Trump is a 4-Letter Word


Trump is a 4-Letter Word. It’s properly used in a sentence as in: “Trump you”, or “Go Trump yourself”, and can be applied correctly in this way: “Trumpsucker” or “Trumpfucker”, making it obvious that the word “Trump” is far more obsce than “fucker”, but I digress, and I haven’t even started yet.

Trump makes a habit of attacking people. I don’t have that habit, but thanks to our stupid and clearly insane leader, I’m learning.

But, like I said before, Trump Trump — there’s no time to hassle his world, no energy to take in the news every day, day after day, no room to fit the overflow of information about Trump. Try to spend the entire day never once saying “Trump”. Good luck on that. You’ll be muttering his name constantly, until he gets himself impeached.

That’s why I say, “Trump Trump” — I gotta concentrate on making a living, and at the age of 76, that’s no longer an easy task — it’s barely possible.



Maybe you’re in the same situation. Almost everyone is, these days, thanks to Trump’s incessant need for praise and public scorn. They go hand in hand, in case you didn’t know.

So — are you living from paycheck to paycheck or worse? What I mean is, are you living from day to day? That puts you in the “day-laborer” category, whether you know it or not.

If you’re living from hour to hour, that’d place you on a street, in a subway or sleeping in an all-night theater.

You need some cash, and fast.

Do you dine frequently in the local cafeteria? Do you count out the change when you board a bus? Are you worried that you might not have enough money in your bank account to cover the check you’re about to write? Has your credit card been chopped up by your mate?

If the answer to any of those questions is “Yes”, you’re in more trouble than I thought, and there might not be any hope.



Oh, Hell, we can always hope. Let’s hope. Are you hoping yet?

Kind of a “Mr. Rogers” way of handling things, eh? Can you spell “Up shit’s creek”???

It’s so simple to pull yourself out of it, but will you do it? Do you have the will, and if not, can you borrow the will?

I want to send you to a website page. When you get there, please scroll all the way down the page to note all the items. It took me an entire evening’s work to hang those there, and many thousands of hours to produce them in the first place.

Keep in mind that these are FREEBIES in the sense that YOU pay the same as I pay for these items, except that I have to order 24 at a time, but YOU can order just a six-pack carton to try out a title to see how it sells, or to use for an event that relates to the item.

These FREEBIES carry small versions of images that I sell and have sold throughout the decades for hundreds of dollars, and they are all available through Redbubble as prints, posters, metal prints, stretched canvas andĀ  acrylic block prints, as well as a variety of additional products featured on Redbubble.

The presentation and premium value of these items cannot be overestimated. They make incredible corporate gifts, personal and family gifts, get-well gifts, wedding, anniversary, birthday, graduation, baby shower, baptism, confirmation, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and indeed any other holiday or festive occasion, including Celebrations of Life for short-timers who want to, as it were, attend their own wake.



These collectible tins come in two sizes, 3 ounce and 7 ounce, and the official worldwide wholesale price is $6.20 per tin. Keep that number in mind. Actually, memorize it.

The retail is $12.50, but you can vary this as $12.95 or $12.99 if you like those numbers better. They all work — I’m convinced that it’s a matter of superstition that one price tag makes more sales than another, and I’d be inclined to try $11.99 as a better alternative, but you’ll never really know what makes a looky-loo into a cash customer.

There are a wide variety of images on these things, but keep in mind that, no matter what they look like, THEY ARE ALWAYS THE SAME PRODUCT.

It’s just one product, called “The Product”.

Properly marketed — which means I need about $20,000 to make this happen — we’d put a single product into bulk form, dispense and package it up at need, and have a wide variety of images that could be put on the product, all of which make the product collectible.

Collectible tins. They can hold buttons, seeds, sea shells, antique iron keys and so much more. They can be traded, and in the case of the illustrations and fine art images, they can be collected in groups, if you can manage to connect the dots, which means, in a nutshell, that I put the things up as they came up on the screen, not in any particular order.

Consequently, you’ll inevitably find a few doubles that appear in two or more places at once, which is a feature — actually, it’s quite explainable as an effect of quantum entanglement, where a single object is bilocating — they do that, in my world, and it makes it hard as Hell to keep track of who’s who, and where they are, exactly.



Okay, so the point is that these FREEBIES are useful as marketing tools. They can be given as a premium in a much higher dollar sale, or placed at every place on a board table at a marketing meeting, or sold as “samples” at a mall, or sold in a fair, in a shop or taken into any kind of shop from beauty supply to builders & consumers lumber yards.

Every imaginable tie-in is available, and if it doesn’t already exist, I’ll make it for you and put it up for you.

If you want more than one six-pack flat, contact me. If you want any flavor other than DOUBLE DUTCH, you’ll have to order 24 tins or more to get the design through their process. They won’t run less than 24, unless the order comes from zazzle — that’s the only exception, and that’s part of a promotion operation that might not last forever.

