Basketeer EJ Gold demonstrates the Famous Yogi Stare, 1971.
Gosh, do I have some good ideas for gift baskets for you! Here is a partial list of just a few ideas I’ve come up with for book baskets, which include a packet of my special Story Club Black Tea. The basket & packing are valued at only $20.
LABYRINTH READERS GIFT BASKET — $150 value for $79.95 — YOU SAVE $80!!!
Ancient Chinese Trans-Dimensional Device shown onstage, Dresden, 1899.
That’s us, in the photo above, just before we respawned to build and operate the Golden Lion in San Francisco from 1922-1939. I respawned in 1941 to attend this party. Here, below, is the script for the Fifth Wave Quantum Distortion Demonstration:
What’sa matter? Are you stuck in time? Do you belong to another time and place? Is your world cold, empty and futile? Well, fret no more, bunky, help is on the way. Thanks to several advancements in science that have already been leaked to the public, I am at last able to make my “Wayback Machine” Voyages into the far distant past and into an unknown future.
Step aboard the FIFTH WAVE QUANTUM DISTORTION DEVICE and take a journey into time and space, into the past and into the future. See for yourself the world of the Future!!!
Let’s take a LIFE-REPAIRING SPIRITUAL HEALING Time-Travel Expedition right now, this very minute, but before we embark on our journey into time, we ought to have a little spending money, right? (PICKS UP DOWSING RODS, SHOWS BOXES & GOLD SAMPLE.) Continue reading →
This ancient sarcophagus panel is one of many active gateways in my collection.
Jaunting from one locus to another is easy enough, if you’ve a specific target, and the position of that target is either known or guessable by tracking or mathematical model projections.
That sounds awfully technical, but let me break it down for you into simple terms, while I do the impossible. I will put on this dinner jacket, and allow two volunteers to chain and shackle me in these powerful unmodified, untampered 451 solid steel restraint manacles.
I have chosen this dinner jacket from which to attempt an escape. I would have selected a standard strait-jacket, but those things are terribly expensive, and I found this very nice looking dinner jacket at the Salvation Army, which is where I do all my fashion shopping.
Draw the spirit cabinet up around me as I attempt to escape from the manacles and also from my own dinner jacket in only thirty seconds. Start the clock NOW!!!
I gotta be able to play the guitar parts, so I hadda rewrite the songs.
As you know, I don’t have a regular guitar player in the band, so I’m forced to learn more guitar than I ever wanted to know, and in accordance with that aim, I also need my own songbook with our own songs and arrangements in some sort of usable order, and with the songs playable and singable by me.
I am therefore announcing the imminent publication of my Prosperity Path Songbook, which has in it songs we wrote as a group, at Meadow Vista, Grass Valley and Penn Valley, over the past 45 years or so. I want to especially thank all the folks who made it possible. All the credits I know of are listed on each song sheet. I tried to limit the size of the songs to a single page, except in the case of the Government Meltdown Blues, so it’d be easy to use at a gig, recording session, or at band practice.
These songs are licensed for busking where a tip jar is used. If you charge admission or want to record these songs, you MUST have permission, but we’re easy — just ask. We want to know where our songs are going and who is covering them, wouldn’t you???
NOTICE: I have rewritten these songs, to make them easier for me to play.
I have more than 50% rewritten these songs, for which I take full responsibility. If I’ve lost the feel or sense of a song, you can blame me for it. I’ll listen to complaints, but my musical skills are limited to standard open chords, so take it easy on me — a lot of those songs were unplayable by anyone except Parker, Meg, or Jimmi, and that’s a fact.
I’ve made them easy FOR ME to play and sing. If you want the original formats, the original meters, timing and chords as they were, and the original songs as they were sung by Parker more than 35 years ago, you can send for a xerox copy of the Angel Songbook from Iven at, I believe, $35. It does not contain about half the songs my new songbook features.
Myself, I can’t sing them or play them EXACTLY as Parker or Meg or Jimmi or Menlo did — not even remotely like what they did. I just don’t have the guitar and singing skills that they do, so I reworked the songs for my own use, put them in keys that I can easily play, worked out rhythm, meter, rhyme, sense and chord progression changes that are easy, easy, easy for me to play — so easy that even YOU might be able to play them!
I’ve put a solid two months of work into getting this song book together, having already worked on the songs off and on over the past decades, and today, I’m sharing the results of this effort with you. You’ll be able to buy my signed songbook as of today, with our projected shipping date only two weeks away.
I hope you’ll enjoy my collected songs in this new wirebound spiral edition, at only $35 a copy on regular copy paper, and you can make that $45, if you want it printed on heavy card stock. I’ll keep that price as long as I can hold the costs down — printing and paper costs are going up again, and I can’t promise that costs will ever go down to where they were 50 years ago. Things don’t tend to get cheaper and cheaper. Inflation eats everything. Continue reading →
2006-005 Gallery Tag: $3,500
Artist: Y. Helman
Medium: ORIGINAL Oil on canvas
Title: “Cape Pleasant, 1965”
Signature: Lower right hand corner of the image
Size: 20” x 28”
Frame: Original Vintage Handmade Custom Wood Frame
Condition: Excellent Continue reading →
You need not perform the magic effects to get the benefit of The Quantum Experience, which is basically a series of magic shows that feature examples that look like quantum effects, things that can’t happen in this universe, things that appear to break natural laws, laws of physics, math and biological life, things that we are taught by schooling and experience, are impossible.
The Quantum Experience is to experience the impossible.
It’s unlike any experience you’ve ever had in this universe. Imagine being alive and able to navigate around inside the Quantum World itself, watching with no harm or danger, all those amazing weird, strange effects you’ve heard about but, until you experience The Quantum Experience, you’ve never actually seen for yourself. Continue reading →
At the Chen-Rig Temple, waiting to depart for the Next Dimension on the Tour.
This is the first introductory talk on how to visit many different alternate parallel worlds, and will be a sort of compendium, a map, travel instructions and a guide for visitors, with a specific set of triggers that will enable you to actually visit through quantum entanglement various inter-dimensional Ports O’ Call. Continue reading →
dozens of gift baskets and gift items adorn my new Quarantine Virtual Gallery.
There are jazz standards — songs from the thirties and forties — about baskets, and stories about girls like Little Red Riding Hood who traipsed through the forest primeval to deliver a basket of goodies to her grandmother, who evidently strongly resembled a wolf, so much so that the girl had some difficulty identifying the creature in the bed before her as a wolf.
In stories like that, hunters always come along just at the nick of time, a la Peter & the Wolf. Of course, in real life, that doesn’t happen all too often, but once in a while, a basket does play into the picture.
Baskets are terrific marketing tools, and here’s why: Continue reading →
Golden Buddha Ball Floats all by itself, just mix in the patter.
FRENCH DROP — $39.95
In deep space, Hydrogen atoms mysteriously & spontaneously appear out of nothingness. Space expands and contracts and can be twisted and distorted by gravity. Electrons vanish and reappear in a laboratory experiment. Battleships travel through time and vanish without a trace. Continue reading →