Shut Down Victim Survival Kit

I’m watchin’ over yer shoulder, boy, you’re about to get a time-out!

Let the dancing asshole do his little Victory Dance. We all have to play our own little private parts, and his is no exception.

Don’t fret about it. He’s an idiot. He knows nothing, can’t remember what happened a second ago, and is totally unaware of anything beyond how much television time he gets per day.

He reacts, period.

The Senators are equally stupid, unaware that they have triggered a FULL-SCALE DEPRESSION — they have thoroughly and irreversibly tipped the balance of the ECONOMY to the degree that, even if the ShutDown were ended today, it’s too late to save the people — too many foreclosures, too many debts, too many broken promises.

It’s beyond repair and the slippery slope slide is starting today, right now, today — as in today.

You’ll see the economy literally crumbling before your eyes, and nobody can stop it. There’s a world-wide crash coming right now, this very year, and you’ll be lucky to live through it.

I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.

Shutdown Victim Long-Sleeved V-Neck T-Shirt on
click on image to buy this item.

You’ll need to hit the streets, looking for the rainbow, but it can be accomplished, it can be achieved.

You CAN survive those heartless bastards in Washington, but remember that they are miserable, greedy, mean and entirely without soul, although they go to church every Sunday and pray to their weird racist god, “Mister Jesus” — he’s the guy to which they aspire, with their “What Would Jesus Do?”.

Well, first of all, he’d raise the dead, cast out lepers, heal the sick and feed the poor, but not they way they tell it today.

The fact is that if the modern Christians are like Christ, he was a miserable, greedy, stingy, vindictive, salacious and pernicious creature, much like Donald John Trump used to be before he got religion.

You’ll enjoy the scene as the Western World crumbles into dust. The only pleasure the Senators get — this much is clear — is to observe without sympathy, the torment and misery, and to delight in the screams of pain and suffering from The People.

Don’t get mad. Get even! You CAN get even — it’s legal, moral and ethical — and here’s how you can do it right now, today! Continue reading

A Great New Hustle Just for TrumpWorld

There’s actually a way to “suit up” with shutdown victim’s vendor’s gear, somewhat like armor, with a definite +90 to All Skills and Rune Powerups.

The whole idea is to project confidence, yet worry over the future.

If you can get it across that you are worth saving, you’ll sell a lot of stuff.

The big trick is to get your TONE right — try to convey suffering and pain without getting yourself or your customer too uptight.

If you can hustle $300 worth of merchandise an hour, you’ll probably do all right, but you should really try harder if that’s all you make.

You can sell up a storm if you get the right look and feel — living in a cardboard box down a deep alley is a terrific motivator for a street vendor like yourself.

See You At The Top!!!


Shutdown Victims MUST Read This!

I am a Shutdown Victim. I’m not a government worker, but I am a Shutdown Victim, and I’ll be only too happy to explain to you in detail how come I’m in this condition:

The First Vibration of the Ripple Effect came from the furloughed government workers, into the marketplace in a variety of ways, some directly — as in they didn’t buy goods this month because they don’t have the ready cash — and some indirectly, as in screwing up the market and buying sentiment of the consumer class, which is us.

Then we got the Second Vibration — the non-furloughed workers started freaking out because they were “Risking their lives and not getting paid for it”.

Hell, that describes my job in a nutshell. I never get paid for my work, but I don’t really have to get paid — I have an endless supply of Shakti-Pat, and that translates into money, in my world.

Of course, if you’re not living in the Western Realm, and you find yourself in a government job, which means these days, “working and not getting paid for it”, you still have to come up with money for food, gas, parking, migraine headache remedy, tips, spare change and more, not to mention the tons of alcoholic drinks you’ll need to toss down while at work, in order to be able to take the crap without actually snapping the boss’s head right off.

If you’re drunk, you’ll be all right. Continue reading

Doesn’t Our Goddam Government Just Plain Fucking Suck???

I Have Your Rockology Kits Ready to Ship — give me your order today!

I don’t ordinarily use language like that, but I’m learning from those folks who run the Federal Government, especially Anthony Scaramucci — “The Mooch” we used to call him, and of course Rashida Tlaib said it all … “We’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherfucker”, after a few high crimes & misdemeanors catch up with Trumpie-Poo.

Frankly, I wouldn’t impeach him and I hope he lives another twenty years. You wouldn’t want him to become a martyr to the Conspiracy Lobby.

Anyone who gives a shit about chemical trails or vapor trails coming out the tail end of your commercial jetliners is too weird to be allowed to walk the streets, and that’s mostly Trump’s much-touted “base”.

Trump is getting rich off the job of “President”. Frankly, I don’t care who profits.

I’m not AGAINST anyone in Washington, and I’m not FOR anyone, either. They’re all crooks, they’re all rotten to the core, they all lie, they all cheat, they all steal, and they all hate YOUR guts and they’re ALL out to get you, so duck & cover — it’s time to make a buck — that’s all the bastards will allow you to make — and maybe we’ll survive another winter without actual eviction onto the street. Continue reading

New Beginnings New Ideas

Working on the Atrium Shop with standard glass cases & overhead Lighting.

