Teena, if you read this, please ask Jim to sign & send photo, thx.
Yep, I did it; I went into ALL my Diablo II accounts and refreshed them, upgraded characters, settled the contents of backpacks and stashboxes, and in some cases took the character up a level or three, to make sure I wasn’t booted out for switching games too fast, although that did happen a few times in spite of my care.
In all, I’ve rescued about a hundred D2 characters, representing some $2,000 in value of what they carry, and another several thousand hours of gameplay over the past decade or more to bring them to that level.
So, they’re all fine, all doing well, none of them lost, none at all, including my level 77 HARDCORE chars in the EUROPEAN server and another 50 HardCore chars on the EASTERN server and still more, about fifty, in the WEST server, so I’m ready when you are to do Bardo Safaris in D2, and to hand out tons of great drops to those who join safaris. Continue reading