SCRIM1 — “Amsterdam Canals Windy Afternoon”, 2.4.15, signed & dated in the plate.
All of my Scrimshaw Landscapes come to you printed on rare, laid-linen Dover 17th century style handmade watermarked paper, the same paper used by Rembrandt, van Ostade and others. The original artwork is scratched into the plate with a small sharp point. The lighter lines are called “drypoint” and the heavier darker areas are called “burr”. The originals are not for sale, but stunning, fine-art prints are available now.
This edition is limited by the amount of the rare Dover paper available. It is no longer made. I have the world’s supply. It was a paper favored by book restorers who wanted to match the 17th century paper of the volume under conservation. The print is 100% archival and should outlast this civilization if left to age on its own. I have many 400 year old prints made on this type of paper, and they show only normal signs of age, no foxing, no staining, nothing but normal age, which in this case, means “microscopic”, no visible damage. Continue reading →
They make it SOOOO easy to click into a new life program that might not go away.
“Get Firefox for Android,” the ad in the center of your newly invoked browser will announce, and if you’re like most people, you’ll brainlessly enter your phone number and click on the button that says “Send me the link”, and Firefox will send the link to your phone instantly by text message. SMS & data rates may apply, you’re advised, but since nobody knows that SMS means “Short Message Service”, and data rates are about baud rate (one character at a time) or bit rate, one bit at a time — characters are generally 8 bits, or one byte, if my history class memory about the 21st century serves me rightly. I’ve been wrong before, which is why I carry a 2.4 average back home, in an unbroken record of scholastic defeats.
My point about the graphic above is that everyone’s doing it, which is the classic concept for sales & marketing. It’s being made “dropped in the lap” easy to click your way around the internet and load up your smartphone with stuff you’ll never use, just like you do with your closets, drawers and any other storage space you have. Stuff seems to accumulate even when you can’t remember taking it in.
Until an Android videogame can be loaded in just as easily from a phone-friendly browser, my new Android games won’t see the dawn of the New Age of Gaming. Continue reading →
Scrimshaw Etching of a fisherman’s house, “Parson Jackson’s Hole”, signed & dated in the plate.
I’m releasing my version of 21st century etchings with a series of reproductions of my latest most recent etchings produced here at my atelier. These will be printed on high-grade photo paper to get ALL the nuances of the originals, without the danger of them being used as counterfeits — the back clearly reads “photo paper”.
The print itself is $25, a fair price for a signed-and-dated-in-the-plate graphic multiple, if my memory of the art market serves me right. I will float-mount your print in a double mat board, and mount it for you in one of my finest museum-grade heavyweight 6″ wide hand-carved gilded hardwood frames for an additional $650, or in a lightweight custom frame at only $125 for the entire framing job — both framing jobs do not include the cost of the artwork — I have to pay folks to do these jobs, and fair wages is fair wages. It isn’t easy to frame a work of art — both Robbert and I have done it, at the rate of hundreds of pieces a week, and believe it, the pay is scarcely enough to cover the personal cost.
You can order a LIMITED EDITION print on handmade 17th century type “Dover” paper, made for 400 years by an unbroken line of family paper-makers. The paper is valued at $150 a full sheet at today’s rare paper market prices, and was $30 a sheet wholesale back in 1987, when it was obtained from the factory in England where it had been made many years earlier. Continue reading →
My Aunts Sadie, Molly & Leah were “flappers” back in 1923.
Is the Internet actually evil? No more so than the telephone lines or the equipment that handles millions of calls a minute. The Internet is a virtual Post Office. Nobody can possibly maintain an effective vigil on postal mail and telegram and teletype and messenger-delivered and air-freighted that pass between millions of people at a time, much less the CMT — Casual Message Traffic — that has developed electronically, where someone might write into their facebook or twitter log several dozen times an hour, the equivalent of snail-mail output of hundreds of letters per day to hundreds of friends all over the world, and all that electronic chatter is sent over some kind of wire, whether metal, light-optic fibre, radio, short-wave, wireless transmitter, Atlantic Cable, or somebody pounding on a talking drum.
The mail services around the world do not typically encourage their folks to send porn through the mails, but all over the world, they do, and in other countries besides the United States, they don’t have to send them in “plain brown wrappers” as folks used to do back in the Good Old Days, 1930 to the present time, yet we don’t say that the mail services are responsible for porn.
Scavengers and derelicts and scoundrels abound, but then, they always have. Anyone unfortunate enough to end up a victim of some kind of Fagan, the pickpocket boss from the musical “Oliver”, based on “Oliver Twist”, a famous Dickens novel about a boy who went from pickpocket to millionaire overnight, just by singing instead of talking.
These days, all the wrappings of civilization and the veneer of congeniality have been stripped away. Never mind who’s at fault. People who are badly educated or uneducated have no idea about the world beyond their own skins, and no concept of a world larger than their immediate territory and personal needs.
The United States used to have one of the finest educational systems in the world. Today, it ranks near the bottom, and that includes many undeveloped nations.
At the age of 23 in a very previous lifetime, the squared circle was all the rage.
Square balls and boxy hedges sort of give it away that it’s a videogame, right? So how would you react if everything around you was square when it was supposed to be round or at least roundISH.
Scientists are on the verge of demonstrating that the universe is oriented, which translates to “on the grid”, meaning that there is a distinct North-South and East-West directional Longitude & Latitude with a Z thrown in for the third dimensional stratum. The fact is that the universe is very much on the grid, and that lateral movement is made virtually possible but actually impossible. It’s all done with mirrors.
When you have a limited budget of perceptikons, you might as well not exceed that limit with more detail. The eye can’t see what it can’t see, and the brain can’t process more than its processing speed will allow, and that’s way down at the speed of light.
