Website Flips How 2

Here’s an example of the perfect website for exploitation as a market flip.

Imagine what you can do with a website that is specific, just generic enough to get some interest from a number of directions, and yet it’s unbelievable that YOU got that website, that it wasn’t snarfed up years ago.

The answer is, of course, that it WAS snarfed up years ago — by me. I saw this coming, as you’ll note in “SlimeWars”, and predicted every single thing that’s happening now. It may be news to you, but it’s not news to me — it’s the same old story, told in a new way.

Okay, so what do we have here to work with? Continue reading

Bubble Magic is Easy to Do!!!



You probably already know a good deal about so-called “Bubble Magic”, where you use a snow-globe to active and project a prayer with some considerable force and usually to a very great effect, but did you know that I make those things?

Yep, I do.

And if you follow the links on the images below, you’ll find your way to a magical place where I make all manner of strange and unusual items for your usage and perusal and perhaps inspiration in the matter of making your own. Continue reading

Transgender Green Card Military?



I think by now, even the stupidest Republican — it was Trump who called them “So stupid they’d even elect me President!” — is aware that Trump is vague, incoherent, unable to connect two words, and is exhibiting clear signs of rather advanced insanity of the NPD variety, which involves psychotic episodes and possibly hallucinations.

There’s no telling what that crazy man might do today, tonight or is doing right now, without the knowledge or consent of his military advisors, political advisors or personal advisors.

He’s a wild card, a loose cannon, someone whose toast is clearly burning, whose elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top and who is doing things that will surely bring him down by his own incoherent words and vague and confused actions and knee-jerk reactions.

He’s real sensitive about himself, so if you’re anywhere around him, it would be good to remember that this is not the kind of guy who actively seeks out interesting people. You can’t be part of his team if you’re more famous than he is, even for one single day.

That’s why The Mooch was fired, even though he loves Trump, more than anyone can ever know. Talk about a robot, where do you wind that turkey up?

There’s no point arguing with a robot, a zombie or a storm-trooper. They’re not set for rational thought, so save your breath for running and run away, run away, don’t stop to look behind you or you’ll turn into a pillar of salt, or worse. Continue reading

Become Instantly Rich Right Now!!!

Buy This Bumper Sticker to Become a member of THE CLUB! You will be Instantly Richer Than Rich!

Prosperity Path Country Club Bumper Sticker

Prosperity Path Country Club Bumper Sticker

by prosperitypath

When you buy a bumper sticker or any other product sporting the “Prosperity Path Country Club” label or designation, you AUTOMATICALLY become a Member of “We’re More Famous Than Trump” Virtual Golf Tour. You just became a member of the Greatest, Richest and Most Important Virtual Country Club in the World, and you can prove it, NOW!


Sporting a “Prosperity Path Country Club” Bumper Sticker on your car is a Magical Act which will make you automatically rich beyond your wildest imagination. You will be a member of the most powerful, rich and influential clubs in the Quantum World, and that can wash over into what you laughingly call “The Real World”.


Very very rich people don’t need to impress anyone.

Read the above statement several times through, speaking the words aloud. Get this really into your understanding. Dig it deeply. Grok it fully. Get it, just totally get it. Continue reading

I Am A Post Office, It’s Your Call!!!

The other day, Claude mentioned that probably the best chance we have of high-level marketing and merchandising success in this marketplace would be my leggings, and I’m working tonight to get something together for a sales crew.

I’ve also gotten a large number of U.S. Postage Stamps up, but we can expect about a week’s delay in getting them approved by the Post Office — they review every stamp that comes through, and may or may not approve mine, based on I’m not sure what standards, except for the obvious. Continue reading

I Am A Post Office!

I am, indeed, a post office — that is, I’m designing stamps that can be used as postage … or as collectibles.

I don’t care much to see someone spend $2 on a 70 cent stamp, but if it’s a collectible, it makes no difference, and in fact, the more the initial offering goes out for, the more likely it will rise to the expectations of the collectors. Continue reading

Zen Teapots, Zen Platters

Please note that the above graphic is live-linked to the selling page that carries this product, but that same page is also a gateway to an entire shopful of hundreds of items that they might also find of interest.

Placing live-link graphics is part of the New Marketing, and using dozens or hundreds of websites to drive traffic to your selling “target” pages is called “Cluster Marketing”. Both social media and cluster marketing will be necessary to create serious wealth and to make a real impact in the art and fashion market.

Transgender Designer LeslieAnn introduces a new line branded “LeslieAnn’s Leggins”

LeslieAnn’s Leggins is, according to Claude’s estimate, and he’s seldom wrong on these matters, going to be a smash-hit viral sensation on the market.

I have a special set of diagrammatic and sparkly whammo designs just ready for the market, and for someone brave to take a chance and open a “LeslieAnn’s Leggins” Branded Store, either brick-and-mortar or just online.

You buy the UNIQUE designs for your shop for one low simple price and then all the profit is yours. There is a “hit clause” just in case your sales go over a million a week, but I know you’ll want that in there for the good of the work community.

So if you don’t have any money to throw around, what are the opportunities here???

Zen teapots, Zen platters. Doesn’t that sound awfully familiar? It should sound familiar, and if you’re immortal and have a decent Multitrack Memory, it should ring more than just a bell, it should ring several bells, because this isn’t the first time you’ve ever come this way.

You react to this world as if it’s all a big surprise.

It shouldn’t be. This level is always more or less the same, with more or less the same results — the major facts never change, just the details, but in this time-frame, Trump is always in power, always outrageous and always getting himself in trouble. Continue reading

Wex Is Not Always Wex Tudor Village is for sale, including the entire village, tavern and Globe Theatre!

You could organize a play group to perform at the Globe Theatre in Sl’s London Park, if you dared, and there are dozens of other angles you can come up with about this website,, which is actually a FOUR CHARACTER DOT-COM, and don’t you forget it. That short name is worth plenty  just by itself, and the fact that it also makes some parcel of SENSE gives it even more value.

My estimate of the value of that website, once developed, could easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars, and with a break such as backing with the Sharks, hundreds of thousands of dollars in commercial value.

Also keep in mind that the website is not new — it’s decades old, and on google searches, that does count for something, along with the fact that there’s a proven track-record of traffic to that site, meaning that every day, there are potential sales to customers who, in effect, “walked in the door”. Continue reading

My Chocolate License is HERE!!!

I can now actually ship to just about anywhere a few items from our Haute Cuisine Shop. If I calculate correctly, I’ll be able to produce some amazingly collectible and hilarious food items, plus some dainties that really do measure up to the gourmet standard.

Jack of London Chocoholic Treats, 2 lbs. $59.30 — do not eat in one sitting!

Continue reading

Stayin’ Alive in Trump World

Clipboard is graphics both sides, $65.25 retail on zazzle site.

CLICK HERE to buy clipboard

Isn’t that truly amazing? I’ll be making more things along this line, just now discovered the clipboard among other stuff I wouldn’t ordinarily even think about putting up, but gosh, there are so many wonderful products and some of them are just positively work-oriented and naturals for the total feng-shui of your planetary existence. Continue reading