Dream Lucid Trainers


Please allow me to introduce my newest BLUE LINE invention — the DREAM LUCID TRAINER, a series of virtual dreamscapes that you can use to learn to awaken within the dream.

Of course, that implies that you are still IN the dream. If you merely wake up from a nap, that isn’t the same as WAKING UP INSIDE THE DREAM, see?

By the way, if you can wake up INSIDE THE DREAM, you can also probably experience and remember ASTRAL TRAVEL, and while you’re at it, you can use the dreamscape method to revisit past lives, future lives and the Akashic Record, in which is written absolutely everything that ever seems to happen — SEEMS to happen is the best I’ve ever managed in the Reality Department — and if you’re looking to expand your boundaries, and get into a higher realm right now today, this is your ticket to freedom.

So if you’re ever going to wake up inside ANY dream on any level, whether it’s a naptime dream or a sitting, standing walking dream, or you manage to pierce the shell of illusion, it’s going to be WHILE YOU’RE DREAMING.

And hey, one thing you know about lucid dreaming is THAT YOU’RE DREAMING.

That singular fact is very important. Only when you’re dreaming can you dream lucidly or otherwise.

You might not exactly understand, grasp or grok what “lucid” really means, to what it might refer, or how lucid it’s supposed to get, but when you’re dreaming, one thing is certain — you’re dreaming.

That’s what opens the door for you. When you’re lucid dreaming, you’re in the part of your sleep cycle where you’re likeliest to actually be out of body, and that would be just one kind of dream — a flying dream. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 21

Yes, it’s the same graphic as the other one, but this offers lessons, and wisdom, and that’s something you can’t beat on the open market.

The upshot is always a great way to capture the visual attention, and that’s something you should be super-aware of when you use ashram screenshots to create social media marketing buttons like this one.

Keep in mind that you’re trying to create an EXPERIENCE here, not just convey information or techniques.

The whole idea is to USE the time you have to WORK on yourself — it’s free time, something like you had when you were a teenager and young adult.

There was a time when you had the time to study. This is the second, and probably last, completely FREE time you’ll have to study and work.

I’d take advantage of it, unless you think there are going to be a series of catastrophes allowing you some free time? Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 20

I’ll bet you know at least three people who have confessed to you that they think they may have lived in ancient Egypt.

Apart from the thousands or millions who are convinced they lived as Cleopatra, who lived a terrible and tragic life that nobody would deliberately walk into unless they were devoted to power and luxury, most of the returnees you’ll be likely to meet today will be online, including you.

That’s a tremendous advantage. In the very recent past, if you said you had lived before this life, you could be put away in Mother Johnson’s Home for the Criminally Bewildered.

Today, nobody thinks you’re crazy except the occasional Republican and, because they’re unbelievers in the Trump Virus, they’ll stick with the cluster of human beings they’re standing around with on the beach, waiting for the return of spring break.

Ah, humans of Planet Earth — you know I love ’em. They’re supposed to learn to cooperate and get along with each other, that’s the whole plan, and maybe the Trump Virus will do the trick, get them organized and tolerant of one another. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 19

If I ask myself what’s MOST needed in the world of the Trump Virus, the answer always comes up the same — BLESSINGS.

Everything else is shit compared to Blessings. If you’re walking around UNBLESSED, you’re taking your life into your hands.

Take it from me, as sure as I can levitate a few lousy inches off the ground, Blessings are a sure-cure for anything that ails you, and that includes fear, anxiety, frustration, confusion and a whole lot of other really bad things.

Blessings work to cure, to heal, to resolve and to uplift.

That’s a whole lotta payoff from something that you can’t see, feel or touch — but what exactly IS a Blessing?

  • Something lucky should happen to you.
  • May you be protected from illness, harm and calamity.
  • Here’s some positive energy — I hope it does you some good.
  • May you be successful in your endeavor, I hope it works out for you.
  • I hereby shower you with bountiful goodness.

When performing Blessings and Miracles, always keep in mind the First Rule of Dealing With People of Planet Earth — “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 18

PLS Beginner Deck has 30 cards, of which this is the very first.

Can you see a Christmas tree in that photo? Is the little girl riding a new hobby horse, amidst a crowd of Christmas presents including dolls, baskets and books?

If that’s what you see upon first glance, you’ve never taken the PLS course, and you’re missing something in your life.

