Heisnerize Your World!!!

It’s very simple to keep your prices fair to you and to the customer, but you’ll notice that people will try to beat you down just to see if you’ll give way, and most jewelry crafters do give way and lower their prices down to almost nothing, just to see the customer smile and nod and walk away, knowing they’ve had you.
The thing to do to prevent being beaten down for a bargain price is to establish your prices in the first place, and keep them rigid — HARDEN your price list, and KEEP THE FAITH.
What I mean is, look at the sign that announces your prices, point to the sign, say to the customer, “Those are my prices. I’ll give you ten percent off if you buy this today.”
Special fair prices are okay, but PRINT THEM, don’t tell the prices verbally, because then they can change — the customer sees vulnerability there and moves in for the kill, so you must anticipate this by PRINTING your price list and if possible, photographing a few models with your creations and using them in a flyer, announcing your great SALE prices, but that’s as low as you go.
If you leave yourself wide open as a target for bargaining and discussion and rationale and mental one-ups and emotional jumps, you won’t have a good experience. “It ain’t me that decides the price” is the concept that you hold in your mind as the sale proceeds. Never be the one who determines price, or you’ll lose the ballgame.
FEAR of REJECTION is what causes you to lower your prices when you KNOW you shouldn’t, and it’s a fact that lowering your price won’t change the sale. It’ll happen if it’s going to happen, and it won’t if it isn’t. If the sale isn’t “Meant to Happen”, it won’t happen, and if it is MEANT to happen, it will. Stay confident, even if you aren’t. Never let them see you sweat.
Sounds horribly Existential, but it isn’t, and that’s not the right interpretation of Existentialism anyway. It’s impossible to believe it, but there’s nothing YOU can do to alter the FACT of the sale, determining whether the sale happens or not … but wait … there IS something you CAN DO, if you’re ABLE to do it, which is doubtful.
HEISNERIZE IT. Continue reading
JAL Stone Age Jewelry Factoids

The IDEAL Gemstone size-range for JAL Stone Age Jewelry is 5mm up to 10mm. Lightweight stones or beads can be as large as 14mm, but it’s not recommended. Can smaller stones be used?
Smaller high-grade expensive Gemstones can be used by doubling the stones in the vertical plane, or adding them as dependents, drops or loops. Two small stones add up to more visual impact than one larger stone, even at the same carat-weight, not sure why.
The ONLY acceptable drill-hole sizes for JAL Stone Age Jewelry is what can fit on a .16 gauge or .20 gauge COPPER wire. Larger drill-holes don’t necessarily help, and very large drill-holes can make the bead or the bead arrangement unstable and wobbly.
When you work in copper, it’s your work the customer is buying. When you work in silver or gold, you get the same pay for your work, but you must also sell the precious metals, and the customer NEVER understands that they are getting back a cash rebate in the form of precious metals easily exchanged for cash at the current melt-value.
So you become a metal salesperson. Continue reading
Hesitation Blues New Lyrics by Gorby Compared to Gary Davis & Jorma Kaukonnen
I woke up this morning at half past four
Hesitation blues came knocking at my door.
Tell me, how long, do I baby, have to wait
Can I let you know? Why must I hesitate?
Ain’t no use in me
Working so hard,
Got me two good women
Workin’ in the rich folks’ yard. Continue reading
Bob & Ray Explain the Komodo Dragon — early radio broadcast
Betcha you can’t listen and not laugh, but this is what most human conversations actually sound like, if you listen really carefully.
Had not Stan Freberg done this “Broadway show without a stage” — meaning that it might have had a chance as a stage show, but it never made the grade or found the sponsorship, I suspect, as it was wildly advanced thinking for its day — you’d never know the real stories behind the United States. At last, you can hear the truth, as only Freberg can tell it, and there’s adequate and funny music, too. As a matter of fact, there’s tap-dancing, and considering that this is a record, not an actual show, it might be the first time someone danced on an audio-only product. We did it on KVMR a number of years back, with sacred dance and music on radio only, no tv, but we did have a live audience of over 350 that day.
There are AT LEAST 11 parts from this first volume of Stan Freberg’s United States of America on youtube. Find out more about Freberg…who was he? What did he do? Why did he do it? Then what happened?
See You At The Top!!!
Copper Dorje Earrings from EJ Gold’s Atelier Available Now!!!

