Take it and Stuff It!!!

You heard me, take it and stuff it. What that means is, create a living virtual world and stuff it into a wearable item, such as a pendant, keychain or wallet card, then carry it around with you — it’s working all of the  time.

You can stuff absolutely anything in there in virtual world format — this means that you can create not only objects, but action cycles and events, and have them continuously perform throughout the day and night.

Your Avatar is always in there, and you’re always in contact with it. The results of your virtual world spill over into the actual world in which you currently have your habitation — you know — where you live.

So I’ve created software which includes not only the TEXT and COMPLETE COLOR GRAPHICS of the ABD and related books and talks and videos, but within that system you’ll be able to actually walk through the Bardos day by day, getting my readings of the appropriate passages for those regions. Continue reading

Beta Blockers to Block

The Atlantean Crystal Triad is one powerful way to block incoming Trumpism.

You need an actual way to BLOCK the what-we-used-to-call “Mothers” in Washington and elsewhere who are trying their level best to destroy what’s left of our Democracy and at the same time put all the non-whites and non-Christians into a stockyard where they can be put to work rebuilding the roads on which American tanks can tread.

Same plan that Hitler cooked up, and it only works for the life of the dictator, then everything rolls back to where it was before or slightly worse, but not for the upper classes.

Speaking of Upper Classes, let’s talk about Beta Blockers. What IS a Beta Blocker? Continue reading

Saturday Clinic

Yep, today, this very morning as is, we will be workshopping in the SPIRITUAL GAMING mode, and I’ll be showing a sample of how to build in the GoDD™ Engine and how to get into and conduct yourself well within the Bardo Safari training system on the D2 platform.

You can expect closeup screenshots of the mapping and all the technical stuff I do to make the maps for the GoDD™ Engine, and you’ll hear from Claude on what he brings to the table in the GoDD™ Engine.

Look, there’s very little prospect of a good life out in the world these days. The Body Plane is pretty chaotic and downright dangerous for folks who aren’t strictly white Christian stock, and that’s a fact, and it doesn’t matter who’s doing it — you just gotta get outta da way, or get steamrollered into the pavement.

You need a way off of Planet Trump as often as possible, and that’s one of the things I’m offering today — actually, several ways off the planet that don’t involve mayhem and personal risk. Continue reading

Is THIS All There Is???

What if “The Hokey-Pokey” is really what it’s all about, and we’re expected to put our right feet in and out thousands of times a day?

What if Peggy Lee’s song, “Is This All There Is?” really is all there is?

Actually, if those two prospects loom horridly ahead of you, take hope and inspiration. I can absolutely guarantee that neither of those idiotic things are The Actual Meaning of Life.

What if playing Diablo 2 is actually The Point of Life? What if that’s what is called “The Great Work”?

Well, it is. Continue reading

I’m workin’ on it …

Accidentally hit the “publish” button, so if you’re reading this right now, you’ll have to reload the page fairly frequently, about once a minute, or wait until I’ve posted the whole deal, which could be as late as 6 am, breakfast time — although in a dark house unencumbered by electricity, it’s your best guess. That was an “update” just then, if you thought you might have felt something. Continue reading

Three Amigos

This is the entrance to my Zazzle “Labyrinth Readers Society” shops — there are currently five of them, and you’ll land squarely in the spot where you can see all five “bins” or what they call “collections”.

At the moment, I haven’t really organized the items, figuring that the dumpster-diving effect can make things interesting. Everything is just put in there as they came up, so there is no serious attempt at organization, and I’m not sure there ever will be with these unusual collections.

You might find other items equally interesting, especially with the holiday season coming around even sooner than it has in the past. Christmas trees have been for sale at Ben Franklin for over a month now — tremble thou, and be afraid. Continue reading

My $1 Million Christmas Present to YOU

No, I’m not kidding — what I’m laying down here is well worth a million bucks, but most people will never see what it is, nor will they attempt to even explore, let alone master, the contents thereof. So be it — it’s none of my affair, just a traffic accident in the rear-view mirror, and good luck to you when you land. Continue reading

We Have POWER!

We have power once again, plus the electric works, too. I’ve spent the past several days without the internet, so I pushed to get some more buttons out, but not the ordinary kind, not the kind you’d use on youtube to inspire a clicker to click — no, not that kind of button at all. Continue reading