On Da Way To ICW

I’ve made up a couple hundred of these ashram views with “prosperity path virtual ashram” titles on them, as you see above. I’ll be making some of these available to those who don’t have the skills to make them for their videos, but it will be a while before I can get them out there, so anyone with those skills, please help your friends in the ashram!


This Zen Garden is a new concept for me in meditation presentations. I’ll be making one-hour calming videos in the next few days, with any luck and a modicum of time available.



Well, gotta run, breakfast time, then ICW, go go go!!!

See You At The Top!!!



Promoting the Ashram!

How do you promote a virtual ashram, and why?


I just knew you’d get around to asking those two questions today, and I’ve come prepared with two answers, one for each question:

Ashram Promotion

First of all, you promote a virtual ashram online, and provide a direct-as-possible path to the virtual ashram, by placing ashram buttons absolutely everywhere, reminding people that they can have a beautiful work life in a beautiful interdimensional space where folks from every part of the world can participate together as a community, a family of work.

Secondly, WHY you promote the virtual ashram is simply that it is a central meeting place for people from absolutely EVERYWHERE! Anyone who has a computer or a cell phone or some sort of mobile device can access Second Life and therefore create an Avatar and join us dancing on the lawn before the temple!

The whole idea is to make great looking thumbnails of the ashram, taken in the ashram, and they should be visually tagged – Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram – and get the idea across that it’s a great place to go during the day or deep in the night, to perform service, to sit in meditation, to chill, to meet with others.

So USE the ashram every day, make it a practice to spend at LEAST five minutes a day in the ashram — you can even enter, leave your Avatar plugged into the Tai-Chi exercise pod and go to work, come back and you’ve spent the day in a work environment at the same time you slugged it out at the workplace.

Gotta run, morning show time!

See You At The Top!!!



Powerful New Thumbnails


How about that??? It looks a whole lot better, and there are a zillion things I can create with virtual that I can’t afford to photograph in real — I do mean zillions of things, and it’s not just about virtual screenshots. Actually, I have a huge databank of photos as well, and I’ll explore that perhaps at the next work session. Continue reading

Watch This Space!

Six Incredible Social Media Examples!

Here is a small collection of the first six videos we uploaded onto gorebagg’s youtube channel, mostly dedicated to gaming, music and fun! Explore it and see how the other half lives!


Yep, that’s right – I went ahead and deleted yet another of my level 99 chars — there’s no point to keeping them, even with the thought of helping younger less resistant players, but actually, it robs them of the points they need to upgrade their chars and their mercs. Continue reading

Your Neighborhood Tantra Fitness Center


Yes, here’s a bit of the Norton Street Play, which I’m hoping some theatrically-inspired group will produce and videotape so we can put the whole thing up on youtube! That’s what I had hoped when I posted this some four years ago on ejgoldguru. Well, maybe now it’s time to see it happen.

Continue reading

Good Morning, Vietnam America!

Yes, it’s another Happy Valley Sunday, ain’t it? Here we are, ready to start another ICW morning meeting right after breakfast, which is coming up in just a few minutes. Gosh, that just doesn’t sound right — breakfast coming up in a few minutes…lemme rephrase that: breakfast will be served in a few minutes, so I’d better hurry and get this motherfucker up, huh? I’m using the word “Motherfucker” only in deference to “ShitMouth McConnell” who apparently shocked a number of Evangelical ministers with his racist language and opinion. Continue reading

Get on Board!


Ridiculous, you say? People know how to cut halvah, who doesn’t know how to cut halvah??? Well, the fact is, most people have never even tried it, so here’s a video for them!

Well, my stats went from an average of 200 hits a day on my ejgoldguru youtube channel to well over 1,000 hits a day, and they’re all over the map, from recent to decades-old videos, and it’s all due to the sharpening of the video marketing, meaning that I’ve put some time and effort into the barbs and hooks surrounding the video. Continue reading

Can You See The Magic?


See, there’s magic in them thar hills, all you gotta do is draw it out of there somehow — I put a full three hours into the new thumbnails for gorebagg, gorebag and gorebagdotcom, three gaming channels I operate on youtube, among some forty channels in all, amounting to several million views to date, composite score. Continue reading

Astral Projection Simulators






Treat this stuff as a combo of promotion and information, propaganda and indoctrination, if you like — the intention is to grow the group, and social media is where the party is and where everyone is hanging out, so get there and get busy growing the community!

See You At The Top!
