I’m not even going to dwell for a second on the latest Trump News, not even the Republicans’ despicable use of the ghastly and unfortunately conceived “Kathy Griffin photo” for their recruiting campaign, by which they perpetuate the image forever!
Ugh! Disgusting! How low can you go?
Is there “fair news” anywhere? News you can actually trust?
It’s very clear. You can’t trust the news, not ANY news, from ANY source, under ANY conditions, so why bother to watch it, listen to it, or read it?
First and foremost, remember that ALL POLITICIANS LIE. All lawyers lie. All political appointees have something to gain. All news agencies and outlets have viewers and sponsors, and they have to put out the crap that their people will engorge themselves upon, which means garbage, garbage, garbage. Discuss.
Forget about it.
I personally refuse to watch the news from now on. Period, and I recommend you do the same, and pass it on. There’s no hope for eggheads in this brainless neanderthalic “Age of Trump”. Just shine it on. Forget the news. Pay no attention to it.
If anything happens that’s close enough for you to react to it, you’ll know about it. Trust me.
In the meantime, while you’re waiting to be taken away to the labor camps to work on infrastructure as a state slave or you somehow escape the fury of the raging mob, you might feel the heat just a little, to get on with it.
I’m hoping that the Clear & Present Danger lights a firecracker under your ass.
This is the time, Kato.
Check out my super-spiffy stuff on cafe press, things like:

This “Dark Figure in the Mist” is Barbara, composing her new book, “Every Day a Holy Day”, which is a best-seller on our book list with dozens of reprintings, and IT ISN’T EVEN IN THE CATALOG YET and hasn’t been marketed or promoted!!!
It is destined to be a big seller, and YOU can help get it out there! Ask Yanesh how to make this happen!

Whattaya think, huh? Mighty nice, if you ask me, and it comes with the chain, too!
I’m headed over to the chuck wagon for some grub, and I’ll be moseying off to the cayuse, meaning the ICW, where we’ll talk more about this, and about blue lining, movement training, levitation training and more.

You’re gonna get compliments and questions about this messenger bag featuring Barbara!
Okay, I’d better dash, or miss the hot sausage and scrambled eggs! I’m kidding, of course. It’s the usual vegan fare, of which I never tire.
See You At The Top!!!