It is a time for new beginnings, for a new hope, and here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Zombie Family Hot Sauces & Popcorn Shake — this is a booth that we make for you and stock for you and you sell in your own neighborhood.
  2. Birthday Coin Earrings & Pendants. You can make any date jewelry with Lincoln Cents, and they can be worn without harm to the coin!
  3. Rock Art Projects — Hundreds of Rock Art Projects come with all parts needed, plus instructional video link on youtube for each and every project.
  4. PLS Course — You can start right away with the PLS cards, and there will be issued, very soon now, a “Beginner’s Pack” only one lifetime track away from here, in the Victorian/Edwardian Period, easy to work with, and tons of fun with history!
  5. CQR Acrylic Lockets — Totally wearable, the CQR is protected by the “slab style” acrylic encasing. Wear it in the shower, throw it against a wall, run over it with a truck, as long as the acrylic capsule is intact, the coin is 100% safe from harm.
  6. Rare Coin Jewelry — For the first time EVER, you can wear your most precious coins without harm to the coin.
  7. Rare Meteorite Jewelry — Slices of rare meteorites can be mounted in acrylic capsules and fitted out with silver, gold or bronze finials & bails.
  8. Painted Cabochon Rings — A complete set of rings necessary to sell your cabochon stones. You only need a single sample to sell these rings — they’re shipped when done. Sizes 7, 8, 9 and 10 only. All other sizes must be cut, welded and polished, which I don’t do — it is definitely an additional cost of around $50-$100 depending on the jeweler’s level of compassion.
  9. Miniature Dollhouse Scale Paintings — These are genuine gesso prepped canvases on actual hardwood stretcher bars, 2″x4″ and 3″x3″. Black gessoed 3″x3″ canvases are also available. These can be sold at anywhere from $39.95 up to hundreds, if you can do dog and cat portraits.
  10. Chess, Checkers, Backgammon & Tic Tac Toe Sets — You can make a number of great elegant board games using stones, and there’s a kit for every kind of game you can think of!

There are, of course, more ideas and more plans, but get started on ONE project now, while you can still do it.

Call to ask about project kits that are currently available.

See You At The Top!!!


A New Beginning


That’s right, a new beginning, and that’s what it’s going to take to get through this next year’s Work Intensives, Workshops and Clinics.

We’ll be exploring a whole new spiritual technology.

First on the list is the Guardian Angel Amulet, the most popular ammy I’ve ever produced. It is simply amazing, but you’ll have to read the testimonials for yourself!

Secondly, I’ve made a few Guardian Angel Pendants, Earring Sets, Bracelets, Rings and other items of daily use — they’ll do well as a reseller item, or a premium for one of your clients when they make a major purchase or commission, or you might think of other uses for these delightful products of my studio workshop.

All the items mentioned here were made by me, generally to demonstrate the techniques, which are available just for the asking. I will teach anyone who wants to learn, like it says in the song. Continue reading

Nest, Burrow & Swarm

Humans do pretty much what other animals do — they nest, burrow and swarm. Reproduction, food harvesting and warfare with other tribes are their main occupation, and in the end, they die without a trace, as if they’d never existed.

Gosh, doesn’t that sound familiar?

How about a t-shirt that reads “Believe it or not, this was once a living creature.”??? That kind of humor goes best on the gallows or in front of the concrete brick wall, which is why I included it in this little dissertation on the subject of Primal Rock Painting, something I sort of re-invented back in 1972, when I was working with Fritz at Cowichan in British Columbia, which I ran for a year following his passing.

“I’ve seen behind Maya,” he announced one day back in 1971, as a result of which, he decided to dismantle and rebuild Gestalt, which never happened, but some part of it survived in the form of “Play Therapy”, a term attributed to several prominent psychologists, all of whom might well have done so — the field was new and wide open to speculation and experiment, and people did.

With our therapy developed out much further, we would have ended up with what we today call “Primal Rock Painting”, about which I’ll endeavor to explain as best I can: Continue reading

Stuff For Sale

Here’s a short list of some stuff you could make, search & find or prepare for sale:

