I shipped on board this Fourth Way Liner, “The Minnow”, 2859 B.C.E.
If you’ve seen one Mayan Temple, you’ve seen them all. They all had the same plan, just as all temples everywhere are built on the same plan, which could be typically described as “something entirely overwhelming and impressive, with, if possible, a touch of weird.”
We’ll start our journey with the Mayan Culture, but before we begin, I’d like to explain the format and rationale of the present volume. Continue reading →
I was asked the other day why it is that my lab is stuffed with copper sulfide crystals. The answer is simple; they help me in my work. I’ll try to explain in simple lay terms the basis of my interest in Cuprous Sulfides in general, and nanocrystals in particular. Keep in mind that macro crystals are made up of a lot of nanocrystals, in a manner of speaking.
In my world, Web Technology has more to do with understanding the physics, math and chemistry of spider webs than the internet. Plasmic webs extend throughout the multiple universes, created and maintained by enormous multidimensional superintelligent slime molds. Continue reading →
This ancient aircraft at Area 51 was built and flown some 32,000 years ago.
Did you know that you can use a Quantum Entanglement Charm to stay in touch with a loved one? It can be used by anyone, including the dead, and can work absolutely anywhere in any universe and across universes, including what is quaintly referred to as”The Afterlife”, as if there were only one way to get across the Quantum Ocean.
Quantum Entanglement Charms are electro-magnetic, but need no batteries or other outside electrical energy in order to work. They feed directly off the energy transmitted within the radio waves that bombard the Earth from the most distant stars and galaxies, as far back as Population III stars, just after what humans of Planet Earth so incorrectly call “The Big Bang”.
“Big Bang” is easy to say and easy to remember, at least in English, but it’s dead wrong, like free energy. Energy isn’t ever free — it has to come from somewhere, even if that “somewhere” is the Void. Continue reading →
“Dyan Cannon Multiple Exposure”, 1966, 16″x20″ gel print by E.J. Gold.
Yes, you can order Einstein’s Brain right now, today, not the sections of human brain not for $99.95, not for $69.95, I’m not even asking $59.95 for this incredible unit — just $49.95, no money down, no stretch pay, just a check, cash or money order for $49.95 will bring your very own Einstein’s Brain to your door.
Imagine the shock and surprise on the faces of your friends when they find out you have Einstein’s Brain, and you intend to use it. Be the first on your block to discover universal truths!
Plowing a field into furrows, waveforms on the surface of a coherent polyhedron.
Yes, you read it right — radio crystal EMO WaveForm charms — and furthermore, I meant every word of it. I’ve been on the jewelry bench from about midnight, trying to work out the frequencies of my new radio crystal EMO charms, and damned if they don’t come out right on the money, at a high harmonic of the long low wave at 7.6 hz frequency.
Standing Waves are important to you, even if you never heard of them before, and what’s more, propelling and mutating waveforms and passing waves and waveforms in general are also vital for your work life. Waveforms are easy to understand, and there are plenty of experiments you can conduct personally for your own edification, so that you can finally understand what they are and how they can be used for your work on self. Continue reading →
Exquisitely tiny, meticulously crafted wearable Miniature Time Machines are now available on this planet, but not for the first time — they were around thousands of years ago, and were in common usage for lucid dreaming and the prevention of the appearance of drunkenness, an important issue in the ancient world, particularly Athens.
Wireless telegraphy was around as far back as 30,000 B.C., and you can take advantage of that fact to capture ancient radio signals that still circle the earth and can be decoded with the Detector in your CQR Amulet.
Tapping into the daily life of ancient cultures of Planet Earth is easy, with the Past Life Portal, a miniature EMO & ANCIENT Bead Pendant that can be worn as a charm or linked with other pendants into a full NECKLACE MALA or bracelet style WRIST MALA.
The mechanism is stunningly simple — a Steven Sax EMO Bead — handmade in California using State-of-the-Art Bio-Thermal Technology — is surrounded by two guaranteed authentic ancient ceramic, glass, metal or gem beads, interspersed with pure solid copper hand-cast & polished hedgehog beads, all on a solid 100% pure copper core with double induction helix rings, just like they do at the Fermi Lab. Continue reading →
Baskets abound at Easter time, but what about the rest of the year???
My LIFE-HACK Prosperity Path Bath Balls are one way of receiving Ashram Blessings and absorbing the higher vibrations into your personal atmosphere, of Feeding the Higher. Feeding the Higher means to give the atrophied and weakened Higher Bodies the nourishment they need. Continue reading →
Darshan at the Clear Light Temple, Crestline, California, June 22, 1975.
Meditation comes in waves. That’s the way all meditations work, whether the folks practicing various brands of meditation know it, or not. Everything happens in waves. The entire universe is waves. Everything in sight, everything you know, everything you feel, sense, touch and bump into, happens in waves.
You have direct experiential experience of this. Waves of nausea. Waves of heat. Waves of exhaustion, punctuated by “catching a second wind”. Waves of hunger. Waves of excitement. Waves of joy, sympathy, exaltation. Birthing a baby happens in waves, good and bad luck happen in waves.
When you get into an exalted “high” state, it also happens in waves. You ride the energy downstream toward entropy, then bounce back almost to the top of the wave, then it repeats and repeats until you run out of energy entirely.
When you traverse the Bardos, things happen in waves. When you surf…ah, there’s a great example of how meditation really works, and how you can actually accomplish its aims.
As a surfer, you would first wax your board, then take it out into the surf, lie down on it and paddle your way OVER the waves, barely touching them as you ride the swells against the current, until you were just short of where the waves first break on their way toward the beach. Continue reading →
Personal Spiritual Entrainment Class forming outside Cosmo Street Center, 1975.
Do you really, really want inner peace? How about total harmony of the higher and lower selves? What about wisdom, is that something you’d be interested in having when you make your next decision?
Meditation does not automatically lead to anything in particular. You can use a period of mediation to work out something or to merely connect and zone.
You want inner peace, happiness, sublime transcendence, intense livingness, connection with the All-One??? No problem, here’s how it’s done, but #1 observation you MUST see first is that it won’t typically just come around on the guitar by itself. You need to be playing a guitar for that to happen.
SELF-TRAINING — You are the only one who can really train yourself to be at peace with tranquility and harmony always at your hand.
UNDERSTANDING — Your coach will indicate the exercises necessary to develop the specific level of spiritual skill desired.
SPECIFIC SKILLS — Harmony and tranquility are slightly different and require very different exercises to get them to work together without interruption.
My Copper & Brass Shop at the Thieves’ Market, Los Angeles, 1972.
Here are some great gift basket combinations that you might like to order as gifts or as reseller items for your shop, study group meetings, fairs or trunk shows. You can select any or all of the items below to create your own custom personalized gift basket. I put it all together with ribbons & bows, and you get the creative result!