ZOOMSHOP – Your Own Goldmine

Prosperity MIne 2014
Prosperity Mine 2014 — Paydirt area on the smaller stream.

First of all, you have to have a gold mine somewhere. This is a photo of the Prosperity Mining Claim in Nevada County, California. Note that it’s a nondescript general photo of the small stream on the property. There are no identifiable reference points in the photo — that’s because I don’t intend to give away the location of the mine, because I don’t want swarms of city folks blasting away at the bedrock out of sheer greed.

If you’re taking minerals out, notably gold, lead, silver and iron pyrites, along with several of the heavier gemstones such as garnet, which is used to make carborundum polishing compounds, you have two basic choices, once you’ve located an outcropping or gold ledge — go with heavy equipment and blasting powder, or take a little at a time.

Here’s the thing — gold mining by itself never pays more than survival and a tiny bit extra for sex, booze and camp supplies.

Oh, yes, when you mine full-time, you live there, either in a tent or an expensive home built right on the claim site. Of course, if you give up the claim, you lose the house, unless the claim is patented, and that’s a whole ball of wax right there. I’ll explain: Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Sell Jewelry Online!

Copper Earrings with Gold-Flashed French-Style Surgical Steel Ear Wires.

To begin with, an unorganized and messy studio will have a powerful impact on your ability to produce items for the marketplace. If you don’t care what you make or how it turns out or  whether it ever gets actually worn, you have no problem working in a junkpile, but if you want to know what resources you have, and you want those resources to be findable, you’ll have to make some decisions about how your workbench will be arranged and what places on the workbench will do what jobs. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Healing Rings of Power

Gemstones of all kinds are associated with Power Healing, and Rings of Power have been made ever since the Dawn of Time. I make my Healing Rings of Power by mounting a gem-grade drilled stone in a mounting that I have made for well over 7,000 years in this time-space discontinuum. In short, it’s my favorite model of finger-ring, and I make them in absolutely ALL sizes from Size 1 to Size 16, and I’ve made a few even smaller than 1.0 but they’re not measurable by any ring-sizer known. Continue reading

Meet Leonard Nimoy at the Starlite Lounge Tonite

Leonard gives a non-Spock smile, standing at my miniature railroad setup at my Grass Valley home.

My longtime friend Leonard Nimoy has passed from the organic world into the Between-Lives State. His lifelong quest to understand the Mystery of the Shekinah has just begun in earnest. In the Between-Lives State, the Shekinah is hard to avoid. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Reincarnation Relic Rings


Relic Rings on my workbench ready for market.

Reincarnation Relic Rings — that’s what I’m doing tonight, all night long, custom rings made to your specifications, by date, by location or by occult powers of stones.

Even ancient glass has profound occult effects, and some glass is over 1200 years old, dating to the earliest known manufacture of glass, which is more or less melted sand, but with various elements added to the mix to make a variety of types of glass, everything from dark green all the way to brilliant opalescent clarity.

I have made many Relic Rings, but never had the packaging that could let them sell without me being right there to custom-explain the thing, and that goes double for online sales.

With the New Improved Packaging System, we get several things.

  • Sealed for security integrity of item.
  • Guaranteed to be what it says or your money back, period.
  • Guaranteed authenticity & that it came from my collection.
  • Age of item is given clearly, as in: “2,000 yrs old”, or “433 B.C.”.
  • Place of origin is given, if known, or general area, if known.
  • Sealed archival environment protects the item until opened.
  • Size of ring is given on the outside of package.
  • Sealed packaging means your ring is clean when you receive it.
  • Type of metal is indicated. “.925” means 92.5 % pure silver.
  • The heavy sterling silver high-conductance ring shank acts as an Induction Ring.
  • Your ring is absolutely unique. There is no other ring on Earth exactly like it.

So from whence came all these relics and ancient objects? Continue reading

Time Travel with Ancient Beads

Be free from the confines of time, new for 2015.

If you’ve ever wanted to contact a past life, ancient beads are a great and inexpensive way to make solid and powerful quantum connections. Since I acquired my ancient beads, which was from 1960-1989, I’ve been salting them away for psychometric use.

Many of the more expensive beads went into Jewels of Ancient Lands productions, sold many years ago in Beverly Hills, San Francisco, New York & Atlanta jewelry boutiques for many thousands of dollars.

Those fabulous ancient and medieval glass and stone beads are long-gone, and cannot be repeated. The bead market that came out of Mali, Africa, has vanished forever — all you’ll find at that once-great international bead market are beads coming out of other places, notably Pakistan, China and Ethiopia. Continue reading

New GoDD® Game Coming Soon — “Un Saison en Fer”, A Season in Hell…Want to know more???

“A Season in Hell” Cover will front the frustrating, almost impossible, walking tour of the Underworld.

Release date on this game is “Real Soon”. I’ve finished the new weapons, and I think you’ll favor the bombs, wep #3 slot, and the new grapple action, where you skywalk with the grapple pull, and can turn, arm yourself differently, latch onto a ceiling, and fire away down below.

“Sounds like a shooter,” I hear you say, and you’d be right, it IS a shooter, but not ordinary weapons, these are mostly magic, with a boomerang and grapple thrown in for sheer fun, and why shouldn’t Hell be fun?

You can’t make Hell just go away. Continue reading


A Warning Sign Takes you Back Home if you lose your nerve or want to try a different level or both.

It’s all iron-reinforced concrete forms into the sky and back again for the casual traveler on the first and easiest level, which is the the SuperBeacon & Matrix to the far left as you come into the World of Skywalking in GoDD®. You can experience this thrilling and challenging virtual world on your Android smartphone and on Pads and Tabs, too. Continue reading



Will Power doesn’t come just by wishing. It takes hard work and time.

Once in a great while, somebody asks me, “How Do You Do It???”, referring to things like losing 32 pounds easily and safely over a six month period, and keeping it off, in fact, losing an additional pound a week, to a target weight of 180 pounds, probably the best weight for an old frame like this.

Weight loss is easy, quitting cigarettes a cinch, keeping your New Year’s Resolutions is guaranteed.

How is it done?

Simple. Oldest trick in the universe. Will-Power. “But,” you interject, and quite rightly, “nobody has REAL Will-Power!”, and you’d be about half-right. Plenty of folks have incredible Will-Power, but it’s only for the things they crave. Continue reading

EJ Gold New Graphics — BardoTown Full-Color Greeting Cards —




Now, at last, my pinhole-photography taken with my antique Canon AE-1 with Fuji Color Film, is available as stunningly color-printed on a million-dollar printing machine, and mounted professionally on a 100% archival heavy rag cream pastel paper with a matching envelope, packaged for resale & counter-top & Point-of-Purchase racks. Wholesale price is only $3.95 apiece, no further discount. These cards are expensive to produce, but totally worth it. We make about a quarter a pop for all our work and financial risk — we print these on spec, hoping they’ll sell, and so far, we’ve been lucky.

So won’t you give my BardoTown photo greeting cards a try? They look great, and sell well, and they’re a great way to introduce subjects like parallel worlds, past lives and end of life. Continue reading