When All Else Fails, Use Magic!!!`

You can see pickups as I’m starting to build the wall boxes on the main floor base.

Feeling helpless and in despair? Is Trump too much for you? Would you like to shut him up, or at least get him to stop lying, cheating and back-stabbing the public?

Great idea, but hard to actually accomplish, especially face-to-face. Trying to reason with madness and deep paranoiac insanity is a fruitless task. All you can hope to do is to contain it and make it harmless.

No matter what you say OR DO, Trump will not listen to you. He is famous for being unable to accept answers he doesn’t want to believe.

Sure, you can engage him on Twitter, duel with him in the media and try to get a phone call through to the Oval Office before he presses that Nuke Button on the side of his desk, but no amount of pleading will have an effect, no matter how compelling and convincing. Continue reading

Trump in Action!!!

Take a good look at the objects on Trumpenstein’s desk.

At first, I thought to take some screenshots of the Trumpenstein Avatar in various poses and facial expressions, and that’s what I did — at first.

Next, I plugged him into the T’ai Ch’i and Yoga Mat exercises, and took some snappers of those, as well.

Actually, it occurred to me that someone might volunteer to take him to a daily T’ai Ch’i practice, but we’d have to work out the timing for that.

I’m very aware that selfies are all the rage these days, and I’m always trying my darndest to come up with a few selfies, no matter what the subject matter.

Unfortunately, I take EXTREME closeups, so you generally can’t see the background, but I soon learned that nobody really cares about the subject matter or content of a photo — it’s all about colors and high definition, even if it’s only a highly defined nothing.

A few closeups of the T’ai Ch’i workout might classify as “selfies”. Continue reading


My Trump Model behaves pretty much as the original does, including “KMB” poses.


At one end of the Ballroom, you’ll note a small closet, within which is tucked a skeleton. How proverbial is that? Can you think of another word for “Thesaurus”? What if there were no rhetorical questions? If a cat and a banana traveled East on a train from Chicago to New York at an average of 90 mph in a stiff wind, how many chickens were left at the end of the run?

And that’s the kind of polite chatter you’d be likely to expect from the Washington crowd, most of whom are lawyers without a practice. You can’t come across a band of worse thugs than that, and when they get together, it’s called “Congress” — aptly named, I think, for the kind of thing they do to the country.

The Ballroom is very valuable as a venue for speakers, poets, protest songsters and theater and dance presentations, all of which are Spiritual Enlightenment Technology directed at the leader and leadership of this once-great nation.

If you didn’t used to be, but now you are ashamed to be an American, it’s time to take some positive action, and this is it. Get into the Ashram and start pushing those vibes out at the Washington politicians who aren’t listening on any other level. Continue reading


At the airfield on the way to the White House for lunch and meditation.


The Oval Office Project is a non-political, non-sectarian effort to raise the consciousness of the entire staff of the White House, the President’s consciousness and the consciousness of any visitors who happen to wander through on the White House Tour, which won’t be so easy to get on these days, I suspect.

By now, even the most hardened Right-Wing Republican who finds himself to the far right of John Birchers has seen the evidence — President Trump is downright crazy, totally out of control, completely off his rocker, and he has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

Technically speaking, he’s a Classic NPD — Narcissistic Personality Disorder — with a colossal ego inflation and a blustering low-life crudity that makes even the sturdiest supporter cringe now and again. He’s a spoiled brat with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

I said this effort is Non-political, and it is. It has nothing to do with the beliefs, attitudes and party convictions of the current inhabitants of the White House. The reason that this becomes possible is that Trump’s behavior is arrogant, spiteful, childish and on the verge of an uncontrollable tantrum. Bear with me, if you’re a Trump fan, I’m merely establishing the groundwork against which one can measure success. I’ll explain further. Continue reading


you can use the larger images in this blog as screen-savers.


You can place a “TRUMP-FREE ZONE” Medallion at each door and window, and ward off the bad smell, enjoying a new-found freedom from the stench of Trump. Gosh, and he’s the one calling people names like pig-face. Has he ever looked in a mirror?

But NEW FREEDOM is not enough. You need to also STAY FREE!

Unfortunately, if you’re not both white AND Christian, your days are numbered and your life of personal freedom is over forever, even after this administration has gone down the drain, like they do.

Once the Constitution is overturned, we have crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back. If you allow that to happen, you deserve what you get.

In this world of distrust and superstition, racial hatred and religious radicals, there is nowhere to run to, no place to hide, no refuge from the chaotic storm of rage and zombie apocalypse that is coming to this planet. Continue reading

POP QUIZ: Is Donald Trump the Reincarnation of Hitler, or Mussolini?


You can be fired on the spot for suggesting a comparison between Trump & Hitler!

Many teachers have been fired or suspended for suggesting a comparison between Hitler and Trump. Kids turn in their teachers for this offense. You can’t even suggest that they LOOK at it, consider it, think about it.

