Diablo II Type Items for Real Life Gaming

Do whatever you want here, but in the Afterlife, you answer directly to the Judge.

Every single death that results from the political swindle being carried on in Washington at this very moment will have Karmic consequences, compounded by numbers. There will be more than 61 million deaths in all from the Coming Unpleasantness. Continue reading

Accessorizing for the Hell World

Make an annoying video or videogame ridiculing Trump, that’ll set you free!!!

You’re here in the Hell World and I can prove it in two words: Donald Trump. Sure, everybody on the street and in the workplace make fun of him — he is funny, looks funny, acts funny and his blustery aggression just makes it funnier.

No wonder he becomes a Person of Ridicule as the years pass. Back in the 37th century, which means “just outside the SIM”, we have records of phrases from the 21st century, one of which is “Don’t Be A Trump!” and “Hey, don’t Trump me, Bro!”.

I came here to find out about those expressions as part of my Term Paper for history class, which is who is in this SIM besides me — there are 35 other class members in here, making it very, very crowded.

There are 7.2 billion humans on Planet Earth right now, but that’s being handled.

Never you mind about that. You must learn to IGNORE WASHINGTON, ignore North Korea, ignore Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, UAR, all the countries that act up and sound fierce.

You probably don’t know what to do in the face of it — you’re suddenly on the “wanted” list, like someone whose palm-gem has suddenly turned red long before Last-Day and Carousel. Continue reading

Cloak Test — What Level Are YOU???

Sumerian Magic Eyes Kimono provides +300% To All Armor.

Naturally, you’re going to want to know exactly what your Operating Level might be, so you have a clear idea of what armor you are able to wear, what weapons you can bear, what magical items you are able to use … so I’ve devised a short test that will help you sort all that out and come up with a composite number that will reflect your Cloak-Wearing Capacity. Continue reading

How Does a Cloak Work?

A Classic and Spectacular Cloak that will get attention wherever you go!

I like a Cloak that can accomplish all the magical operations you might want to engender, but it should also be striking enough, sufficiently eye-catching, to allow you to walk into the average museum’s gift shop and have the buyer ask, “Where did you get that dress?”

You can sell them wholesale, so that moment would be a good opportunity to speak right on up, with a phrase something like: “As it happens, I sell these, along with many other wearable art fashions and accessories, plus household objects of daily use — may I show you some samples?” at which point, you whip out your catalog, hitherto unobtrusively tucked under an armpit — but enough about me, let’s talk about you:

How does a Cloak work? I’ll try to explain, and I’ll keep it very simple. I make clothing, fashions of a different kind — they have “Attributes” and “Blessings” built into them, which gives the Level 1 Cloak a +3 To All Levels, which means it raises your Character’s Level from Level 1 up to Level 4, enabling you to act as if you actually were a Level 4. Continue reading

WTF Is Charisma???

I dig what you mean. What is charisma? What use is charisma? Why have any charisma at all? Who really cares? Who knows? Where are we? Is this where we came in?

Oh, sorry, I thought for a moment that you were on the Rebirth Carousel.

Well, the Magic Theater and Home can ding-dongy wait a while — we’re busy fighting for our very lives against our government’s intrusions and extensions. In short, they’re ripping us off to give the wealthiest our healthcare money, while we watch helplessly.

Cloak Up. Continue reading

Cloak Up For Health

“Cloak Up For Health”

Cloaking Up is more important than what it is you’re protecting yourself against. Wear a Cloak to protect & serve. Attributes of Cloaks are the usual Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

All other attributes are added by accessories, so the motto is, “Cloak Up & Accessorize”, sort of a magical spiritual variation of “Okay, laddies, lock and load!”, a carryover from the days of flintlocks.

I have here in hand a bunch of “Cloaking for Health” items I’ve made for folks who either want to add to their normal healthcare efforts, or replace them entirely with affordable health care of a different kind, if they have no other resources or benefits.

I’m just now adding a bunch of new departments in my tattoo-fashions shops, and if you know how to find them, you’ll be interested to note perhaps that the emphasis is really very strongly on Cloaking.

Cloaks are very basic equipment. You can’t possibly want to walk out onto the street stark naked, and so you want to “Cloak Up”, which means wear some clothing, which can be anything from pajamas to chain-mail, then modulate and moderate the effects with accessories, such as charms, rings, helm or hat, gloves or mitts, shoes or boots, belt or suspenders, badge, bracelets, wallet, watch and a variety of add-ons for the home, office or workspace, and even on the sports field.

I offer “unmissable” golf balls, which means if they land in the rough, you’ll never miss them. They’re cheap, only $18 for three, which is more than enough to get me through a game — I can shoot my own age, which is 75, almost 76, and that’s considered not bad for an old duffer.

Heck, I don’t even play golf, and I’m not that great, but once in a while, like I say, I can drive a good score. I did even better on the second hole.

All my Cloaks do essential the same thing, but on different levels. You will be able to wear a stronger Cloak with more Experience Points — there are a total of 7 levels of Cloaking that you can attain on Planet Earth while in a human incarnation, and it pays to remember that fact.

Sure, those bastards in Washington are raping the country, so of course you should “Get Mad”, but to REALLY get even, STAY HEALTHY and IGNORE THE BUMS!

If you have no medical coverage, no medical plan, zero health benefits, zero help with medicines and health issues, YOUR ONLY ALTERNATIVE IS MAGIC.

Hey, that’s where I come in. I have powerful shamanic magic at my disposal.

I can show you how the universe actually works, not just how it seems to work. Magic is merely the science of the SIM applied from in-game sources. No biggie, it’s basic sorcery, and you can do it, too. Just don’t use it for bad things, like revenge.

There’s no money in revenge. Get power. You want some power, to be able to rise above the misery created by Trump and his minions.

Continue reading

What? More Exotica? Yes!!!

More, more, more exotica numbers roll on by!

Here is more of the exotica grouping, again all with only the single fabric design at this juncture. I’ll post examples of the various fabrics, such as silk, linen, cotton and more, that you can order as fabric, and cut it yourself if you wish!


“Winter Solstice” Cotton Unisex Tie, $139 Continue reading

Even Yet More Exotica!!!


LeslieAnn dresses down for the workshops. Learn to craft a dress!

This continues the exotica grouping, all of which are shown with only the single “Winter Solstice” fabric design. Later on, I’ll show the various winter season designs, at the end of this catalog.


“Winter Solstice” 100% Cotton Pajama Pants Bottoms, $189 Continue reading

LeslieAnn’s Winter Exotica Fashions

This group includes many silk and linen items, plus lots of formal and high-fashion gear, so let’s get started right away. Please note that at the end of the listings you will find a group of samples of each of my fabric types for winter.

You can use seemingly ordinary clothing that has been specially designed and prepared as a fully-charged “Cloaking Device” that protects the wearer from unwanted psychic influences, such as Trump and other annoying and equally dangerous interruptions in what would otherwise be a beautiful life.

Protect yourself with shield-garments and cloaking raiment by LeslieAnn! Why wear uncomfortable steel plate and ring armor, when a fashionable garment will suffice?

Do remember as you look through these that they are ALL custom hand-tailored in single-garment lots, meaning it’s a studio, not a factory. Continue reading