Sorry if you’re a Christian, and you got scared by my previous blog. I was being amusingly speculative, but even had I not been playfully toying with the thought experiment, “What Happened to the Christians?”, it would have nothing to do with YOU.
I guarantee that even if you wore an 8″ solid silver filigree cross vividly displayed and wore a tee shirt that said, “Ask Me About Jesus”, you’d be excluded from that exclusive club. No matter how you try to look, act, sound and smell like them, you’ll always be an outsider.
It’s not about Christianity, it’s about racism and hate groups, and preachers who preach hate. Unfortunately, humans are all-too-ready to be told what to do.
Mindless robots, relentless zombies, egotistical level bosses make a real double-socko combination-punch to the medulla oblongata!Continue reading →
Aren’t you the least bit curious? Have you ever wondered what caused Christianity to suddenly vanish sometime in the middle of the 21st century, never to reappear, at least as far as the 37th century?
If not, it’s because YOU CAN’T REMEMBER, not because you weren’t there. THIS IS A TIME TRIP, REMEMBER??? Ah, but it’s hard to wake up IN THE DREAM, isn’t it???
As a seasoned time-traveler, although I probably haven’t taken as many ill-considered rebirths as you have, I’ve often considered taking rebirth around 1941 or so, and observing life in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, to find out what really happened to Christianity.
Not the Christians. They didn’t vanish. The Church of Christianity did. The Christians remained for quite some time after the collapse of The Christian Church, first in Amerika, then after a short time, it went down worldwide. Continue reading →
I never talk politics, couldn’t be less interested, and I’m not talking politics, now. I’m defending my freedoms, and yours, too, whether you know it or not, even if you don’t live in Amerika.
Am I a Democrat? No, emphatically not. A Republican, then? No, I’m not a Republican. I’m a visitor to this planet, an off-worlder, and have no local political interests or ambitions.
In fact, I have NO other interest than to bring the Teaching to a sad and angry little planet full of violent morons screaming in pain and agony, killing each other and destroying their legacy and history.
Bringing the Teaching. Haw, Haw!!! What a hopeless task THAT is, but I keep trying.
Push even the most peaceful of Pacifists up against the WALL and hold him there for a while, and sooner or later, you’ll wind up on the floor. Punch me once, you won’t get a second chance. Not ever.
That’s what happened when Senator Elizabeth Warren got pushed up against the wall by the Republican Majority in the Senate. READ ON… Continue reading →
“Do You Want to Play a Game???”
The voice rings out in the video arcade. Of course you do. What else? Stand around while others play? Wander outside? Of COURSE I want to play a game.
After a few dozen Billenia in the Void, you’ll start to wonder what they’re DOING in there, in the CREATION, and you’ll downscale into the world just to cop a peek, take a quick look, but WARNING, there is a definite danger here — GRAVITY.
As you look into the world, you’re pulled down, down, down, into it, and the next thing you know, BANG! There you are, incarnated again. It’s that magnetic gravity pull that does it every dang time, and you’re sucker enough for that gimmick that you fall for it again and again and again. Continue reading →
If you don’t speak up now, you never will get the chance. Soon you will be disallowed from commenting on, or criticizing, Donald Trump. It will be LAW, and you will risk Federal Imprisonment for violating the “Presidential Critics Law of 2017”, if I remember rightly, and there’s no reason to suppose I do.
Like I’ve said before, I failed “Earth History 201”, which is the history of the human species on planet Earth during the 21st and 22nd century, and I’m in this Earth Simulation that you call “Reality”, to find out WHY Donald Trump is called “Trump the Rump”, what is the meaning of “Trumpism”, how did he get into power, and why people hated him so much.
Donald Trump is the first U.S. President to be featured in over 1,000 video games to date, and he is pissed off about it, even though some of them are positive, some even wildly so, with Nazi Storm Troopers at your disposal to wipe out all those inferior races. Continue reading →
You can now use miniatures to target a specific space. Great at parties!
Well, finally I’ve gotten around to making my first commercial prototype 3D BINOX unit, which will be ready for market this morning, if all goes well.
You will be astonished, probably even shocked, by what you can see in the 3D BINOX. You’ll hear people actually yelp in surprise when they see the difference between what they see with ordinary eyes and what they can see with the 3D BINOX.
You can use the 3D BINOX with your H1 INTELLIGENT HARMONIZER to create some amazing effects through Quantum Tunneling and my very latest miniaturized WormHole technology. Continue reading →
Spook watches a fireball manifest in Norton Street demonstration, 1969. All the props courtesy of Universal Studios, except the Mayan Glass Knife from my collection.
You can: paint, draw, sing, act, dance, sculpt, make jewelry, all with the singular purpose of producing balance and harmony between Centrums, Chakras and Meridians, and a profound sense of peace and harmony between yourself and your environment.
It’s NEVER about talent. It’s ALWAYS about giving yourself permission
“I can’t give myself permission,” you tell me.
Well, do you ever give yourself permission to act out negatively? To be angry, sad, depressed, for more than a few seconds? That’s all the time it takes to have an emotional reaction. The rest is reverberation and decay time, and that could, for some unfortunates, take hours, days, weeks, years, maybe never.
La Balance – The Tarot card “BALANCE” illustrates the concept and method of harmonic resonance. The goal of harmonic therapy is to restore the natural balance of sounds inherent in a blended whole, to restore the whole note from the resultant fragmentaries.
