Last night I spent about seven solid hours rebuilding Rome, making it a walking experience, giving it some body & depth, and I got lucky with my building, so you can see it today, right now, in the Ashram. The major changes are on the ground floor, meaning along the River of Time. There are a lot of finishing touches that will be added as the year goes on, and Target Destinations will be my next short-term goal to get up and running.
Captain LeslieAnn of Black Falcon Airways prepares the cabin to host passengers.
Are you ready for an AfterLife Adventure? On New Year’s Day, LeslieAnn will pilot the very first of many InterDimensional Expeditions into parallel worlds and past lives. You can sign up now for the event. Seating is very limited.
But what exactly happens on a Black Falcon Adventure? Continue reading →
Hotter than a pistol, I’m building my ass off in the Ashram!!!
This urban disaster area is just one of my latest building efforts to provide a background for the PLS adventures on which you’ll be going in the near future. I can assemble a complete city with all the trimmings and extras, but more than that, I’m able to build a world that can’t exist in this time-space but does exist in another one just beside this one.
You’ll note that there’s new My Life as a Boy material that’s been posted, and more to come. The respite was strictly temporary, because there was a lot of work needed in the Ashram. You will note that the number of working shops, stores and food services in the Ashram are growing at the rate of between one and three business places per day, with plenty of new shops featuring the L$25 price tag for all items in the shop, making learning how to dress oneself, buy clothing and other accessories and handle objects somewhat easier.
Please note that we’re talking baby talk here — dressing yourself is a major issue in Second Life, as you’ll discover upon undertaking the task of removing one item of clothing and replacing it with another, or taking something off and putting something else on.
Even more confusing and disorienting is the process whereby one changes one’s avatar entirely. This can cause bizarre disruptions in reality.
Then there’s the question of WHY??? Why buy electronic fashions, binary cosmetics and digital jeans?
It’s not the thing itself, it’s what you learn by doing it.
LeslieAnn is building in the Ashram again…what now???
LeslieAnn just put another seven hours in last night, and five more hours since the morning show and she’s very happy with the results so far, but there’s a long way to go before she’s satisfied, if such a thing is possible. Check out the Cloister Recording “Enterview” to get the predictions about our virtual ashram made over 40 years ago, before virtual ashrams were even possible. Listen and be amazed!
How about your Present Life? Had any problems with that one?
Present Life Survey, PLS, is available right now, this very minute. Here’s how it works:
Let’s assume that you have no photographs of your life, none at all. Many folks are in that same situation and, until this invention, had no chance to experience the Present Life Survey that folks lucky enough to have retained photos of their childhood were able to have.
So what I’ve done is scan in thousands of personal photos, massage them into good art, and make them available to you. Each set of photos is isolated into decades, 1940-1949, 1950-1959, etc. all the way from 1900 to 2014. Here’s the information you need to give me in order to make this work for you: Continue reading →
I just got back from Ancient Babylon, where I spent the day shopping and, of course, indulging myself at every hot takeout finger-food stand on the way through the streets of one of the most ancient cities in the world, and I came back, not having spent $6,500 on a one-day vacation, but having SAVED over $4,000 on the most incredible sales items you ever saw, but never mind about my story, how about yours? Send for this amazing Kit today — here’s the breakdown: Continue reading →
Chiya means “Eternal” — she is a darkside dreamwalker
We follow Chiya on her Day Off, through 30 scenes in her travels around her small village somewhere on the Other Side of the Twilight Zone. Why not tell your story, Chiya? For that was your name, was it not? Continue reading →
Diary of a Teenage Vampire by LeslieAnn is now available.
Just in time for Christmas, makes a great gift, is shipped via email to the person of your choice, for only $6.99 — that’s 30 images to enjoy and confess your vampire ways to your heart’s — or jugular vein’s — content!
Jack the Ripper’s Christmas Sonnets are just in time for your Holiday Celebrations. Give it as a Gift!!!
‘Tis the Season to be Jolly, so get your quill pen out and start crafting up those verses for your genuine Jack the Ripper Christmas Sonnets creative writing Pak. You can order this Pocket Mission Pak right now, today, shipped to you via email, to insure pre-Christmas delivery!
If you want the whole package, there’s still time to order if you’re in the U.S.A. — Continue reading →
Roman Holiday is a series of 78 images of LeslieAnn walking about Ancient Rome, 43 B.C.
These are a series of screenshots, a walkabout through Ancient Rome. I’ll be shooting a “My Roman Holiday” for YOU, with 30 Screenshots for you to describe or to which you might decide to write poetry — it’s up to you. Continue reading →