Chanukah Coins & Christmas Coins


I’ve already posted the Christmas/Easter coins — they are the “Widow’s Mite of Mark 12-41”. A slightly larger coin covers Chanukah:


The Hasmonean Prutah were issued by the Maccabees, leaders of a rebel army that took power from the Seleucid Empire, 164-35 BCE and founded the Hasmonean Dynasty in Judea, celebrated as “Chanukah” in the present time zone.

Unfortunately, these coins — actually anything from this area — are becoming ultra-scarce in any quality whatever, due to continual conflict. They are hard to find in good condition and impossible to find at wholesale prices, but they do have high value as Remote Reading Objects.

You can hold, carry or place a target object such as an ancient coin in your Cloud Chamber to charge it up and activate it. If you need instruction on this, just ask for it.

See You At The Top!!!


More Real Things For Makers, Shakers & Resellers

At the Sci-Fi & Fine Art sections of my new online bookstore.

Here are a few more choice goodies from my goodies factory:


Not a reproduction, 100% Guaranteed authentic original Donner Family Relic. The Donner Party Tragedy at Donner Pass is one of the three most famous events in California History, along with the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake & Fire, and the 1849 California Gold Rush.

This is offered by a Donner family descendant, and is part of a very limited number of found items, all dating from about 1830 to 1847. It was in the winter of 1846/47 that the Donner Party experienced the tragedy, as retold in vivid detail in the book written by one of the survivors, a daughter of George Donner, the leader of the party which ended in disaster.


Not a reproduction, this 100% guaranteed authentic ancient bead dates anywhere between 8,000 B.C. and 1200 B.C., and was laboriously drilled from both ends and ground on stone with sand and silica carbide, to cut and polish the stone. Continue reading

Not a Reproduction, Not a Copy, Not an Imitation — The Real Thing

Spanish Shipwreck Treasure for Remote Viewing!

Coins like the ones you see in the photo above plus a few hundred more are waiting for you to need them, order them and use them in your Remote Readings.


Not a reproduction, this shipwreck treasure is an original Spanish coin that was made anywhere from 1516 to 1808. These, along with the famous “Pieces of 8”, were used in Early Colonial America.

They are not “Colonials” in the sense of coins produced by either one of the colonies or by the Federal Mint, primarily because there was no Federal to order up a mint or currency of any kind, not until the Continental Congress voted to establish a U.S. Mint with the Coinage Act of 1792, the first year of issue of any actual U.S. currency.

In the meantime, until the establishment of the Continental Congress, people used paper money, which they distrusted largely, along with Spanish, Dutch, English, German and French coins.

When they didn’t have coins or cash available to them, people traded ‘Barter Money’ such as gold flake or nuggets, silver scrap, copper, salt grains, peppercorns, tea leaves, rare or large stones, bead “wampum” belts, alcohol, cigarettes, cocoa beans, cowrie shells, wheat, barley, and in many areas, bronze ring castings and arrowheads were used as money.

These rare Early Colonial Era Coins come in a beautiful acrylic capsule which can be carried in pocket or purse. This is a great Remote Viewing device for any scene of the period to obtain great Remote Readings either in Spain or Early Americana.

Many of these coins might be valuable numismatics. I have not searched them for this — my interest is solely in their Remote Viewing capacities. These are not intended for resale — they are spiritual tools to be used for your Past Life Remote Readings. Continue reading

Your One-Stop Christmas Shop

Widow’s Mites of Mark 12-41

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow put more into the treasury than all the others. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

These coins are bronze lepta and prutot of Alexander Jannaeus, the Hasmonean King of Judaea from 103 to 76 B.C. Although these coins were minted long before Christ’s lifetime, they were still in circulation during the first century A.D. They were the lowest denomination coins circulated at the time of Jesus.

I’m making Christmas/Chanukah Gift Packets with these incredible 2,000 year-old genuine ancient Judean coins that were in circulation during the time of Jesus, and some dating to the time of the Macabees, and they’re only $35 a pop!

These are NOT replicas or reproductions. They are the Real Thing, and there are NOT that many around now, due to the war in that area of the world, and there’s no sign of it letting up anytime soon. Continue reading

Remote Viewing All the Time

Orm McGill & EJ Gold perform at convention time.
Orm McGill & EJ Gold perform at convention time.

Actually, you’re Remote Viewing almost all the time. When you visualize anything that you don’t see in the nearby space, you’re casting out into Time/Space, and catching a hook into a nearby Time/Space, but it isn’t the same as the one you’re in right now, and that’s Remote Viewing, no matter how you look at it.

