In the manufacture of Shaman Cubes and other shamanic wormhole devices, we use several hidden or secreted operating modules: Continue reading
In the manufacture of Shaman Cubes and other shamanic wormhole devices, we use several hidden or secreted operating modules: Continue reading
How hard would it be to set up a portable portal in your hometown, and notify the press that your StarGate, set up on a known Vortex Power Point, would be available for viewing from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on such-and-such a date???
Here’s a fantastic way to earn some Bodhisattva Merit!
You walk into a mall and persuade the mall people to let you set up your Portable Portal somewhere in the mall. Of course, viewing is free, and the folks are allowed to take — but are not handed — a flyer about the Atlantean-Society. Continue reading
Allow me to introduce the very first prototype of Gorby’s Little Backyard StarGate Portal. From the outside, it appears to be an ordinary, but rather large-ish, garden shed of the “barn” style variety. Continue reading
If you’re reading this, there’s still a chance to jump on board. I’m planning a full-frontal economic surge this spring, just to illustrate how it can be done with no money and just a little of your time. My goal is to raise an unspecified amount of funds — which means I haven’t got a specific target or a specific amount as a money-goal. The money is irrelevant. I’m just doing this to prove it can be done and, if you took the time and spent the energy, YOU could be doing it just as easily as I. Continue reading
How about the following possibilities? I would like to design, furnish and hang the art in these tiny house backyard garden applications. Prices will range from $30,000 to $2.4 million, in the case of high-priced artwork, which can be both inside and outside.
The poverty of the New Lower Class is outrageous and there’s nothing to be done, nothing that CAN be done — the wealth of the former Middle Class is now in the hands of the Wall Street bankers and the auto industry bastards, and that’s all there is to say about that.
So with smaller or almost non-existent incomes, and no hope of EVER owning a home again, most former Middle-Classers are now thinking about Tiny Houses and they’ve joined the Tiny House Movement and have built or are planning to build one of their own.
The Tiny House is a way that lower income families can live longer and prosper better, but here are a few examples of applications that are, in most counties, still ‘way out of bounds, but under the right circumstances, such as location on a PAVED county road, these may be achievable right now, today.
Some will be just for yourself and your family, and others might be perfect as a small business. I can see a massage therapist using one of these, as well as a homeopathic practitioner or a D.C. — if you want a great design with loads of feng-shui and magic, contact me and I’ll construct a model here on the land and photo it for you.
The whole idea behind the Tiny House Movement is to make less of an impact on the land. You don’t really NEED all that space, do you? Actually, you don’t, and the resulting feeling of personal freedom from excess and invasive presence is worth the extra effort and the resistance you’ll get from the Planning Departments which represent the big builders, not the people.
Big builders want people to buy full-sized houses. The lumber industry doesn’t want you to build with less lumber, and the plumbers, electricians and roofers are all in favor of big houses.
How my Tiny House Design Project works is this:
I construct a building here on this site. It will be the building you see in the photo below. I will then decorate it exactly, and take photos of what is, in effect, an Artist’s Installation.
When I have a design that suits you, you then contract for the shed, following my exact specifications for building details, doors, windows, vents, Ty-Vek sheathing, flooring, roof plumbing and all the outdoor landscaping effects that you care to put in. In short, you use my plans and I ship you the necessary furnishings. I do not ship lighting or plumbing or anything of the kind, just furnishings and fittings, plus vases, tables, chairs, flatware, whatever you like, however far you want to take it, all the way to toaster & blender and gourmet spice station. Continue reading
Here is a list of the items or collections we are offering today:
Those are just a few of the collections that I can put together for an auction or presentation. There’s everything from baseball cards and celebrity photos to rare perfumes and celebrity costumes seen in films and television.
See You At The Top!!!
Do you have the power to make good things happen? Many folks have asked how they can do their Bodhisattva work when they have little money and even less time. I have an answer that will actually help you to increase your income by doing your Bodhisattva work, and I’ll be happy to explain in detail:
You need some SIMPLE ACTION that doesn’t take up too much of your time, doesn’t require a lot of effort, and that will somehow raise your necessity far above your own miserable needs.
You need to find some way to carry out your Bodhisattva work — some action, some activity that will get you into DIRECT CONTACT with those who desperately seek this work and need a trail of bread crumbs laid down for them, which is where YOU come in, O Bornless One.
It’s obvious that you can’t spend the time or energy walking around town trying to talk to every possible candidate for the Work who happens to cross your path. You need some way to get out there without your body, and that’s where this Special Essence Exercise comes in.
The whole idea is to be able to help BigTime without having to lay out a lot of money, and in fact, the action I have in mind can be done with NO money, no investment of anything other than time and energy, of which you have more than you think, and I’m going to try to prove that to you with the Essence Exercise described below: Continue reading
JOAN MIRO — Original Mourlot Hand-Pulled Stone Lithograph printed on wove paper, it is the back cover of ” XXe Siecle #4″, published in 1954; edition size about 5,000, probably a few hundred circulating around nowadays, or far less, as a result of many of them falling into a permanent collection of a library, university or museum. A very rare original print with lots of early primitivism and strong paint strokes. The double “X” signifies the “twentieth century” aspect of the famous high-grade French art “magazine” of the Golden Age of Art. Condition is Extra-Fine.
Bidding Range: $950 – $1500
SIDE-NOTES: This is hard to find, and expensive to buy, with no hope of “fast turnover”. It may take years to sell a print in a gallery. There are some XXe Siecle originals on eBay, and a lot of things that people THINK are XXe Siecle that are also there. Some prints are as low as $30 bucks or so, when the seller is unaware of the value of the print, and when the artist is not as well-collected, highly valued or among the “Big Name Artists” like Rembrandt, Renoir, Chagall, Miro, Picasso, and Matisse. It’s not a good idea to seek out bargains in the art market. You pay for what you get, and you get what you pay for. Continue reading
The incense bowl goes just ahead of the SuperBeacon, with the two grippers spread apart as shown. The double Rock Salt candle holders would be to the left and right of the SuperBeacon. Continue reading
The Easter “Sweat Yer Butt Off” Workshop is only days away!!! Wake up & live!!! We will do all sorts of unusual things at this Weekend Festive Spring Celebration and new and interesting work tools will be introduced and demonstrated, along with accelerated power-prayer & more.
click here for online attendance info
click here for in-person attendance info Continue reading