, truly a work of art, not a mechanical “art” tattoo as you’d see in the standard blue-ink parlors.

Neither Amy nor I depend on mechanical drawing in Photoshop or anywhere else, to get us where we want to go, and we’re sharing our skills with our tattoo-fashions students at women’s creative workshop.

We just don’t use mechanical drawing for anything, not for any reason whatsoever. If you ain’t got it in the hands, you ain’t got it, baby. Continue reading

Fresh Space-Bender TempTats For Sale Here Today!!!


“Fresh Space-Bender Tramp-Stamps For Sale Here Today!!!” — that’s what I told the sign-maker at Staples yesterday afternoon that I wanted for a sign over my street booth, because this will be my 36th year at both the Victorian Christmas in Nevada City, now also in its 36th year of Christmas Cheer & Tradition, featuring roasted chestnuts, gas lighting in a quaint 19th century atmospheric setting — the town is basically as it was 150 years ago.

I’ll also be, as usual, in my booth at the world-famous Cornish Christmas celebration in Grass Valley, which began in 1967 as a way to preserve Grass Valley’s Cornish traditions and history. Food & drink from Gold Rush Days are served, and strolling musicians, jugglers, fire-eaters and belly-dancers abound, as well as Cornish Choir and the Tommyknocker Cloggers, an amazing and popular act.

I’ll of course be doing my contact juggling, hoop work, stick twirling and the ever-popular 2,000 year old Miracle of the Chinese Linking Rings and my Atlantean Crystal Ball and Lemurian Floating Zombie Ball. I will also undoubtedly want to bring along a few Houdini Lights and a change-bag full of health-food candy.

“So, LeslieAnn,” she replied, “you want a sign that says ‘Fresh Space-Bender TempTats For Sale Here Today!!!’???” she smiled, obviously ready to make the sign the moment I nodded “yes”.

“Okay, that’ll be $80, is that ok? It’s $10 a word, and I can count Tramp-Stamps as one word, because it’s hyphenated.”

“Um, wait a minute,” I said. “Ten bucks a word?”

“Yep,” she nodded. Continue reading

Have I Got a WormHole For You!!!

Have I Got a WormHole For YOU!!!
Have I Got a WormHole For YOU!!!

Have I got a Wormhole for you!!! Here are my Tribal Style Space-Bender TempTats. Well, not all of them — they now number in the high hundreds, and I’m working hard to get them up online so you can see them and order them. The ones I’m showing can be worn just about anywhere from lower back or tummy to arms, inner thigh, spine, shoulder, and even face or as a choker necklace tat. All of the positions work, and each position has its very own unique Quantum Effect.

Which tattoo is best? Which position on which body part should I wear it??? Continue reading

Trans-Dimensional Devices

Tiffany models my Customized XD Folded Space Copper Necklace for Flesh & Blood XD Voyaging.
Tiffany Models my CUSTOMIZED “Folded Space” Copper Waking State Trigger Necklace, $225 plus tax & shipping.

There are a number of ways for an Exploratory Voyager to go XD — Trans-Dimensional, and to actually travel to a different dimension. Some of those ways involve basically just standing or sitting around waiting for it to happen, sort of like standing on a train-track thinking nothing will ever come along. Another way for you to go XD and move over to another dimension, reality zone or time zone is to use your standard galaxy-wide XD vehicle, the ever-popular UFO.

Problem is, there are only a few local Urthside manufacturers of UFOs, and most of them are on contract with Pan Am and Mercury Records, for two different reasons — Pan Am is planning commercial UFO round-trips to the moon, Mars and Asteroid Belt. I’m hoping they’ll put Europa and Vesta on the tour, because I’ve already got two incredible light- gravity nightclubs operating there; I’m currently in immortal combat on building permit issues with Solaria, nevertheless I’ve got bulldozers ready to break ground on Ganymede to handle the crushing crowds of XD Clubbers, but I could always use more business — who couldn’t???

Speaking of business, I realize now that I haven’t even brought up yet the subject of this blog. Terribly remiss of me; I’ll do my best to correct it, starting out with the Standard American Apology: “My Bad”. I can’t get the etymology of this baby, but my best guess is that it came out of a university undergrad trying to be cute.

No college student is cute except to a sex-clouded mind. Babies are sometimes cute, although I’ve seen my share of ugly babies. Some adults are especially ugly, yet they all seem to find enough partners to make a lot of ugly babies. Love is blind. So is sex. So is greed. So is stupidity. So is sociopathic psychosis. Don’t get me started on Humans of Planet Urth; I can go on about them all day long and never stop laughing.