Whenever you think, “Now, where did I put my keys (or wallet or purse)???” you automatically start a process of sifting through cut-scenes, looking for that elusive article.

Once in a while, you’re get a startlingly clear picture of something that happened years or decades ago. Just imagine how much memory you’d have to be able to haul around in that body’s brain and nervous system, if you weren’t able to instantly connect up with the actual event and “remember” it by Remote Viewing it, usually a procedure that’s tagged “in the name of memory”, but memory it isn’t — it’s Remote Viewing the target as a present-time Remote View. Continue reading

Learn to “Park the Body” for Astral Projection & Remote Viewing

Scene from "Seance" production at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, BC Canada.
“Seance” at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, B.C. Canada.

Here’s a breakdown of the exact induction I would use to train someone to Park the Body. It is a professional technique and should not be applied outside the realm of meditation science. It is NOT hypnotism, and should not be used as such.

This is a training induction that teaches how to Park a Body.

We are going to learn to transform this long induction into a simple suggestion, “Park the Body”, after which we merely park the body in a single moment, rather than go through the whole induction process, which means that it has become “instinctive” and no longer requires a step-by-step repetition.

It may take only once to master, or several times, but this induction is intended only as a guide for the meditation, “Park the Body” — the end result is that you will be able to park the body without the detailed induction.

The induction given verbatim below works best when it is part of a personally coached “Guided Meditation”.

Other than general relaxation, this induction has no known medical uses — it is strictly a meditation device which can be used with a beginner to indicate an easy way to relax the body while remaining fully awake and in control. Continue reading

Secrets of Remote Reading & Viewing

I'm the sergeant on the right of photo, taken at Fort Ord, California, circa 1962.
I’m the sergeant on the right — Trainfire at Fort Ord, California, circa 1962.

“Remote Reading”, otherwise known as “Remote Viewing”, is where you merely look at something and report what you see. Remote Viewing does not involve the movement of any mass in space or time, and exists entirely apart from the realm of the Einsteinian Newtonian Universe.

In 1963, while serving in the U.S. Army Security Agency, I was recruited for a Remote Reading unit, which I joined just three days after I received my Honorable Discharge from the service.

I did not go to the military Remote Viewing Unit at Fort Meade or, indeed, any other military agency Remote Viewing unit — there were four civilian units in Virginia and California, which our team verified through our own readings and encounters with members of other teams, open knowledge of which was kept from us, but believe it, we were in contact every day with psychic operatives both on our side and on other sides — and there are plenty of sides in the political arena — under the tight pressure of a high security position in the most secret agencies in U.S. history.

I can’t and won’t tell you what our targets were — I’ll leave that to others — but the nature of the targets were generally buildings, vehicles or people, and when I say “targets”, I mean only that they were selected and visualized by the readers, often using map coordinates as a guide when needed. Continue reading

How to Remote Read Fast & Easy!!!

Time/Space Configurations in breathing sculptures, Comara Gallery Los Angeles, 1966.
Time/Space Configurations in breathing sculptures, Comara Gallery, LA, 1966.

If you have a lot of impact from Past Lives in your present life, you’ll appreciate this breakthrough method, called “Remote Reading”, something I did for a living back in the day when Remote Reading was a respectable part of intelligence and counterintelligence operations, which it still is, regardless of what they will tell you — I run into Remote Readers all the time, and Remote Reading is still very much a part of the operations of the Intelligence Community around the world and far beyond.

You can disarm a lot of present-life impact from past lives, and you’d be surprised at how much impact they can have on you and your peace of mind. Remote Reading gives you the key to the Kingdom, and is a great first step toward Astral Projection, if out-of-body is what you have in mind.

Remote Reading is where you suddenly appear somewhere far away in time, space or both, without having traversed time or space to get there. I’ll explain more:

Remote Reading is far easier than Astral Projection, because you don’t have to lug your Astral Body around in order to Remote Read, and Remote Reading, truth to say, accomplishes pretty much the same thing as Astral Projection, without all the hassle.

To begin with, you don’t project with any body high or low — you merely L@@K at your target Time/Space Event, whatever and wherever it may be or have been. We won’t neglect Remote Readings of the Present Time/Space as well as far-distant worlds.

The whole key to time and space voyaging is TIME. Time is the Bridge between Now & Then, between Here & There, between the Seen and the Unseen. If you rely on space travel, you’ll need to accelerate to almost lightspeed to get anywhere at all, and then you’d be wasting a lot of time, fuel and planetary resources.

Just take a side-exit through a time-bridge, simple as ABC.