Donald Trump is now a “Forbidden Topic”. You risk death and disfiguration by merely mentioning the name in the wrong company, no matter which “side” you happen to be on at the moment.

It is now considered blasphemous to question The Donald, just as it was in 1933 in Hitler’s Germany death to question Hitler, and even worse to ridicule him.

Guess Right, & Win a Trip to the Gas Chamber!

That fact alone should nail it for you that there’s something going on between the two historical characters, Trump and Hitler. We can’t even THINK THE THOUGHT without getting fired from a tenured job?

You can be dismissed from your position if you even postulate the idea in a classroom of conducing some sort of experiment or inquiry.

That’s okay, soon you will be taken away if you utter that forbidden word, “Freedom” in public. Continue reading



Take a heroic pose and take a stand against tyranny!

Please keep in mind that I haven’t written a protest song in well over half a century, and I wouldn’t do it now, except that we now have sitting in the White House a real louse, who insists on robbing us of our freedoms, and setting back the Civil Rights clock over a century into the past.

I don’t care about Trump personally, or politically. I’m just taking this opportunity to show my guitar and folksong writing classes how to write a protest song — that’s my entire agenda.

Is Trump traumatic? Is he intolerable? You bet he is, but I really don’t care. I’ve lived under worse dictators, and they always get theirs, in the end. Usually, the people who put them in power become disgusted and they take matters into their own hands — not a good plan, these days.

De-stabilizing Amerika is what both Putin AND Trump have in mind. Trump is looking for ANY excuse to call in the National Guard and declare a State of Emergency in which he assumes full dictatorial powers.

Think it can’t happen here? It already did, in the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who served a THIRD TERM and would have remained in office for LIFE had he been given the opportunity.

An NPD does not easily let go of power, equity or fame. Continue reading



KIss My Butt, Donaldo!

Okay, if you’re wondering why I’m taking sides, I’m not. Believe me, if Hillary had gotten in and pulled the stunts this media-whoring pigheaded creep is pulling, I’d be right on her case, just as heavily, you have my word on that.

Donald Trump is walking all over the Constitution. Hey, I’m not permitted to interfere with local politics here on Earth, and I don’t.

That’s not why I’m writing People’s Songs of Protest, not at all. Donald Trump is just another cog in the wheel that is Washington, and he’s now discovering the painful truth, that unless he invites Russian troops in, he has no real power.

I couldn’t care less if we DO live through a “Red Dawn” scenario. I have bigger fish to fry.

In point of fact, you probably haven’t a clue why I’m really doing it, and couldn’t care less, if you’re in the mainstream with most humankind, but I have a very high and celestial reason to do what I’m doing, and I’ll be only too happy to explain just why:

Donald Trump is not the center of the universe, but right now, he’s making himself pretty much the center of attention, worldwide. People are absolutely terrified, quite rightly, that he might go off the deep end any moment now, and press the nuclear button, or worse. Continue reading

What’s New?

What’s New, Pussycat?

Before I Time-Travel, I like to dress down for the locals, but I always pack an Ankh & Flail, just in case I run into a gang of rowdies.

What’s new??? Well, I’ve just spent the entire night making a BUNCH of SILVER WALKING LIBERTY HALF DOLLAR QUATRAIN MEDALLIONS, that’s what’s new today.

I’m ignoring the media circus in Washington for the moment, but I’ll be back with the latest flash in a minute or two — it’ll knock your socks off, if you’re a tenderfoot in the political/business arena.

I’ve written a few more FOLK PROTEST SONGS which are on Barbara’s desk for entry into my collection of Trump Roasts — get it? Rump Roast, Trump Roast? Haw, haw, haw, this guy’s a barrel of laughs.

Frankly, from my perspective, I’m indifferent to whether or not he sets off a nuclear conflagration. I get paid no matter what happens, and I collect my dollar bet once the whole planet blows up real good.

Not my problem, and certainly nobody else’s, either. We have other planets, we’ll get over it. The locals, however, tend to go down with the ship. Continue reading

Mystical Voyaging Helps You Learn How To Escape From Planet Trump

On the Black Falcon, ready to board ten passengers for a Mystical Voyage.

Mystical Voyaging Helps You Learn How to Escape From Planet Trump, FAST!!!

One way to get off the planet real fast without any prior training or recollection of your Atlantean Self is to take repeated Mystical Voyages, which you can do in the Ashram without ever having to learn the basics of visualization.

In Mystical Voyaging, you learn to FEEL your way. You get used to passing through PORTALS until it becomes second nature to you.

As a matter of fact, using the Ashram’s Mystical Voyaging as a tool for transformation is as simple as singing or playing guitar for five minutes every day. It sort of transfers to the higher centrums, more or less by osmosis.

It’s a painless way to learn. You do, and do, and do, and after a while, it just does itself. Please allow me to explain how you can apply this in your daily life: Continue reading