It’s easy to manifest thought-forms and prayer-forms if you can concentrate AND FOCUS your Higher-Being Attention.
Invite a group of friends to gather in order to experiment with the TC-Helicon H1 Intelligent Harmonizer, working to creating notes and harmonies along the TONE SCALE of OBJECTIVE WAVELENGTHS with the object of obtaining harmonization and defining the range of each individual’s voice at this time, before stretching and flexing the vocal muscles.
Take your TFZ Medallion with you whenever you go out of the house, especially if you’re one of those illegal aliens like my friends from Orion and the Pleiades, here!
USE YOUR MEDALLION AND OTHER TFZ ITEMS to ward off the Trump-Dominated Zombies, ward off the Evil Avatar Numspaa, basically, to ward off all the ill-effects and unwanted nasal hair from Trumpism.
USE YOUR TRUMP-FREE ZONE to defend yourself, your family and your home against your President.
Ironic as it sounds, that’s what you have to do if you are NOT white, NOT Christian. You are under direct threat. There is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.
You NEED SOME SORT OF PSYCHIC PROTECTION, not only to keep you safe, but to keep you FEELING safe and FEELING free, both YOUR RIGHTS as a citizen of the United States of America, and it’s also your right as an honored guest, visitor or newcomer. You’re innocent until proven guilty. That’s the law, but Trump is changing all that.
Are Trump’s paid goons and his volunteer zombies allowed to break the law? Of course they are. What are you, completely dense? They bend the law, break the law, ARE the law. Wake up, stupid!
Note how that reads: “Wake up, stupid!”. Please take note of the fact that it does NOT read: “Wake up stupid!”.
If you can’t tell the difference between the two statements, you’re in far worse trouble than you think. Continue reading →
You’re looking at one of my TFZ Ammies, which I’m designing and testing right now. I’ll soon have them on the table, and you can be wearing one to protect yourself from your own President!!!
Haw, haw, haw!!! I can’t stop laughing.
I’m posting some images and text for the Trump-Free Zone resellers and distributors. I didn’t use photos of models’ faces, because it’s dangerous to speak out now, in the New White Nazi Amerika, and I’m afraid for their safety if they’re associated with this product.
Most of the models I’d like to use are in serious danger, because they’re not white, not particularly Christian or nominally Christian — sort of being Christian isn’t enough to buy you safety from the rabid bloodthirsty Christian Mob that’s out there just waiting to eat you alive.
They are now empowered to demand fanaticism and unswerving mindless loyalty to their particular brand of Christianity, and thanks to their fearful leader, they have the RIGHT to kick you out, refuse you service or let you die outside a hospital, if you’re not a white Christian.
Think I’m exaggerating? Check out the latest outrage, and you’ll see the Congressional Bill Allowing Religious Discrimination READY FOR SIGNING!!!
It’s more dangerous than that. You never know where the next attack will come from. Enemies are EVERYWHERE!
If you’re not scared of the Violent Pro-Lifers, you might consider hiding away from all the UNION people, Trump’s major blue-collar supporters. They think he’s their buddy, but HISTORY SHOWS that they will soon be rounded up along with the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and skin-color variations that they hate AND FEAR so much.
In this atmosphere of hatred, fear and distrust, you have to have SOME PROTECTION, and the TFZ is about the best you can do, short of arming yourself and wearing a bulletproof vest and cap, which buys you nothing, when facing a mob.
There are just too many of them. You can take out one or two, but there are just too goddam many of them, and they are zombied-out, thirsting for SOMEBODY’S blood.
This is nothing new. Public stonings, public hangings, lynchings are all too common, and the people who profess Christianity are the most likely to commit such all-too-human atrocities.
He not only IS nuts, he HAS nuts, according to the reports from his female employees, and thanks to Shamanic Magic, YOU can kick him in the nuts, on the Astral Plane!
Fuckin’ Hell, I warned you that RONALD MCDONALD T-RUMP WAS NUTS, FOUR FUCKING DECADES ago, when I predicted all this in “SlimeWars”, which you probably haven’t read, if you’re still surprised by the daily outrages and attacks on YOUR personal freedoms.
Oh, but he’s much more than merely nuts. He’s an actual, real live Nazi Dictator, a tyrant, a slob and yes, he is actually possessed by an Evil Avatar, and he’s ugly, too. Hard to watch on the news just because he’s so ugly and strange looking.
He wants YOU to feel fear, just as he does, all day, every day, all night, every night.
All his closest advisors, cabinet members and social friends are actual card-carrying Party Member Neo-Nazis, except his bedmate and fellow wannabe mass-murdering fuckhead, Count Vlad Putin, who is the Father of Expediency and a former Communist. He’s a member of whatever keeps him in power.
Is there something between them? Sure, there is, and it’s not just another of those springtime romances. They’ve been plotting this all along, and Putin gets half the booty when all Trump’s enemies lie dead, like an old chestnut Shakespeare play, eh?
He and his Nazi friends hate Mexicans, Jews, Italians, South Africans, Dutch, Poles, Iranians, Iraquis, Afghanis, Pakshis, Africans of all kinds, Arabs of any description, Blacks, Reds, Purples, Browns, Tans, Catholics, Buddhists, Shintoists, Hindus, and YOU and ME.
If they weren’t doing his dirty work for him, he’d hate the Born Again mobs, too. Actually, he does, and if he follows true to form, he’ll eventually kill them all, just as Hitler purged his S.A. troops to ensure that they didn’t overthrow him after they put him in power. Continue reading →