What I mean is, get off your ass and DO something.

If you’ve wanted some of my artwork, or vintage historical photos and more, this is your ONE opportunity to get them in this great, saleable art-form that is SO inexpensive.

I’ve never had any of my artwork up for sale this cheap.

$6.20 per Unit of Product.

Again, don’t forget that important word, “Product”. It’s the only word you need to describe what you handle, use and sell.

It’s a magic product.



The magic is in the Blessing, but also partly in the image — but the image and the package have a greater use. They invite the buyer to bring this powerful magic into their lives.

Please take advantage while we still have the freedom and the means is still here for us.


There are two WHOLESALE ONLY collections at this time. Here’s the link for the second one, which I’ve just completed this morning, about an hour ago, before working on this blog.


Those two pages will give you more than enough to get started selling. You can use those pages as catalogs, and the whole idea is to shift the customer away from the basic six-pack order to a 24-count totally custom product for their business or shop or family event, so you can get a percentage out of it.

If they only want the six-pack, let them select and buy right there on zazzle. I’ll protect you on any custom orders, so not to worry about losing the sale.

Think of all these pieces on zazzle as merely samples. The real sale happens when you take an order for 1000 units or more of a single title.

See You At The Top!!!





Not only can you buy a 3 oz. tin of drink mix on my wholesale pages on zazzle, but you can also buy the 7 ounce tin, which I wasn’t going to introduce at all, but here it is, delivered by zazzle! The price of the 3 ounce tin is $6.40 apiece, and the large 7 ounce tin is only $8.40!

Hey, a major breakthrough came through last night, thanks to my friend, Marketing Angel Archangel Zadkiel, who suggested this rather novel and eminently workable scheme, in which I list hundreds of buyable wholesale-priced — that’s $6.40 a tin — products, at the base wholesale price, disregarding the fact that I get a lousy quarter for each item in the bargain, but before you sigh out of pity, let me explain:

The Wholesale Hustle

Okay what the hell is a wholesale hustle? I really don’t know, but it had such a mellifluous ring to it that I could hardly refuse to duly exercise my digits accordingly to bring this concept to type. In short, the title is itself a hustle to get you interested, and me whipped into a frenzy of explanation to help you over the few higher hurdles of POD Marketing.

First of all, I’ve spent the past several days feverishly — some would say haphazardly, but they’d be wrong — working out the math on the wholesale end of the drink powders, which is all I’m going for, at the moment.

What I wanted to do was make hundreds or thousands of package and label designs, and yet have the luxury of not having to actually order the items and store them, let alone pay for them.

I developed a line of interesting drink packages both iced and hot, and made hundreds of designs, all of which work, but you can’t see, so you can’t order them, and I can’t make that happen without a great deal of personal effort and a lot of time that I really can’t spare. Continue reading

Grass Valley Tours


Imagine a shop in the middle of Historial ’49er Gold Rush town, Grass Valley, California — and the name of the shop is actually “GrassValleyTours.Com”, same as the address line on the website, which I own.

Okay, now put a BUNCH of Souvenir items, all sorts of things that might relate to Grass Valley either by virtue of being some sort of Gold Rush or Gold Country image, or by being an object that can be associated with Grass Valley history, Gold Rush history or California history.

This can easily include haunted houses and a tour of strange and unusual places in the town, plus places and events of interest, particularly annual events.

Get out in the middle of town during a LIGHT rainfall, when the street is very, very wet, and the lights glow in the early dawn light.

Get some GREAT shots, being careful to have someone actually hold a large, wide umbrella over your head while you concentrate on getting the great photo. Continue reading

Working With Distraction



One of the things Donald Trump would definitely never become aware of is the general effect of his hysteria and rumpus-room tantrums. With his ugly pig-face in the media ALL the time, 24/7/365, there is no getting away from him and his evil minions.

When government is working normally and well, citizens aren’t running in the streets in protest every few days, calling for impeachment or worse.

Government is NOT working well, therefore we have a situation where it’s virtually impossible to concentrate on your work every minute of every work hour of every work day.

You HAVE to be able to concentrate. Trump doesn’t. Continue reading

Escape Planet Trump Today

You can escape from Planet Trump right now, today, if you really feel the pressure, and if you haveĀ  an ounce of intelligence, you will be feeling the pressure right about now, from the anti-intellectual crowd.

They mean you no good. There’s no help or hope from Congress — they’re too hungry for votes and too concerned about their own welfare to do anything to stop the Holy Terror from lashing out anymore.

