Bring Me More Followers!!!

Do you like this item? It’s a 3.0 64GB brushed aluminum Drive in Maple Box.

The Zen Box is Here!!!

This is the most exciting gift idea that ever happened anywhere — there is nothing like in in the world! Nobody has these! Go to Hammacher-Schlemmer and sell them on this! It is a total exclusive, and mind-blowing!

You can put this flash drive into your USB port and FROM THE DRIVE ITSELF you can do a walkthrough or an exercise in cyberspace, and LEAVE YOUR AVATAR THERE to continue doing it while you go to work, drive or do whatever you need to do to keep yourself going.

It is absolutely the most incredible meditation tool ever invented.

Look at this incredible deal — it’s an incredibly fast custom flash drive containing incredible new software that makes this the most fabulous and powerful shamanic tool ever introduced.

It may well be the Best Invention Since the Wheel.

Frankly, I don’t care if you order one or not. I plan to order as many of these as I can afford. Continue reading

How to Become an Influencer

My friend Bill Shatner is a powerful influencer who uses it to sell product.

What is an “Influencer” and why does it matter to me?

If you’ve ever tried to reach an audience online, you know already that you can’t. You don’t have the audience to catch enough interested people to statistically or practically make a difference in your monthly income.

In short, advertising sucks.

You get about 5 people to reluctantly take a peek at your postings now and again, but nobody really notices you standing there tap-dancing your heart out, hoping for the Big Break.

Big Breaks don’t happen for folks like us — you have to make your own Big Break, and here’s how to do it: Continue reading

Did You Live in Ancient Atlantis?

Well??? DID you live in Ancient Atlantis, or didn’t you???

If you’d like the answer to that, just DM me right here in River City — and that starts with “T”, and that rhymes with “P”, and that stands for “Pool”. Trouble. Trouble. Trouble. (If you’re still scratchin’ yer head, them lyrics is from “The Music Man”, a Broadway musical that I have never seen, but somehow know all the dialogue and also all the lyrics to all the songs, and the same goes for “Oklahoma” and “West Side Story”. The music sort of sticks with you throughout the ages.

You can check out my first instagram page by logging onto instagram and clicking to my “leslieannstandup” page. Continue reading

Some IG Secrets

You can use the Godd™ Particle to “Escape Planet Trump” and stay safe from his goon squads, death squads and secret police!

Get the Godd™ Particle Here!

  • Use “Feature Accounts” — have more than one account, and in fact, have one account for each and every separate subject that you market.
  • Open a gmail account that has the same name as your IG account.
  • Popular is not authentic. Be authentic, don’t try to be popular.
  • Interact with comments — never outsource your comments.
  • Use the “Like” button to connect with similars and lookalikes.
  • Use all interactives, “Like”, “Subscribe” — use it all.
  • Search LOCAL hashtags for local customers.
  • Search for lookalikes for world customers.
  • New people don’t come from stories, they come from hashtags.
  • Use the “story” to deepen the connection to the page.
  • Post exactly five (5) posts per day using the REDIC Principle.

Continue reading

Your Instagram Storefront

Nobody shops on eBay anymore. Ask anyone under 30, and they’ll tell you that IG — Instagram — is the only way to shop, but if you’re new to the game, you won’t know how to do even the simplest of things, take the easiest and most direct actions. You just won’t.

There’s no way to learn this stuff except the hard way.

Instagram is your only way out of the hole these days. There is no other way out at the moment, although new tunnels are developing, most of which lie well outside the scope of social media marketing.

Holy Smoke, Look at This!!!

You want a business from which you can sell great food products all over the internet and sell to locals as well? Complete bakery, great licensed commercial kitchen!!!  It’s also a perfect location to set up a Farmer’s Market. The traffic here is as good as anywhere in town, and it’s set up as full-access, lots of parking, great neighbors, it’s a combination residence and business all in one package. A Tuff Shed out back would make it easy to live and work here, and a Tiny House out back would make it pure Heaven on Earth. Continue reading

Troubled by Falling Hair?

Here are a few examples of advertising copy writing. Copy is written always to a specific and very exact and very boring set of rules, called the “PAS” functions — Problem, Agitate, Solve. Basically set up a problem, deepen the problem and then offer a solution.

This is the very basic structure of all advertising copy. You have to get their interest first, and the thing they’re most interested in is themselves. Continue reading


Atlantis Magazine Cover Spread for your fabulous “hashmarketing” plan.


It’s really very simple — it’s about finding a RELEVANT subject or thread on any social media platform, and hooking your wagon to the highest star, meaning the most obvious and loudest posting.

What you do is, you attach a commentary to it, along with a link to a purchase point. This used to be called “hijacking”, but is now considered a “deepening of the subject”.

The idea here is to stay on subject, appear relevant and to their point, and yet to strap your marketing buzzfeed onto a popular place, meaning that you take deliberate advantage of their traffic.

Hey, in this climate, you gotta do whatever it takes. Make sure you remember that as you go — it’ll keep you working when it gets real bad.

Badness comes in cycles, like everything else. You gotta learn to ride the swells and rest on the falls. Put the coin in the slot and ride the bumpy horsie. Continue reading