My Plan Adjusted PLEASE READ THIS and tell others in Work Circle to read it.
There’s some doubt about my position on the Rose Garden. Let me start by saying that you have to walk into it with eyes wide open. There’s a lot of neglect and a lot of resulting damage, but if you aren’t in it for the quick flip, you have a chance to make it work. I’ll explain in detail: Continue reading
I Have Your Retreat Building Solution Totally Solved — L@@K!!!
These are Tuff Sheds. They are NOT “tin sheds”, but actual 2×4 stud-built houses, some of which can be made very liveable for VERY little money, and I mean VERY VERY LITTLE money.

5 Work Things You Can Do For Free!!!

Here are FIVE Work Things YOU Can Do For Free!!! None of these will cost you a cent, and they’ll hardly cost you anything in time & effort. Because they’re totally, absolutely cost-free, they offer no opportunity to bullshit about why you aren’t doing them.
- LIKE — Click the “LIKE” button on the things you like that I’ve published or posted.
- COMMENT — Just a few seconds of your time to add a short one-sentence or one word comment, such as “cool” or “wow”, would create a lot of wave action, which is to say, “pool-chain-emanations” outward in all directions, just from your simple “additive” action, by posting a short comment. You can have a profound effect with this simple magical operation.
- SHARE — This is the most important of all, creating an outward wave, actually a psychic “shock wave”, that reaches millions ultimately, but it all starts with you actually clicking the button that says “SHARE” on my postings.
- SUBSCRIBE — I don’t care whether you subscribe or not, but it helps the ratings and the trendings, which is what gets our message out there, so please, please, please remember to click the button that says “SUBSCRIBE”.
- GENERATE MEMES — Create some content about our work, which can be as simple as taking one of my pages or comments or one single word or phrase with an attribution, which looks like “– e.j. gold”, or some such, like a sutra, and sticking the text onto your own photo or some image you like, and posting it with the hope that it will get shared out and maybe go viral, so add your name right at the text point. This is beyond the pale for most folks, so if you are totally challenged by sticking a text onto a photo, forget Work Thing #5 and just stick to the first four.
Want some WORK PROJECTS that are FREE and are far more challenging? Contact me on the chat at the ICW or my morning show and I’ll be glad to discuss it with you in open forum, so everyone can benefit, not just one person — gosh, that sounds so awfully socialistic, don’t it? What I mean is, it increases the necessity, and that guarantees a better transmission. Continue reading
Atlantean-Society Membership Sigils

Okay, I’ve done the research, and here’s the breakdown as of Friday’s gold market — the prices listed for .925 solid Sterling Silver, 14 karat filled gold, 18k solid gold, and 24k solid gold are what I have to get paid to send them out. IT TAKES A WEEK TO GET THE GOLD.
- EARRINGS — .22 gauge — $35.00/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $35.00 each
- PENDANT LARGE — .14 gauge — $99.00 each
- EARRINGS — .22 gauge — $35.00/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $35.00 each
- PENDANT LARGE — .14 gauge — $49.00 each
- PENDANT X-LARGE — .12 gauge — $69.00 each
- EARRINGS — .22 gauge — $69.95/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $88.00 each
- EARRINGS — .20 gauge — $1,250.00/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $650 each
- PENDANT LARGE — .14 gauge — $3,500.00 each
Those are the prices, based on what I have to pay to make them. As you know, I donate my time and skills to the project, so I don’t get paid for any of my time spent on making jewelry, which is my own choice, hoping the spirit of the thing will someday catch on. Continue reading
Your Museum Donation Could Make History!!!

I have several museum-grade collections just sitting in three bank vaults — important art historical art and literature collections that would be highly appreciated by any public institution that received them. They are of the highest caliber and significance. You might want to purchase one or more of them and donate them to your favorite museum, university or library or build a space to house one or more of these collections. All the collections are legal to own, and have been on public display in the United States for more than half a century.
Typically, museums don’t buy things — they expect them to be donated, and many people enjoy tax benefits from buying collections and then donating them to a museum, library or university, as well as other venues such as jazz schools, jazz clubs, jazz and art academies and even malls and shops, medical waiting rooms and hospital hallways, where the weight limitations are very important and easily met by our display team technologies, and several folks have donated their collections to local Elks clubs and other public benefit organizations.
There are many other benefits that might accrue for you or someone you know, resulting from the donation of an important art or history collection, not the least of which is the sheer pleasure you get from sharing with thousands of people the beauty that you have discovered in your life, possibly bringing love, joy and beauty to theirs as well.
In addition, if your gift is important enough, you might have a Hall or a Wing named after yourself, or a loved one in memoriam, or you might elect to donate anonymously or posthumously or both. I’d discuss Living Trusts and other instruments with my accountant and attorney before making any decisions, though — you never really know what your options are until you check with the professionals for professional advice that they can guarantee and for which they take responsibility. Continue reading
Portable Portals StarGates & Gateways

Once you locate a StarGate, you can easily operate it with the Official Sigil of the Atlantean-Society, but where exactly IS the nearest StarGate? If you are having trouble finding a StarGate in or near your hometown, why not build your very own StarGate right in your own backyard?
It’s easy to put together in a single afternoon, with our incredible easy-to-follow STARGATE BUILDING PLANS. Buy the plans today, usually $1.4 million, but it’s on SALE today for only $6.99 per download, and we’ll include the following:
- EASY TO FOLLOW PLANS for your very own personal “BACKYARD STARGATE”.
- InterDimensional Holyiday Inn & Howerd Jackson Hotels DISCOUNT COUPON.
- Official Atlantean-Society downloadable — you print it and have it laminated — MEMBERSHIP CARD, identifying you as a former Atlantean Citizen.
- ATLANTEAN SOCIETY NEWSLETTER in electronic format keeps you informed about recent developments and breakthroughs, gives you support in locating StarGates and operating your own backyard StarGate and tells you about upcoming workshops and clinics using Healing Stones, Atlantean Sigils and other ancient magical items.
You might want to check out the new post on the Atlantean-Society webpage.
See You At The Top!!!
Get Paid to Play — Make Big Bucks While Video Gaming —

Get Paid to Play!!! That’s what the banners should shout out. Be a kid again, enjoy life, get out there and have some fun, and at the same time, do several other important things: Continue reading
Cost Breakdown for Atlantean Sigils — UPDATED corrected text
Atlantean Sigils indicate your membership in the Atlantean Society, and your willingness to communicate telepathically or verbally with off-worlders and inter-dimensional voyagers. These Sigils are extremely powerful — I mean EXTREMELY POWERFUL — beacon focus points, with lots of internal quantum activity, and the higher the karat the more powerful and the more active.
The absolute highest power you will get out of these sigils will be the SOLID PURE 24k GOLD sigil, but it’s soft, very soft, because it’s pure solid gold, so a sort of exotic care must be taken in the wearing. Many people in the Far East will wear only solid 14k gold, so it can be done safely, but you have to remember that you’re wearing pure, soft solid gold. Continue reading
What is a GatePort Anyway???

Combine Gateway with Portal and you get GatePort, a somewhat unique term meaning specifically an InterDimensional Gateway, Stargate or Portal. Charms can be carried or worn. GatePorts come in several flavors: Continue reading