How to CA$H IN on the FREE Government Coin Lottery!!!

E.J. Gold & Robert Anton Wilson at the Alta Street “Wheel of Fortune”.

Let’s face it — under ordinary circumstances, there’s no way a shlump like you is going to have a million bucks in the bank unless you happen to somehow WIN it at a lottery, but the sad fact is that you can’t afford to play the lottery.

Take heart — there’s a FREE U.S. Government Coin Lottery, and YOU can cash in on it, bigtime!

Imagine a lottery in which, if your ticket didn’t win, you could return it for another chance, and do this ENDLESSLY until you DO hit The Big One!

You don’t have to imagine an endless supply of lottery tickets — just go to the bank, give the teller $25 and take away a “bank box” full of machine-wrapped “Loomis” or “Brinks” rolls of mixed pennies, new & old.

Keep in mind that you never actually “pay” for these pennies — if you bring them all back to the bank, wrapped & rolled neatly and accurately, you’ll get back every cent, the full $25 bucks!

If you happen to find some “lucky” coins worth cash money in there, you’ll take them out and have to add a few pennies into the box to make it come up to the full $25 again, or do what I do with pennies — but not with quarters.

I merely put them into the change machine at our local supermarket and they credit my account with the total number the machine counted out. Easy as pie. Don’t even need to talk to anyone to get that to happen.

So keep in mind WHY you are searching pennies or quarters. It’s to find that million-dollar coin. Everything else is just everyday grind and occasional gravy, but it pays off, too, and I’ll explain how: Continue reading

How I Found My Million Dollar Quarter!

Look at the letters beneath the name “Caesar Rodney” and compare with p. 249 Strike it Rich w/ Pocket Change, Fourth Edition. This is a $1,000,000 treasure!!!

I’ll bet you’d like to know how I found my million-dollar “Caesar Rodney” quarter, pictured above, which is arguably the rarest modern in-circulation U.S. Quarter Dollar ever found.

Would it surprise you to find out that I’ve actually discovered THREE coins worth over $1,000,000 each, on three separate occasions???

I have them for sale, if you’re interested, at the price of $1.2 million each. I’m planning a coin shop that has only three coins on sale at any one time, all of which are high-ticket items.

Thanks to my “Sheer Luck”, even without money to start off with, I managed to scrape together enough stuff to find those three super-rare coins, two of which are currently at the bank in a security box, and one of which, the Rodney, is at PCGS getting graded & authenticated as genuine.

Once I have it back in hand, I’ll send in one of the others.

Well, not only did I find THREE million-dollar coins, but I FOUND ALL THREE IN THE SAME EXACT PLACE! This is what gave me the clue “how to find a million-dollar coin”.

It all has to do with the fact that there’s an operating VORTEX right next to the branch bank where I got the boxes that contained the million-dollar coins.

When we were located in Grass Valley, we were right near that Vortex, and that was our duty station. There is presently a school that has taken responsibility for that Vortex.

VORTEX??? Continue reading

Screwing Up Bigtime

You can have the greatest product or service in the world, something that everyone would love to have or do or have done, but if nobody knows about it, you might as well have nothing.

That’s what’s happening now.

Our gallery is scheduled for the Art Walk, which is where local artists sell MOST of their year’s work.

Problem is, the paperwork is still undone, long after the FINAL DUE DATE, because no one has taken JUST A LITTLE responsibility for putting that paperwork through, and repairing mistakes later.

Nobody did it.

Oh, sure, they send e-mails, text messages, insta-grams saying they just can’t handle it, and everyone reads them, but nobody takes action, because nobody wants to risk failure, thus guaranteeing failure.

So we’re currently MAYBE in the Art Walk. They’re holding the papers for us until we can get our shit together enough to tell them what we sell and who we are.

Christ, it never had to get this far, but it needs fixing — and fast — within 24 hours of now. Frankly, it should have been handled within hours of first receiving the application, where you track down every fact you need, right then and there, no delay, no prevarication, no dangling it out for someone else to resolve, because they’ll just pass it on like you did.

Abdicating Responsibility is not a good way to do business, nor is it a good way to behave in general. Nobody takes responsibility, nobody takes action, and nobody notifies anyone that there will be serious and costly consequences, and then shit-hits-fan and there’s shit all over the place. Continue reading

Get Rich Quick!

There really isn’t any other way to survive the Age of Trump — you’ll need money, lots of it, unless you want to be rounded up like all the middle and lower class people will be rounded up and put to work on the infrastructure, which means “road repair”, breaking rocks like a hard-time prisoner.

The only pleasure Trump gets out of life is to torment people with his very presence. You don’t have to take that or any of his bullshit crap, not now, not ever. But if you want that choice, want the power to remain outside his grasp, you’ll need money, lots of it.

Have a home? Have a job? Have a family? These little “Alternate Facts” of your personal freedom and First Amendment Rights will be totally ignored in the Big Roundup, and that ends forever your chances of escaping the misery of living in an Amerikan dictatorship under the Rule of Trump.

Not only that, but there’s a whole dynasty waiting to take power once he leaves the stage, and he’s still got six, almost seven, years more of unrelenting power, with a string of outrages that gets more and more absurd until the day he announces the dissolution of Congress.

Right after that, it gets very sticky — you don’t have to believe me, you’ve been here before your own self — examine your Past Life Surveys to get the details. Same old cards, read ’em and weep.

Only one answer — Get Rich Quick.

There’s only one way to do that, really — start with a large amount of cash, invest it wisely in a business of your own, and develop it over a period of years.

Too bad — there’s no time for that, now.

The ONLY solution for Trump’s Aggressions against your personal freedoms is to get rich super-quick, and there are damn few options that YOU, sitting in Middle-Class Poverty, can take to make that happen.