In the Quantum World, there is no speed. There is position and relative position, yes, but there is no speed. Things don’t travel through space, they inhabit points, and that includes YOU, the Real You, the point of light that rides around inside that organic thing that seems to be deteriorating a lot faster than you’d thought it might.
My first Android God World in my Pocket offerings will be of the square-world variety, and I intend to continue to use this technique to bring about a Waking State in visitors to my Pocket GoDD Worlds.
I don’t program for the public, to please the Great Unwashed and gain profit thereby. I have no need for, nor interest in, money, fame, recognition or anything even remotely like that. My sole interest is in making very advanced Awakening Tools available to those who really need and appreciate them.
With all of Eternity to wade through countless times, I don’t really care what the numbers are at the moment — it adds up fast enough to a sufficient quantity of reliable Bodhisattvas on the job.
Well, here’s to my Square World, may you join the Blessed Few in the Blessed Realm of Squareness!
Folks have recently, in the past few days, been asking me questions about Higher Beings and a lot of folks asked if their efforts are all in vain. I suspect that there’s something behind this, perhaps something in the news???
I haven’t been in circulation of late — I’m too busy with the new AndyGoDD engine to converse with others, but I did overhear a few vague rumors of something not so good, related in some way to Higher Beings, as best I can determine without getting the actual facts.
I can’t claim to know everything about Higher Beings, but every Higher Being I ever met was definitely among the “unclassifiable”.
Without getting specific about any one Higher Being or another, I plan to treat the subject in a general way, with kindness, courtesy, consideration and empathy for others, which is the way of the Higher Being. So how can you tell if someone is a Higher Being? So, okay, here’s a short dissertation on what I know about Higher Beings: Continue reading →
We’re at the end of the very first week of our new Android Godd Engine and in our third decade in the GODD Engine. The Android engine, which I have dubbed “AndyGoDD” has accepted BardoTown without groaning too much, so I’m ready to prepare a map for release, and the very first map we’re trying to bring out into the Android app store is BardoTown, my largest and most complex map. Why the toughest, most demanding and most likely map to go wrong, for our very first Android effort? Think about it.
We need to know what parts break down first, if any, and I have to know for sure that most of the folks who download it will be able to use it on their Android smartphone. Continue reading →
Actual Screenshot of my first Android virtual world, January 27, 2015
Finally, I have in my possession our very own Android app Godworld in my Pocket, enabling you to carry in pocket or purse an entire world — well, not the world itself, but a powerful Quantum Connection to your target Alternate World or Dimension. Here’s how it works:
Remember the Two Great Laws of Magic?
Well, it’s not just “magic” anymore. Science now recognizes what is called “Quantum Entanglement”, which simply means that two things that have been in contact are forever in contact unless that contact is consciously broken. The Second Law of Quantum Entanglement says that something that is exactly like something else is in Quantum Contact with that other thing. Move one thing one way, and its quantum twin moves equally but oppositely, a mirror of the other.
Knowing how this works gives you the power to alter virtually anything in the universe, but it’s a skill, an art, to predict the counterspin, and that’s the job of a programmer. You’re here to view and to pass energies two ways, a tool for the Great Programmer In The Sky to see the changes. Continue reading →
Official City Planning Commission (that’s me) has laid out the streets of the Annex & Annex South.
The official word is this: KEEP WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KEEP on the 3250 meters level. This level will not be taken down. It will function as an advanced student area and you can put your shrine, temple or home at the 3250 meters level. What you’re seeing in the screenshot above is the GROUND LEVEL street layout. You are expected to build there, and to take note of the layout and the fact that it’s a community and not a free-for-all battleground of contrasting tastes and values. That’s strictly for the ape-descendents.
So what about all the other stuff on your parcel???
This is the New Greenwich Village, which I’ve extended with more shops along MacDougal & Bleeker Streets.
You have only so many prims to spend. Prims are like your Net Worth, your bank account plus everything else you have. When you run out of Prims, you need a larger space or you must cut back what you’ve put up, which I’ve done hundreds of times, wiping out thousands of hours of previous work in order to make the improvements my advancing skills will allow.
I’ll cover all the details in this morning’s broadcast at 6:30 am PST, but basically there IS A PLAN and you need to find out what the plan is and make your parcel conform with the plan as soon as you’re able. There’s plenty of room for self-expression in the plan, but you MUST take the plan into account when taking action on your parcel!!!
Shakti and I used to play for whole afternoons with the garden hose.
It’s time for Shakti to pass. Today sometime between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm PST, my friend and companion of 15 years will be assisted in his passing. He is 105 years old in doggie years, has had cancer for over 8 of those years and has had a totally wonderful life, especially during the past 3 years when he was with me almost constantly, due to Lime’s Disease, Cancer & other ailments.
Shakti’s last three years were fabulous, to say the least. We were no longer able to play “catch the water” with the garden hose, but we sat together for many hours every day and through most of the night when I work on the computer, but Shakti’s absolute favorite time was the Monday Music Day at 4:00 pm.
Right now, he’s in a world of pain, and is happy to be able to pass with assistance from Doctor Linda. He would not be able to live through the night in any case — there are too many things wrong. Today, we will all help to assist Shakti to pass during the band practice, in the same spot where he likes to nap during the music. He has lost a lot of hearing, but the Didge gets to him, and so do the drums and guitar and bass. He is never happier than when he’s at band practice.
He’ll have hundreds of friends chant and sing and pray for his safe passage into the Ashram. How many dogs or people or anything do you know who have the same sendoff???
The next time you meet Shakti — and you will meet him again — he’ll be a biped, and he’ll be having a pizza in the Virtual Ashram, and we’ll be playing “catch the water” with the garden hose.