The PLS course is a way of DEEPENING the life-experience and making it strong and fulfilling and giving you a chance to fulfill your lifetime destiny.

That involves working on yourself, and the sooner you gird your loins to that effort, the better, particularly under the threat of immanent death, as we all experience it now in the time of the Trump Virus. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 17

Bug-Eyed Monster is my favorite rock art character — they run $9.95 each.

This bug-eyed monster is the easiest thing in the world to produce. I drive over to the garden supply place and load up on bags of rocks — I run into NOBODY in the rock dump, and I pay $1 a bag, and I’m home-free.

So now I dig out my glue gun and glue this guy together, then paint the black lines and then the white filler, sign the back with a black Posca pen, and I’m done.

If wanted, a small stand can be included — just glue him or her onto the piece of wood you’ve selected as a base.

I’ve done a number of workshops on this, and there are videos, or you can join one of my ZOOM two-way workshops and I’ll help you develop a style and a group of rock paintings that will SELL.

The real secret is learning how to sell something online, so back to ZOOM and learn some more, sell some more, practice selling, selling, selling, and also practice delivering a good productive workshop, which will in the end bring in more than the selling. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 16

After sickness comes hunger, fear and greed. Get ready to be overrun by city folks looking for FOOD and destroying all FUTURE FOOD as they swarm past the farms, not understanding that it takes a YEAR to bring that food to the table, and what’s more, somebody has to PICK it and PACK it and SHIP it from the farmer to your table.

What you really need in this situation is to find some stable place. A Happy Place is, for the duration, out of the question.

First things first — if you need food, we can grow it here and ship it to you, assuming that shipping is still available at that time, but YOU need to help us help you. It will take at LEAST $3,000 to get started with our raised bed technology and greenhouse manufacture.

That having been said, there’s then the matter of earning a living and not trivial is the question of mental health, so you will need CONTACT. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 15

Dutch Landscape Miniature Nail Art by E.J. Gold.

Can’t wait to get there, eh? I don’t blame ya — here’s the address:

click here to visit my nailery

Isn’t that something? I can put the most intricate things on those nails, just like I used to do with a fine-tipped pen, only these nails are SO much cheaper that I can actually hope to market them.

I also have original painted designs on Feature Nails, but they run $125 a pop, and are actually miniature paintings and ink washes.

If you really want an original Dutch Masters Painted Nail, I’d recommend mounting it in a deep frame. I do that for an additional $125 — the labor is a bitch and I wreck one out of four frames, so if you’re looking for a wrecked frame, check my wrecked frame inventory out back of the shed.

You know that you can add to this product by painting colors onto them? I don’t think it would add anything, but it’s just another way you could add value if you were strapped for another reason to charge more. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 14

Why not make an annoying video humiliating and ridiculing Trump?

It’s easy when you know how. He can’t stand being ridiculed, because his dad did it to him, and he has powerful Daddy Issues.

This is a pretty accurate rendition of the Oval Office — it’s accurate enough to get the idea across, and it makes a great backdrop for any political announcements you’d care to make.

So you’ll notice that I have my own pictures scattered around the space, and a SuperBeacon and a Matrix are on the top of the famous “Resolute” desk.

It’s details like that that make the shot — you can fake all the rest, but you MUST put in the details. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 13

cover screen from my latest action video game from GoddGames.

If you stop to think about it, now that you have a little thinking time on your hands, this is the greatest opportunity to be of service if you have ANY online or digital skills.

You don’t have to go to the rock face and start digging. You’re not laying rail or logging or digging or anything that requires your personal presence at the scene.

The Coronavirus has changed all that, and now, you’re limited to what you can do at your desktop, laptop or smartphone.

Well, Hell, for a game developer, it’s total Heaven.

I developed this “Greatest Witch-Hunt Ever” from Trump’s whining and bitching about him being a total victim of everybody all the time, and in particular, his great enemy, the Media.

It’s because they insist on fact-checking the old fat bastard, and he hates that, because he lies, but only when his lips are moving, and some of us wish they didn’t — make of that what you will.

Speaking of LIPS, I’ll be resurrecting “Killer Lips from Outer Space” as a videogame in the new engine, which means a LOT of changes in the levels, because Claude and Dick have come up with some killer smart bots that will drive the average gamer nuts — a short drive at best. Continue reading