You’re not starting out with ANY amount of capital, let alone with a decent bankroll. Continue reading

EPA is Dead, Time To Plunder

Pillage First, THEN Burn!

That’s not quite as easy as it sounds. Pillaging takes time. It’s somewhat tedious. You need a break now & then from the routine of rape, pillage, burn, rape, pillage, burn.

Speaking of personal violations, it’s become the norm to sexually harass if you’re the President, so clearly, any sex predator would be very encouraged to run as a “Sexual Predator Party” candidate for the 2020 election.

The Sexual Predator Party and the Plunder Party are both offshoots of the late, great Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, and now the Party of Putin.

Putin is laughing all the way to the bank, and so can you, if you play it smart. I have in hand the deed to a piece of gold-mining property that was for sale for $5,000, but I’ve raised the price to $50,000, and I’ll tell you why: Continue reading

Toward a Bleak & Hopeless Future

Look at the letters beneath the name “Caesar Rodney” and compare with p. 249 Strike it Rich with Pocket Change — “too rare to price”!!!

Just TRY to find that Caesar Rodney counter-clash anywhere for any price, then make an offer! Estimates vary, but it’s in six figures at least, and YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!!!

You’ll need faith, hope, and a good relationship with a SuperBeacon, Matrix & Ammy.

The Caesar Rodney is not the only coin I found with my SuperBeacon Array. I have a dozen 1909s VDB Lincoln Cents in fabulous condition, and a bunch more self-found coins that could fetch upwards of $10,000 apiece.

I’m not offering them. I’m using them to show that it CAN be done. I have no interest in money, except to sort it and collect the rarities.

You don’t have that leisure.

You’ll need money, and plenty of it, to get out of the vise-like grip of Trumpism.

I’ll bet you’re plumb tuckered, totally out of energy to fight against Trumpism, and that exhaustion is what the NPD counts on to make his case and drive home the misery.

It doesn’t take a news program to get you all depressed, because everyone on the street is talking about how bad things are, and at the same time, they’re afraid to mention the word “Trump” for fear of retaliation from both or all sides.

For Trump, Against Trump, Indifferent to Trump — these are positions that are all now very dangerous to take. Best say nothing, put your head down, look at the floor and put your hands in your pockets.

Tremble and be thou afraid. O ye hypocrites, ye generation of vipers — a generation of vipers is not a group of milleniums, and it probably should read “spawn” of vipers, to make sense in modern English.

Children of the Serpent.

Jeez, you’d think they’d send the boss, but no — just the kids.

The constant assault on your personal freedoms and on Democracy itself takes its toll on the honest citizens who are just trying to get along in peace and harmony with all the others on this planet, including plants and animals. There just isn’t room for honest people anymore.

Once you understand that the creeps in control will BE in control for the next fifty years, and you realize that it is a solid fact that YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE YOUR FREEDOM, you’ll make adjustments, just as the Russians did under Stalin, and the Germans under Hitler, and the Italians under Mussolini, and the… but you get the idea.

America will no longer be a Democracy, but that’s gotta be okay, because there’s nothing you can do about that. You’re just a little creature trying to avoid getting crushed by the steamrollers on your street. Continue reading

Zombie Family Picnic Products


Here’s a great box of chocolates for your zombie family picnics and home style barbecues, not to mention all those times Aunt Clara comes over to visit. A box of these chocolates will discourage the squeamish, leaving more goodies for you!!!

Presumably, you’re not squeamish. Let’s continue our browsing — each image will take you directly to the purchase page — just note the items you want and let us order them for you at wholesale prices — no need to pay the list price on zazzle — you order from us, we order from them, they ship to you, you put on table, make plenty sales!!! Continue reading

Chagall Show Coming Next Week!!!

Next weekend, we’ll be opening an exhibition of original works on paper by Marc Chagall, featuring:

Image result for chagall original litho mourlot 175 "the window"

  • “THE WINDOW” — M-175, DLM 99-100, 10″x8.5″ image size, original hand-pulled stone lithograph in colors, edition of 5,000, Maeght Gallery, Paris, July-August exhibition, 1957.

Image result for chagall "the two profiles"

  • “THE TWO PROFILES” — M-177, DLM 99-100, original hand-pulled stone lithograph in colors, edition of 5,000, Maeght Gallery, Paris, July-August 1957.

Image result for chagall "red rooster"

  • “RED ROOSTER” — M-203, 9 1/16″x 15 2/8″ trimmed to plate, original hand-pulled stone lithograph in colors, edition of 6,000, Freres Draeger, Maeght Gallery, Paris, 1957, for the Lassaigne Edition. Very rare first printing, first edition, acquired on first publication.

Image result for chagall "bouquet with bird" dlm

  • “BOUQUET WITH BIRD” — M-298, overprinted hand-pulled lithograph in colors, DLM 119, Maeght Gallery, Paris, November, 1960.

Continue reading

I’m reposting this four-year old blog from May of 2014, because Trumpism has made it necessary to get all important art and history items out of the area and into safe zones, away from the anti-history and anti-intellectualism of Trump World.

My entire plan is to find a good home for the Donner collection, which now includes a first edition of the book, which was in its time a best-seller.

The two most vital and memorable incidents in early California history are the Donner Party and the ’49er Gold Rush. I don’t even have to tell you what those are about. If you’re like most Americans, especially Californians, you’ll know.

I happen to be a member of the family known in California as “The Donner Party” and I have a number of Donner Party memorabilia that could well be instrumental in discovering what actually happened at Donner Pass. Was there cannibalism? Maybe these documents will tell the story; they’re waiting for historians to get hold of them, and maybe YOU could be the one to make that happen! Continue reading