A Little Test Today

First of all, get everyone you can to view this and share it.

Here’s what I want you to do:

click here

Now select the three most interesting buttons and explore them, look at the video, check out the promotion around the video, and remember that the promo is NOT the video, meaning that any promotion can be woven around any video — the content doesn’t matter, it’s all in the clickability, the attraction-power of the thumbnail & the title. Nothing else matters anymore, anymore, Mama. Please believe me, content is no longer important if, indeed, it ever was.

The whole point is, does your button make me want to push it?

Now take a dozen of my videos and share the hell out of them, get them out there, and most of all, get others to help you to get those videos out there! Propagation and ripple outward is the plan and yes, that is the whole plan.

Here is the Work Plan for YOU:

It’s really very simple for at least the first year as a work novice. Get hold of an Institute product, or wait to be assigned one, and video your reaction to it. That’s the whole bit. Then upload it to youtube and correctly promote it with all the tags, hashtags and key words that you can manage, and keep it relevant and keep it hot.

The next step? Get another product and do it again. Keep doing it. Remember where it is you’re sending your viewers and get a shopping cart in place or suffer the consequences!

That’s the basic work for the first year, and if it’s possible, put up ten videos a day until one or more of them goes viral.

That is the object.

If you have a lot of time on your hands, put up fifty videos a day! You can bet that somewhere, sooner or later, one of our videos WILL go viral, and from then on, we sail like the wind!

Until then, we’re just making wind.

See You At The Top!!!



Click on a few that appeal & SHARE them!!!

click here

Don’t go past where the titles begin with “Gorebagg -” those are the corrected promotions, although the videos remain untouched. I can’t do this without your help. You MUST help by sharing these as far out there as you possibly can. You’ll be sharing on FaceBook, on Twitter, on InstaGram and other outlets. Get busy! Get sharing! Get working!

Get hold of some ammies or books or anything we produce, then make a video about it or about you using it or talking about it or showing it to a friend, then upload the video and put in all the PROMOTIONS that you see me putting in — the hot keyword title, the hotlink to your landing page, the repeat of the title with some additions, the 3 hashtags at the bottom of the description, and the regular tags at the bottom of the field.

That ought to bring ’em in by the millions, if we all work together to make this happen!

See You At The Top!!!


Despacito in Pseudo-Klingon


Yeah, I’m making it up, it’s all in the wrist, doing what used to be called “Doubletalk”, where you imitate the general effect, rhythm and pacing of any language, more or less invisibly except that it’s total gibberish. I don’t speak Klingon, but I do have Klingon blood, according to my DNA results, so I guess I qualify as a Klingon vocalist, eh???

Please note that I have taken extreme liberties to exploit the famous song title, “Despacito”, and there, I’ve done it again, because I mentioned Despacito, which means that the spiders that look at this page and decide if it’s spammish or not will probably think I’m really talking about Despacito, when in fact, I’m actually talking about doubletalk, not Despacito — did you get that???

Notice the various liberties and stretches in this thing — it may or may not pass the smell test, but here it goes, into the atmosphere — there, it’s been launched on youtube, like a message in a bottle, with about as much chance of success as a message in a bottle on an ocean with thousands of miles of ocean and just a few miles of beach on which to land.

See You At The Top!!!


Youtube Marketing


This video garnered some 14,000 views, and it had ZERO marketing on it until just the other day! How about that for a story? And it’s even easier when you put in all the barbs and hooks that you should be putting in. Not adding the hashtags, ordinary tags and key words is like playing Diablo II without a Merc — it’s just plain stupid to play without a Merc. Continue reading

Video Marketing

Here are some examples of video marketing, in this case, on youtube, which provides a FREE outlet for your economic frustrations!


This video has only been up since yesterday, and the auction closes this morning, so the number of views won’t be significant in this case, but it is a good example of direct video marketing, where the video is actually a sales presentation in full sound and color, giving you a chance to make your case for persuasion. Continue reading

Social Media Exploitation

This video has garnered 259,000 views, a quarter of a MILLION people have seen it! It’s a simple gimmick — use a joke as your script, and get the machine voice to tell the story!

