These Fine-Art Photo Greeting Cards come in a fantastic resale pack with high-quality archival 100% rag pastel and cream shades. Card, envelope & packaging look incredible, totally professional and 100% better than Hallmark. The high-grade paper card is imprinted with “EJ Gold” actual embossed signature. There is no card on the market like this card. It is clearly handmade, artist-crafted, and the photos were taken in the worst weather, to get that great “look” and “feel”. Most photographers would not do that just to get a better photo. For some shots, I waited a month to get the “right” shot. The $8.95 price-tag is the retail. These were created for my resellers to work from — you can order photo cards of anywhere in the world, and I can do it — don’t ask how, unless you’re prepared to attend a couple dozen workshops to learn the secret.
These cards are expensive as hell to produce — each card makes about 25 cents profit, at the wholesale price of only $3.95 apiece, if you buy in quantity, at least 24 cards, and you can mix & match between over 500 pieces of original artwork and photographs. Continue reading