There’s no better way to learn to handle SkyWalking and Bardo Running than to use my special XD HIKING, CAMPING & SURVIVAL TOOLS to walk through and around and across many dimensional boundaries in a single day and, yes, Virginia, there is a way of actual travel, not just with the vision, but you need the tools and the survival skills before you try to go too far across the dimensional boundaries.

Einstein knew how XD Voyaging would be accomplished. Here’s how it’s done: Continue reading

Waking State Tattoo Triggers & How They Work

Amy and LeslieAnn displaying Waking State Trigger Tattoos at Amy's Place
Amy and LeslieAnn displaying Waking State Trigger Tattoos at Amy’s Place

The Human Biological Machine is mostly water. Actually, salts, fats and other solids in solution, combined with a tendency toward negentropy that results in organs, rivers of blood and pools of electrical energy — in short, a semi-successful solidization of energy, calling itself “human being”.

Because it uses tools, makes its own home, handles fire fairly well, is able to hold down a job by flattering the boss, and it can seduce someone or something into sex, it considers itself very, very smart, very smart indeed.

Actually, all that stuff comes under the heading of “MOVEACT CODE”, because it’s all built into the machine; it all happens automatically, in predictable patterns of helpless and unknowingly produced “knee-jerk reactions” to chains of otherwise unconnected life-events, producing what can only be termed “life-drama”.

Life-Drama tends to disrupt consciousness.

If you’re looking to awaken IN THE MACHINE in order to accomplish your higher work, you’ll want lots of WAKING STATE TRIGGERS, such as my Temporary Tattoos, Decals and other incredible wondrous goodies. Waking States disrupt Life-Dramas, which tend to disrupt conciousness, like I said.

I made my tattoos the way I make my books, videos, jewelry & fashions — with magic. They are designed to trigger the Waking State, period. That’s their whole function, but in this case, form need not follow function, meaning that I am free to make the designs look like tattoos or not, depending on the need for calligraphic detail, sigils, etc.


He’ll Change. He Promised He’ll Change.


Dale Morse Photo Session by LeslieAnn
Photomontage of Dale’s First Fashion Photo Shoot on Wednesday — Photos by LeslieAnn

“He’ll Change”, women say about their boyfriend or husband, they all tell me that he promised to change, and even enrolled in a therapy group, but they don’t change — they never do. They never have to find continual accommodation to the spoken and unspoken demands of their “life partner”, although relationships these days seldom run into anywhere like “life”.

Women change readily and rapidly, from lover to lover, adjusting to every whim and mood of a new boyfriend, and they have no problem doing so, but they can’t easily end a relationship.

A woman can learn to serve just about any man, and most women are more than willing to be a Man Pleaser, but as pleasing as you might be, the guy eventually tires of you, generally during the first minute of contact. Man-Pleasing is an easy way to earn a living, and if you can keep it up (joke intended) you can maintain The Nest at least until the kids leave home.

Woman all know that after that first smashing boiling ripping roiling minute of “First Contact”, things roll downhill, entropy sets in, and the relationship goes numb. You have to constantly remind the man that he’s in a relationship, and it’s a constant battle between you and the hundreds of younger women he encounters every day.

If you want to maintain Peace In The Household, you’re going to teach yourself to overlook certain things, like the smell of perfume on his shorts, or the stubborn stain on the fly of his pants.

The only thing keeping most relationships going is the cost of lawyers and the threat of joint custody. Continue reading


Amy is totally brilliant.
Amy in Tattoo-Fashions leather skirt & Amber necklace — “how about black light and glow in the dark???”

BLACKLIGHT & GLOW-IN-THE-DARK tattoos and nail art? Sure, why not? Why not is because I just didn’t think of it, that’s why not, but fortunately, AMY did!!! (Did I mention that Amy is brilliant???) Okay, so I ran home, dashed into my studio and blasted away on a hundred and fifty acrylic nail-forms, until I have in hand a MANDARIN MAGIC NAIL that CAN BE SEEN by entities who cannot see well in the Human Visible Light Spectrum. Continue reading


rignoldshakespeare copy

Here’s a subject you’ll want to know about…Dramatics. It’s something you do every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year, and yet I’ll lay down dollars against your donuts that you haven’t a clue, because getting a handle on this requires SERIOUS SELF-STUDY and serious self-observation, taking in the data with no judgment and no personal affixation, either mental or emotional, about the outcome.

This is not an easy task, and generally takes about six years to accomplish from the time that you actually begin the self-study program. Contrary to popular wisdom (the ultimate oxymoron, followed closely by “army intelligence”), the clock doesn’t start on that particular exercise when you’re just thinking hard about it, although your life can change just by reading the ABD aloud, but that’s a different issue and a different lineage of reality.

Okay, back on subject we go… Dramatics. Continue reading