  • Painted Rocks — cheap, inexpensive to make, doesn’t cost very much, and there’s not a whole lot of money involved, although with the right artwork, you can get up to $50 for a painted rock with no problem, and more if it’s in a gallery.
  • Incenses — Either a blend of incenses or a group of your favorites, or you could try making incense yourself, although I predict that sooner or later, you’ll end up buying and reselling, instead of spending all your marketing time making incense.
  • Chocolates — Never mind about them expensive truffles, although we do offer them in winter and spring shipping weather. We’ve got the ideal — a powerful 72% pure chocolate that is 100% wholesome and 100% delicious, for the price of only 25 cents per package, wholesale. You sell them for $1 apiece, you make 75 cents on every transaction, and boy, does it add up fast at this price! On the right streetcorner, you could do quite well. Forget the huge expensive chocolate samplers — too much money, too much chocolate, not good chocolate but commercial grade crap. Stay with the program, stay on target, sell these at 2 for a dollar and you’ll still make money and you’ll help the community stay in the flow!
  • Earrings — These are of the Czech wood variety — light, easy to make, cheap to make or wear, and they look absolutely great! The colors are wild and astonishing, and everyone will notice these earrings! They sell RETAIL for only $10, and I show you how to make them fast & easily.
  • Meteorites — Not very easy to obtain small ones, might be too much trouble, but these are always going to create excitement, so maybe you can work out a way to sell them at a dollar. Your cost would be around 50 cents for the stone & package.
  • Lucky Pennies — These are easy to find and do really well as a giveaway, with some purchase, however small it may be. I like to give them to anyone who shows any interest in the shop whatsoever — it’s a great way to get your business card into someone’s hands without pushing the card in their face.
  • Lucky Rodneys — These are a bit harder to sell — they retail at $10 for the capsule variety, which is what sells the best. These you don’t give away — you can’t afford it. These are meant to sell. FREE is the Lucky Penny, if you wish, and not the variety called “Double Lucky Penny”, which is always in a capsule. Figure that the capsule plus the package costs you about a dollar, so get some cash for this item. The plain old “Lucky Penny” is just a penny and the package, so the cost out of pocket is about 10 cents, including the penny. Don’t forget that you’re giving the customer cash as a gift just for coming into your shop. Reward their interest and you will be happy.
  • Zombie Family Hot Popcorn Topping — Our Zombie Family Popcorn Topping is what you will be offering to customers. The hot freshly popped popcorn is in half-filled paper bags inside the professional concessionaire popcorn machine. You offer a small Dixie cup filled with a bit of popcorn and a small dose of super spicy hot popcorn topping as a sample. If they like it, they can buy a bagful of hot popcorn in the paper bag. You simply tap in the hot topping on the halfway filled popcorn, then fill the bag the rest of the way and shake two or three more times on the topmost layer, and hand to the customer. The Zombie Family Authentic Cajun Hot Popcorn Topping you will sell by the table-quality shaker, at only $9.99 apiece, and you get a LOT for your money!!!
  • Zombie Family Hot Sauces, BBQ Sauces & Steak Sauces — These are amazing and quite delicious. They taste it, they buy it. Have samples ready for your crowd and roll them bottles out!
  • Handpainted Chess Sets — I do these both as a single-face and as a double-faced piece set. The singles are mounted face-up, and the doubles are mounted on a wooden base. They are painted both sides so both players can see which piece is which. The symbols are VERY easy for any chess player — they are the standard symbols, but I also make other sets with very different designs, keeping in mind that chess is a military style board game. The “castles” are actually “towers”, rolling towers for scaling walls, and the horse represents an entire mounted cavalry unit, while the bishops are the elite troops, the Queen is actually her regiment, and the same with the King. The pawns are just the cannon-fodder they always were, to be driven forward by the lances of the Royal Guard.
  • Backgammon & Checkers Sets — These I make with perfectly round or nearly round stones, which are uncommon, therefore the sets are not plentiful. Allow a couple of weeks for me to find the rocks before I can even get around to painting them.

By the way, all my rock paintings are signed, with the singular exception of the Flying Heart Stones, which are offered at 50 cents apiece, if you plan to resell them — the usual price will be a dollar each, but some folks will give you more, if you look sufficiently pathetic. Joke.

Those are just a few examples of the stuff you could be helping to flow out into the life of humans of planet earth.

See You At The Top!!!


Amazing Discovery

Photo by T. of Gorby practicing guitar at Red House, 1971.

When you realize that the so-called “simple” Guitar Practice of 5 Minutes a Day, which eventually turns into maybe a half-hour or more per session, sometimes four or five guitar sessions a day when you get into it, can produce miracle internal results, it’s an amazing discovery.

Just five minutes a day practicing the guitar, seems like nothing.

At some point, the guitar practice seems to go better, then worse, then better and better, up and down for a number of months, maybe years, before you relax into it.

That means stop trying to control it, to make it into something that resembles your mental picture of what guitar practice ought to look and and sound like.

That picture of you playing guitar is totally wrong. As I said, at some point, you’ll let go of that picture of yourself and let the real thing just be there. Continue reading

Zen Rock Painting

Jewel & Gorby setting up gallery for rock painting & auctions.

Yes, Zen Rock Painting is here, and it’s incredible! You will have the best craft experience of your life, absolutely guaranteed or double your money back — the class is free, the materials are free and the table space is free. It costs us about a dollar to give away one painted rock, and the result is well worth it.

What happens when someone is confronted with “Paint a Rock”?

It varies, depending on the internal and external dialogues and conditions. In short, the very prospect of the simple act of painting a rock is seen as an enormous ego-threat.

“What if my painted rock is ugly?” they worry. All the worst aspects of internalizing and projection come out at this moment.

If there’s a conflict between a couple or between adult and child, it will come out now. This is the time when all neuroses get trotted out to block the possible fun experience.

They are unworthy, and they know it — they’ve been taught all their lives that not only are they not artists, but that art is crap, and that all artists are degenerate drains on society.

I’m here to put that lie to the test. Continue reading