THEY Are Here. Are You Ready For THEM???

All Trail Mixes come in this 11″ long crystal-clear food-safe tube.

If you’re like most humans of Planet Earth, you’ll be waiting currently for news that a UFO has landed on the lawn of the White House, and you’d be right, you don’t have long to wait. The past 100 years has brought us from the Wright Brothers and Alexander Graham Bell and Watt and Edison all the way to outer space and beyond.

There are so many exo-planets outside the Solar System in the star catalog that you’d be hooted off the stage if you insisted that the Earth was the center of the Universe and that God would NEVER make another planet around any other star, and those are NOT suns, nothing LIKE suns — they’re little sparkly lights that Mr. God has placed around the night sky.

They spent trillions of dollars to find the God Particle, and now that they’ve found it, they’re trying to reverse time and create life in the laboratory. Sure, I know it’s already been done back in the 1950s, but what I mean is an actual living body, and soon someone will do it. Continue reading

Create a Magic Show – Here’s How!

Orm McGill & EJ Gold perform at the Labor Day Convention.

Here’s the breakdown of the effects that are available for a performance. This is not the complete act, as there are about a dozen and a half CLOSEUP effects as well. After you’ve shown mastery of the French Drop by posting a selfie video on youtube or by showing me in person at a workshop that you’ve arrived on the shores of Buddha’s Magic Land, you can learn any of the following effects in whatever order you’d like. The list is ordered according to the difficulty level. Continue reading

Real Magic from Fake???

Secrets of the Universe Revealed Through Magic — this is the current format of the listings of possible magical apparatus & skills you will need to complete the Magic Effects Course.

Don’t memorize the list — it’s by no means finalized, and will undergo many changes throughout the evaluation period, which is now through Labor Day. On Labor Day, at the Labor Day Convention, I will lay it out in sequence, and some of the effects listed below may not make the Final Cut. Continue reading

Goji Berry Crystals from the Cloister Kitchen

Magic Mojo Truffles Brane-Power Chocolate from E.J. GoldChef E.J. Gold gets his hands in the chocolateA selection of Magic Mojo Truffles handmade by E.J. Gold

Well, the Cloister Kitchen is off to a power start with today’s offering, Goji Berry Crystals. Sounds interesting, right? Well, it should be. I made Goji Berry Crystals in my Tibetan Monastery back in 1411, along with a sugarless and thoroughly brandable Chen-Rig’s Famous Elderberry Jam and an equally salable Chen-Rig’s Famous Kumquat Preserve, both of which I shall shortly prepare for shipping.

The secret of the Goji Berry Crystals is… Continue reading

Fall Lineup for Marketing Ashram Products

Here are the preliminary labels for some of the Ashram products I have in mind for public circulation:


These are just the beginning — I intend to release as much from our Magic Kitchen as I can possibly arrange and figure out how to package and ship them safely. Continue reading

How Do I Set Up My Own Panning Party?


Panning Party at Chasen’s Hotel & Goldmine in the Pocono Mountains, circa 1946.


  1. Find a nonprofit that would be interested in having you raise money on their behalf with, specifically, a panning party.
  2. The minimum number of participants is one. Two people at $200 apiece, four people at $100 each, twenty people at $40 each, 200 people at $2 each for one Fat Pack, unless they buy additional paydirt Fat Packs, which you’d better have on hand. Most folks will pan three times before they give up in disgust — it’s then your job to show them how to succeed, and GIVE them a packet or two to try again. Don’t worry, you’ll find plenty of dumped gold flakes at the end of the day.
  3. Be prepared to spend $200 on the 200+ Fat Pack Paydirt, and if you expect more, you’ll need more mine runs of paydirt — it’s best not to be caught short on paydirt.
  4. You can charge anywhere from $2 a Fat Pack to $25 a Fat Pack for a chance to hit the nuggets — the charity for which you’re working will tell you what they would like. Myself, I’d charge two bucks and let everyone have a good time and relax with it.
  5. You can have a more expensive Fat Pack that yields bigger nuggets for the high rollers.
  6. You may wish to cater the event with finger-food, but be aware that panning is messy and needs cleanup before finger food or after.
  7. Use the PROSPERITY PATH PANNING PARTY PACKET to prepare your presentation, and mind your “p”s and “q”s.
  8. The presentation contains all you need to get started.
  9. You can show the DVD video or perform the demo yourself.
  10. Your first challenge will be to save BBs using the “ BB Panning Trainer Dirt Kit.
  11. The second challenge will be paydirt, paydirt, paydirt, with REAL GOLD in it, that you could easily lose over the side if you don’t pan precisely and correctly.
  12. You will need spill pans or troughs to catch the droppings, called “tailings”, which you’ll want to pan later on, so don’t dump it out onto the sidewalk.
  13. Your panning party will be a success, because even if NO ONE HITS, and with untouched paydirt, it IS possible, because you can have a panning contest with BBs or a draw by number or by ticket, or some of several other ways to find a “winner”.
  14. Your “winner” gets a PRIZE that I include, to give away to the winning panner, whether anyone finds gold nuggets or not.

Continue reading

Do a Gig Like Mine
My Old Straw Hat Has Seen Hundreds of Fairs & Festivals.

If you want to do a gig like the one we’re doing today, and you want a crowd in your ZOOM performance venue, you have merely to organize your song list from the Beatles tunes that are the longest-lasting pop music in history — in our booth, we got a half-and-half mix of young and old, all asking for Beatles tunes, the tunes with which they are most familiar and that they find the most singable. Here’s the song list I would use: Continue reading

Gold Panning as a Spiritual Practice


Gold Spiral recovering gold from paydirt.


Of course you’re familiar with the Catholic Offertory, where the bread and wine are ceremonially placed on the Altar, along with any offerings from the congregation. We do something similar, sending pure gold through the WormHole of Passage into the Bucket of No Return — I’ll explain in detail: Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Medicine Wheel Chokers


Museum Reconstruction of a 4500 B.C. Sumerian Lapis necklace.

The necklace in the photo above looks deceptively easy to acquire, but it isn’t. You can’t buy this necklace at any price. It is a “School Artifact”.

Relics like these can be reconstructed from ancient materials. In this case, note that the maker of all the lapis beads is the same, from the same workshop. This is not the case with beads acquired through the ordinary marketplace. Matched sets of ancient beads is exceedingly rare. Continue reading

Gold Fever Collectible Paydirt Packs

You can order Billy the Kid Shaft 21, the latest issue in collectible paydirt packs.

It’s fun to experiment with different samples of paydirt, especially when you know for sure that every tablespoon contains SOME gold, and at $1200 an ounce, it adds up fast, but the gold is a secondary issue.

The real issue is … how asleep are you right now? Continue reading