Years ago, my friend Mel Powers — an incredible marketing genius who was also the publisher of the famous “For the Millions” book series — said that if I ever wrote a book on Astrology, he would title it “Astrology For The Dozens”.
My first challenge kit that I created for my Cosmo Street groups was a Personal Development Kit that more advanced students could buy as a unit for $125 — I’ve brought that famous kit back to life, and presently have the very same Advanced Student Mission Kit #1 ready for delivery, and I have it on sale this month for only $100 — which means you save $25. It’s loaded with valuable stuff that you have to do something with. I’ll explain: Continue reading
If you know anything about DNA at all, you should know that it is very sophisticated and elegant in the matter of storing, retrieving and communicating information. It is currently wired in the human manifestation to function as if intelligent, as if sentient, as if self-conscious and aware of responsibilities toward the host planet, hence the monicker “Homo Sapiens Sapiens”, rather than “Homo Sapiens”, and more than a few socio-anthro profs commonly prefer “Homo Sap” to both name and describe them. Continue reading
Back in the day, we had weekly group meetings in person at Cosmo Street and at dozens of centers all over the world. These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find a group of any kind meeting in person, because this is the Phone Age. Yeah, you don’t go out of the house. You sit on your fat ass and wallow in texting and skype and email and all the other garbage you’ve been fed and, like a good dog, you lap it up and greedily beg for more. Continue reading
I think I just invented enamel granulation, at least in the New Age Material I’ve been using with what amounts to a cheese fondue dish combined with a professional hair dryer and a few common kitchen utensils — clearly, that’s where the paper enameling technology that I buy and use must have first spawned, and if you look at the products typical of the art form, you’ll be disappointed in the very ordinary kind of products — things that amount to “VANILLA” in any language, meaning that there is absolutely no exploitation of the Fine Art effects that can be brought out of the medium. Continue reading
Yeah, instead of apologizing for wasting your time playing games, you ought to cultivate a gaming discipline, for the sake of health and happiness, a discipline in which you dedicate AT LEAST four hours a day to online gaming and the sooner you build it into a CONSCIOUS ADDICTION, the better. Notice that I did not tone it down by saying “Conscious Habit“, but that is of course what I mean — a deeply ingrained and unbreakable habit that one has acquired deliberately and intentionally, and that one has cultivated and deepened over the years. Continue reading
Alas, when wandering in the lower worlds, one often arrives at a spawn point pretty much bare-ass naked — no armor, no belt, no helm, no rings, no amulet, no gloves, no money to buy any, and what amounts to a survival knife in one hand, and that’s it. Continue reading
Deeply Sculptured Enamelware can be achieved through advanced techniques.
Which is the Darkest Hour of the Night? It’s always the one you’re in. How will you get through this Dark Hour? It’s not a question of what you do, but where you are at the time. Most of the issues in the Dark Hour revolve around what you’re going to do to get through it, and here’s one solution that works when all other solutions fail. Continue reading
What Secrets did the Ancients possess? Quite a few that have yet to be rediscovered, but people are always rediscovering things they have forgotten how to do, how to make and how to use.
CULTURAL AMNESIA happens every time a large and imposing empire collapses from its own massive weight. Cultural Amnesia is the result of a Dark Age, an age of darkness, when the advances of the previous civilization have worn off and are no longer part of daily life.
Was there an Atlantis?
Yes, of course there was, although “Atlantis” in the Platonic sense is a combination of at least three civilizations from the long-distant past, in human reckoning. I have items from about 30,000 B.C. and they show clearly that technology was very much a part of ancient life as far back as 100,000 B.C. when they flew airplanes and dropped hydrogen bombs on each other, just as they do today.
People before Homo Sap were pretty smart, too, and then there were a surviving race of lizard men, Sauroman, that were encountered infrequently by humanoids. Also on Earth are a new breed of robot that’s being tested by the Grey II researchers on Mount … oops, almost threw that one away, but I’m careful to not violate the Prime Directive. I can give hints, but not actual data.
What I mean is, “somewhere at some undisclosed location”, don’t I??? Yes, of course. Let’s start that over … Somewhere, at some undisclosed location, there’s a Grey II research lab that uses human enzymes for various purposes. Hybrids are easier to make than metals, plastics are organic science, and flesh is so damned vulnerable to accident and illness.
Robots are the dominant higher life form just about everywhere. It takes several thousand years of civilization past the warring states stage to develop anything like Distortion Bubble InterSpace and InterDimensional Travel, as have so many civilizations before and after humans. Continue reading
“I hate Medieval times,” you say when offered a place in a Spiritual Rehab Mission, “and I don’t wish for even a split second that I had been born then, because I was, many times, and if you’re able to recollect what it was like, it could be described as daily grind, daily grind, daily grind, get food, cook food, eat food, sleep — only to be awakened suddenly by an invading horde of Others, the Tribe Next Door or one that came in sailing ships to overwhelm and overrun your shores, and furthermore, I don’t like sitting at a computer and wasting my precious personal time playing some silly game.”
You’re trained to find social and personal value in whatever activity you’re offered, and this is no exception. You have to overcome your personal feelings of “LIKE” or “DISLIKE” when accepting a spiritual training, because you can’t trust your personal taste in this area.
Personal taste is like saying, “I don’t like the taste of this medicine. I like cookies and that’s what I’m taking to get better. Yum, cookie.”
Well, so you don’t happen to give two farthings for the goings-on within the game. Big deal. You think I’m spending sleepless nights worrying about Uber Diablos roaming the Earth?
Heck, it’s not just in the virtual world that I don’t really care what happens, nor do I give two shakes which idiot happens to be temporarily in power, who rules whom, and the atrocities and injustices that abound in the virtual world and in the real world are none of my concern, unless I make it my concern, and that right there is the Basic Secret of Life — I’ll explain: Continue reading