You asked for it, you got it. Panniy Michele asked if we could produce them, and we can. This is the result, and if you’re a reseller, it’s only gonna set you back $35 a pair. If you know your beads, add the costs up, and you can see what a bargain you’re getting at this wholesale price. My Copper Dorje Earrings are meant to retail for an easy $69.95.
Stay tuned for more. I’ll be inserting prayer scrolls into earrings, making Talumudic Amulets and much, much more.
Back to work, I gotta fulfill another 85 orders tonight; jewelry kits and handmade earrings are flowing like water, exactly as intended … (IN A TIGHT, THROATY HISSING VOICE) it is exactly as I have foreseen.
Rather than turn Luke to the Dark Side, I have another, much better, mission for you. How about getting out there with these earrings and building kits and get yourself in motion???
This is not about money. I have much easier ways to earn a livelihood, and in fact every penny goes back into development of new ideas and new Reincarnation Awareness Kits such as the Stone Age Series, the Ancient Empires Kits and the Medieval & Pioneer Kits.
Messing about with ancient beads and placing beads into ancient and off-world designs will definitely trigger you into visions, but they won’t all crowd in at once, or overwhelm you with memories of thousands of lives all at once.
Memories flow through a Memory-Trap, which looks at them one at a time. Notice the memory flow you have every single day, all day long. Memories tend to be fugitive and flowing, and it’s going to be a tough job to try to actually SEE what’s passing through your memory bank and in some cases, disarming the effect of a past life on the present lifetime. Continue reading
Your Customer Designs This Tribal Copper Drop Earring Set for only $4.95!!!

Selling jewelry is easy. All you have to do is find a heavily trafficked location at which to conduct your business, and engage everyone in the creative process; get them involved. Continue reading
1 out of 1,000 — 2 out of 10,000 — What are the Odds???
Some dude back in the day told us the numbers — “One out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand.”
Take the time to click onto this “10,000 baal runs” video and look at the number of views that have accumulated on this now-famous youtube video of mine — at this date, it reads: “258,478”. More than a quarter-million hits.
Think about it. That means that A QUARTER MILLION viewers stopped by one of my channels, “gorebagdotcom”, to see this video, and most of them laughed at the punchline, just as you did or will do when you see it, and most of them forgot about it less than a second after the video ended and another one popped up. Out of a quarter of a million viewers, 350 liked it, 350 hated it. The other 258,000 were indifferent, or didn’t notice. Continue reading
…and Furthermore…
Just now got to a “save” point in a wild and crazy design binge in copper with Ashanti Style Circle Drops & Threaded Beads, mostly copper-on-copper, but a few surprise elements thrown in, as well. I’m intending to show them this morning at the ICW, if time and other stuff permits. I took a moment to jot this down, then I’m off again to the Never-Never Land of coppersmithing.
Point of Interest: Nebulae look so fantastic, and all it takes is a swirl of the cosmic finger to set one off. From the outside, it looks totally incredible, but who knew that PEOPLE live inside those galaxies???
Still, from the Cosmic Viewpoint, it’s worth a few dozen crushed bugs and nearly self-extinct species of two-legged bipeds.
Yet Another Point of Interest: What about taking a bunch of kits to a fair or trunk show in a shop or mall space, making the parts halfway — beating the paddles, forming the circles, doing everything to make it possible for someone to choose the beads they like, then YOU put them on the circle or core, seal it, put the ear-wires of choice on the item, and ring up another SALE!!!
There is no gimmick. You’re making the finished piece, but THEY are choosing the gemstones or other beads that go onto the piece, and THEY decide which one goes where, and THEY can do that part themselves; you then take the piece, seal and finish, and put it into their hands or into a “Take Me Home” baggie and yes, that’s the whole plan.
See You At The Top!!!
ZOOMSHOP – 49 Jewelry Basics

My Top 49 Jewelry Basics:
This is a set of basic stuff you really need to know if you plan to make and sell jewelry at home.
Beads as Money — Beads were the first money. Until then, about 50,000 B.C., any exchange was strictly in livestock, food, skins, weapons — some sort of trade or barter. The hole in a bead made it easy to carry on a string or leather thong. Certain beads had definite values. Common early “money” beads were bone, shell, wood and some larger seeds. In some parts of the world, beads are still money. Continue reading