Time/space is interwoven, like muscles and nerves. There is no way to separate Time from Space, sort of inseparable threads of a cloth, the warp and the weft, or weave — move one, and the other distorts to accommodate and adjust to the new configuration.

Space/Time is sort of a floating cloud of streaming and dancing particles, existing within a multi-dimensional “cube” — actually a double folded tesseract — a cube made from six cubes all occupying the same space at the same time, but in different frequency vibrations — that develops its seemingly convoluted dimensions by mirroring opposing planes, but who’s counting?

Another way of understanding the MegaCreation MultiVerse is to visualize it as a giant cloud of expanding complex filaments, extending in every direction forever — and that doesn’t quite get it across.

Deep within all the huge cosmic spaces is the GRID, which is a bunch of tiny dots called “points”, which are nothing more than locations given in x, y and z coordinates, but it’s very large, using very large numbers and wildly complicated calculations, but since the calculations are all performed in Real Time on a quantum-connected information field, there’s an infinite number of possible points, minus one.

In Interstellar Travel, you don’t need to travel any faster than a car to get across a wormhole, and the same is doubly true when jumping through a TimeHole, which is a wormhole in time, rather than space, requiring no more effort to cross over than to merely decide to have a look-see.

In Remote Reading, you don’t have to cross any boundaries or separate yourself from your body, because you’re not taking a body on your journey — you’re just looking with your Special Attention, which you learned by taking coached Remote Reading Sessions.

In a coached Remote Reading Session, you’ll establish first the Time/Space that is MOST impacting your present life at the moment. Your coach will have a set of rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, pillow charms, medallions and earrings from which to select those relics that will most likely get you there the fastest with the most clarity of vision.

Earrings will be your own once you wear them — can’t return them and shouldn’t, once they’ve been through someone’s earlobe, but all the rest you can use just for the session, then hand back to your coach, who will return them to their places in his or her Remote Reading Session Kit.

In this way, the Relics serve more or less as snap-on tools for the exploration of a related Time/Space, the place from which the Relic came to the present Time/Space, which would be the Training Area set aside by your coach for this purpose. Continue reading

Park the Body — Past Life Technique Perfected

Get Out of Body the Easy Way!!! Park the Body and GO!!!
Get Out of Body the Easy Way!!! Park the Body and GO!!!

Here’s the full lowdown on how to use the “Park the Body” technique to achieve GREAT results in Past Life Assessments, Psychic Remote Reading, Time Travel and most of all, the ever-elusive Successful Out of Body Astral Projection.

The technique is amazingly simple, easy to master and use and has no strings. Please note, there is no “secret” method to this, just good, clean and truly helpful coaching in a live astral projection or remote reading session.

Every human being on Earth is naturally telepathic, although the contact is far below the awareness level of the beta brain so, as you’d expect, most folks are stunningly unaware of their telepathic abilities, and never develop them beyond the subtext influence level on which they operate automatically in the human biological machine with no prompting from anyone.

Humans are just telepathic enough to receive instructions from the Mother Mind. They react according to plan, in knee-jerk fashion, thus accounting for any wild changes in fashion, business, war and peace and, of course, the music.

Keep in mind that space and time are thoroughly bound, and even Einstein, a local boy with a big brain, knew that time is exactly like space — it has dimensions, more than one of them.

What this means to you as a Voyager is that just as space is always there, time is too — which translates to “yesterday is also always there”. You can move into any time-frame as long as you can reach it from where you are, and that’s where Park the Body Technique comes in handy. Continue reading

Phasing With Interference Waves

Griffith Park Love-In, 1967 -- photo by ej gold.
Griffith Park Love-In, 1967 — gelatin photoprint by ej gold.

When transcending compound-complex wave-forms, you’ll want a Resonance Factor of about 10.0 with a Beat-Frequency Oscillation of zero or about zero.

Jiggle & Bounce are two factors you’ll want to note, both results of integrated and differential vector analyses. The Vagueness and Weirdness of the quantum world will cloud up any ordinary results.

Non-located vibration sources require harmony, hence harmonic tuning is indicated when riding a continuous wave in a diodal formation.

Essence Memory is the footprint of all your memories of all your lifetimes and non-meat excursions, meaning spirit flights during intermission or interregnum.

Pitch, Roll & Yaw are automatically adjusted in-flight. You don’t have to do anything to correct them.

Remember that there are eleven different directions, or “dimensions”, including upness, downness, sideness, deepness, timeness, in-ness, outness, and a few more to contend with when voyaging in any dimension.

Frequency Shift through Parallel or Serial Universes can be transcended. Continue reading