I was looking for a word that means more or less the same thing as “weaponizing”, but I didn’t want to militarize the idea or to make it violent, because it’s not, it’s just simply exploiting, obsessively looking for openings, weaknesses, sensitivities.

I had other words for “exploitation”, but none of them were acceptable in modern language, what with all the “weaponizing” and such going on, but “exploitation” seems to fit the bill all right — it means to take advantage, to be opportunistic in the extreme, and that’s exactly what’s intended here.

If you’re taking my social media marketing course for the first time — and many folks repeat it just to catch the extras, because the course is very concentrated — you need to know that the heart of all marketing is reaching new faces every day.

That task is not all that easy in today’s corrupted communications world. By “corrupted” I mean all the slash and burn advertisements that pop into your face as you browse or study a page online.

The continual onslaught of commercial chatter into your private thinking space makes real thought impossible, and distraction the order of the day. Continue reading

Learn This Lesson Well!

I’m going to post here a number of youtube videos that I have up on one or more of my channels. You have very little time to master this idea, but I’d suggest you get a start on it, because the means to handle these things is soon going to vanish from the face of the earth. There’s more chaos coming from Washington every day now, and it’s not over!


For well over a decade now, I’ve made all sorts of youtube videos, thousands of them, and they haven’t let me down — they’ve garnered some 8 MILLION views between all 20 or so channels of video lore, but listen, that’s not important right now. What is important is that you try to understand what I’m going to explain to you now: Continue reading

A Remedy For FEAR!


Fear is Your Friend

Sure, there’s a remedy for fear — actually, several. One is to ignore the fear, just carry on as if that crippling debility wasn’t happening. Another way to deal with fear is to confront it. Still another method of handling fear is to overcome it.

I recommend none of the above. Fear is a wild animal, to be tamed but never civilized. There is really only one way to handle fear, and that is to thoroughly master it, make it yours, own it.

The best way to own something is to actually own it.

Oh, I know that sounds ridiculously self-evident, but it isn’t, and you mustn’t dismiss it with a toss of the head, especially if you have no neck.

That condition is not as rare as you might think. If you travel 1 mile over the speed limit anywhere even somewhat rural, and you’ll run into law officers, generally named “Bubba”, and they have no neck, as the Ghostbusters described the New York official. But what about fear??? Continue reading

#MoscowMitch Moscow Mitch Protest Song

Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch, He’s just another Putin’s Bitch,
And it’s kill the bill, kill the bill. He’s not been a patriot and never will.
Moscow Mitch is a mighty mean man, Won’t keep the Russians off of our voting hand.
Moscow Mitch, up on a hill, Pickin’ his nose with a hundred-dollar bill.
Moscow Mitch took a wife, She’s immigrated, but she don’t live the life.
Goin’ north, east south and west, Paper ballots stickin’ out of my vest.
Buy me a stick as long as my arm, Vote in the Senate to drop the bomb.
Got a vote in the Senate gonna give them pain, I can’t miss ’cause I got dead aim.
Moscow Mitch, he ain’t so bad, Whupped his mama, beat up his dad.
Early one morning, standing in the rain Round the bend come a long freight train.
Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch, He’s just another Putin’s bitch.
He’s just Putin’s little Senate bitch, that’s what’s become of Moscow Mitch.

Continue reading

Democratic Punch-Out

Apparently, Donald Trump caught a wicked cold when he was out golfing last weekend. His doctor ordered him to drink a glass of scalding hot lemon water after an equally scalding hot bath. I asked Donald how it had worked out. “Can’t tell yet,” he said in his saddest whine, “I haven’t finished drinking the hot bath yet.”

Yep, you guessed it, if you know your Democrats. Suicidal Stupidity. They’re at it, as usual — haw, haw!!! To the delight of any Republican, the Democrats are busy punching each other and furnishing Donald Trump with belly laughs and TONS of soundbytes and talking points, and in his case, the resulting crash of the Democratic Party causes a major trembling in the earth. Continue reading