The punishment continues unabated, with no hope of an end to the misery and suffering to the Constitution and the American values we thought were guaranteed, but they’re clearly not. Continue reading

Paint All Over Me Update


Yes, it’s true — I’ve posted over 2,000 items on PAOM over the past three days, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. My basic aim — strategy, if you will — is to organize my designs into groupings of single items, such as “Cotton Bathrobe” or “Gold Movements Performance Costume” or “Foggy Day Trenchcoat”, then I show typically either 8 across in two rows with a total of three pages to cover all 24 print patterns.


There are mitigating circumstances where I emphatically don’t do that — examples are the Sumerian grouping, which is basically everything they offer, with a single pattern on all of them. There are 16 pages of this stuff, each page is full of things, so it’s hundreds of items in all, with a common theme, the same print design on all of them. This gives you a chance to compare the silhouettes of all the items they offer — I don’t expect to actually sell from this grouping, but you never know. Continue reading

LRS Labyrinth Readers Society Catalog


Well, it’s by no means complete — only 121 items so far, but I’m working to get other things done at the same time, so it’s slower than I’d like, but I did manage to get these items up in a single night, thus illustrating how easy it would be to produce a wedding or other event in zazzle, and that’s money in the bank, if you know how to hustle. Continue reading

Free Trump Comedy Roast!!!

VGA Open 1st Hole par 3. The “19th Hole” Pro Shop is visible on the horizon.


Here’s a FREE comedy roast I put together just for you. It will help with the pain, believe me. Laughter is the Best Medicine, so they say. That’s fortunate, because it’s the only medical procedure covered by my current healthcare plan. I kept the gags pretty tame — I have the ability to make slashingly biting comments, but choose not to go there.

Keep in mind that you’re gonna have to use these gags really soon. Trump won’t last the year, I’m guessing, so book your comedy gigs early and work up an act featuring Pence, or you won’t be working standup comedy gigs next year, is my prediction.

Today, Trump. Tomorrow, Steve “Suckass” Bannon — he’s a private citizen now, so we can truly go to town on him! He thinks HE has weapons in the keyboard? What a maroon. He never came up against me, or anything remotely like me, but he’s in my radar now.

In the Bardos, he’s hamburger. Without further ado, here is the FREE comedy routine, which took me the better part of two days to whittle down to this size.

Continue reading

Dangerous Times

Maybe you should buy your own HIND 24 attack chopper???

NOW do you believe what I’ve been telling you for the past six months?

Some folks just don’t take the hint until it’s right in their eyeballs. Well, you’ve got your wish, a bunch of White Supremacists are threatening YOU, and they will get you if you let them do it to you!!!

If you can possibly leave the U.S. without harm to yourself, your family, your business, this is the time to get out while you still can. There’s a lot more misery in store for us soft liberal targets, unless we prepare right now to fight for our very lives, against people who hate us for just being what we are — immigrants and laborers.

There are a number of White Supremacists in the West Wing, and they’ve been driving Trump for all this time, and now, finally, thanks to the rioting in the streets, which I accurately predicted, the White Supremacists in the White House have all been revealed, including Donald J. Trump, the Supreme White Leader of Fascist Amerika.

Trump has, as I’ve been saying since I first heard of him around election time, has no agenda, no plan, no clue. He is mentally incompetent, and his handlers know it, but he is equally uncontrollable, as are most folks with paranoid schizophrenic issues, which is why he goes crazy tweeting and yelling and attacking and firing people.

He has to have the excitement, and his handlers know this and feed it very cleverly. Continue reading

Edible Amulets???

You are what you eat, so eat an Edible Ammie for Courage, Knowledge, Love!

The very first Big Breakthrough in POD — Print-On-Demand — technology was the ability to print food-safe edible ink on a sheet of safe, edible dried frosting paste. This isn’t the first year we’ve had this — it’s now a staple of the wedding trade.

In fact if you think about it only a moment, the printed disk of dried frosting is absolutely the counterpart to the Heavenly Host, when properly transsubstantiated, although we don’t use the Eucharistic Mass or anything remotely like it.

Still, the Catholics have got the right idea — you eat what you want to bring into yourself, and presumably that would include spiritual energies and healing powers and restorative vibrations, yes?

The idea is that you eat the body of God and this brings power, health and happiness to you, although a hell of a lot of good it did for God.

So what? Big deal. I don’t need no stinkin’ badge. What I mean is, go ahead and be happy, be wise and be elevated to a great height, but how?

You are what you eat. That’s what they tell you. What if that were literally true? What if when you ate a wafer marked “Courage”, you all of a sudden felt courageous?

Suppose you ate a wafer marked “Blessings”, would you expect to be and feel more Blessed? Damn right you would, and rightly so!

Okay, so how about one that’s marked “Winning”, what if you ate that and hit big on the lottery? What I mean is, would you donate 10% to the community? You don’t actually have to do that, it was an irresistible half-joke, because of course we welcome any donation and most importantly, your participation in our activities. Continue reading